If you want a more meaningful life, say goodbye to these 9 behaviors

Jose Martin by Jose Martin | September 1, 2024, 5:53 pm

Living a meaningful life is all about making choices, and sometimes, it’s easier to start new habits than to drop old ones.

The things you used to do might not be what will help you in the future. It’s important to figure out what’s holding you back and decide to let go of those things.

I’ve found 9 behaviors that can get in the way of a more meaningful life. I want to share these with you, hoping they’ll help you on your journey.

Let’s take a look at these behaviors. If you’re aiming for a more meaningful life, it’s time to start saying goodbye to these 9 habits.

1) Chasing perfection

Perfection is a myth. It’s an illusion that holds us back from reaching our full potential.

We often think that if we just work a bit harder, or get a bit better, we’ll finally reach that elusive state of perfection.

But the truth is, perfection doesn’t exist.

And the pursuit of perfection can lead to unnecessary stress, burnout, and dissatisfaction.

Instead of striving for perfection, aim for progress. Recognize that making mistakes is a part of the learning process.

Embrace your flaws and use them as stepping stones towards personal growth.

This shift in mindset will not only relieve you of the constant pressure to be perfect, but it can also open up space for more joy, satisfaction, and meaning in your life.

So if you want a more meaningful life, let go of the pursuit of perfection. Choose progress over perfection.

2) Overthinking

I’ve always been a thinker.

I found comfort in analyzing situations, weighing pros and cons, and considering all possible outcomes before making a decision.

However, over time, I realized that my overthinking was not only draining but also holding me back from truly living in the moment.

One particular instance that comes to mind is when I was offered a job overseas.

But instead of feeling excited about the opportunity, I found myself consumed with worry and doubt.

What if I didn’t like the new city? What if I couldn’t make new friends? What if I failed in my new role?

Honestly speaking, my mind was flooded with ‘what ifs’ and instead of embracing the opportunity, I was paralyzed by fear.

Ultimately, I decided not to take the job.

And you know what?

While it’s impossible to know what might have happened if I’d gone, one thing is clear: my overthinking robbed me of a potentially life-changing experience.

Overthinking can keep us stuck in our heads, preventing us from taking action and savoring life’s experiences.

It can lead us to focus on potential problems rather than potential opportunities.

Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way and allow yourself to embrace uncertainty.

Life is rich with possibilities when you stop overthinking and start living.

3) Living in the past

Our brains are wired to remember past experiences.

This evolutionary trait was crucial for our ancestors, as it allowed them to learn from their mistakes and avoid danger.

But when we dwell too much on past events, especially negative ones, it can hinder our present and future.

Living in the past prevents us from fully experiencing the present moment. It ties us down to old feelings and circumstances, stopping us from moving forward.

Moreover, a study published in the journal Emotion found that people who tend to ruminate or dwell on the past are more likely to experience depression and anxiety.

Consider this: Learn from your experiences, but don’t let them define you because you’re not what happened to you; you are who you choose to become.

4) Saying yes to everything

We often feel pressured to agree to every request or opportunity that comes our way.

The truth is we fear missing out, disappointing others, or appearing selfish.

But saying yes to everything leaves us with little time for ourselves and the things that truly matter.

Every time we say yes to something, we are potentially saying no to something else.

Since we have a limited amount of time and energy each day, it’s important to choose wisely how we spend it.

Believe it or not, learning to say no can be liberating.

It allows us to prioritize our needs and make choices that align with our values and goals.

It’s not about being selfish; it’s about setting boundaries and respecting your own limitations.

After all, your time is valuable; use it wisely.

5) Comparing yourself to others

In our social media-driven world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison.

We see picture-perfect lives curated online and we can’t help but measure our own lives against them.

But this habit of comparing ourselves to others can be incredibly damaging to our self-esteem and overall happiness.

Comparison is not just the thief of joy, it’s the thief of everything.

It can make us feel inadequate and unsatisfied, even when we have so much to be grateful for.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own journey.

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and learn to appreciate what you have and who you are.

In other words, everyone is fighting their own battles and living their own unique journey. Your only competition should be the person you were yesterday.

6) Ignoring your emotions

Life can be a whirlwind of emotions.

Sometimes, it’s easier to push them aside and put on a brave face. But ignoring our feelings doesn’t make them disappear, it only postpones the inevitable.

Our emotions are our internal compass, guiding us towards what feels right and steering us away from what doesn’t. They are a fundamental part of who we are, and by ignoring them, we are denying a part of ourselves.

I’ve learnt that allowing myself to feel, to truly experience each emotion, whether it’s joy or sorrow, love or anger, brings a sense of authenticity to my life. It makes each moment more meaningful and real.

So if you want a more meaningful life, don’t ignore your emotions. Embrace them. Feel them fully.

They are not your enemies, but your guides.

They remind you that you’re alive, you’re human, and each emotion is a unique piece of your personal journey.

7) Fear of change

For a long time, I was comfortable in my bubble, sticking to routines and avoiding any form of change.

It felt safe and predictable. But over time, I realized that my fear of change was holding me back.

It was keeping me from exploring new opportunities, from growing and evolving.

I remember when a close friend invited me to go backpacking across Europe.

The idea was thrilling but terrifying at the same time.

I had never done anything like that before, and the thought of stepping out of my comfort zone was overwhelming.

But I took the leap. And it turned out to be one of the most enriching experiences of my life.

It taught me that change, while scary, can lead to beautiful destinations.

Fear of change can keep us stuck in a rut, hindering our potential for growth and new experiences.

Embracing change can open us up to new possibilities and a more fulfilling life.

In essence, growth happens outside of your comfort zone so embrace the unfamiliar, and let it guide you towards your true potential.

8) Neglecting self-care

In our busy lives, it’s easy to put everyone and everything else first. 

We often neglect our own needs in the process, thinking that self-care is a luxury we cannot afford.

And you know what? Unexplicably it’s socially accepted! 

But the truth is, self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

When we neglect self-care, we run the risk of burning out.

Here’s the thing, we can’t pour from an empty cup, and when we don’t take time to replenish our own energy, we end up with nothing left to give.

Self-care is not just about bubble baths and spa days. It’s about taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

Instead, it’s about setting boundaries, taking breaks when needed, and doing things that bring you joy.

9) Not living authentically

At the core of a meaningful life is authenticity.

Being true to who you are, honoring your values, and expressing your true self are the bedrock of a fulfilling existence.

Living authentically means rejecting societal expectations that don’t align with who you are. It’s about embracing your uniqueness and letting it shine.

But that’s not all, when we live authentically, we attract people and experiences that align with our true selves.

We live with integrity and create a life that feels genuinely ours.

Make a decision today to be authentic.

There’s only one you in this world, and you owe it to yourself to live a life that’s true to who you are.

Final thoughts: The journey to meaningfulness

As Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, once said, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”

Each of these behaviors we’ve discussed is like a barrier, standing in the way of our true potential and our ability to lead a fulfilling life. By letting go of these behaviors, we’re not just saying goodbye to obstacles; we’re welcoming a life of authenticity, growth, and deeper fulfillment.

Having said that, a meaningful life is not something that happens to us; it’s something we create. It’s about making choices that align with our values, embracing our emotions, and nurturing our relationships.

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