If you recognize these 9 signs, you have more emotional intelligence than the average person

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to navigate the complexities of relationships and personal challenges with remarkable ease?
It’s not just about charisma or raw intelligence—it’s about emotional intelligence (EQ).
Emotional intelligence is much more than just being in touch with your feelings. It involves understanding your emotions, managing them effectively, and being able to empathize with the feelings of others.
This often-overlooked skill can be the secret superpower that enables you to handle life’s ups and downs with grace and empathy.
If you find yourself resonating with the following nine signs, you might just be among those who possess higher emotional intelligence than the average person.
Let’s dive in!
1) You understand and manage your emotions effectively
Emotional intelligence isn’t about suppressing your feelings. Nor is it about being ruled by them.
Instead, it’s about understanding what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it.
If you can identify your emotions and the triggers that set them off, you’re already ahead in the game of emotional intelligence.
But what sets a truly emotionally intelligent person apart is their ability to manage their emotions.
It’s the capacity to sit with an emotion, understand it, and then decide the best course of action rather than reacting impulsively.
Emotions aren’t bad or good; they just are. They’re part of our human experience.
If you find yourself routinely practicing this level of emotional awareness and control, then congratulations! It’s a strong indicator that your emotional intelligence is above average.
2) You’re an empathetic listener
Ever heard of the term ’empathetic listening’?
It’s a concept that’s central to emotional intelligence. Essentially, empathetic listening is about truly understanding the other person’s perspective.
It involves reading between the lines, noticing non-verbal cues, and genuinely trying to understand and feel what the other person is experiencing.
Being an empathetic listener means putting yourself in their shoes, feeling their emotions as if they were your own, and providing support without passing judgment or offering unsolicited advice.
And here’s the best part – if you’re already doing this, then you’re demonstrating a high level of emotional intelligence.
It’s a clear sign that you’re able to step outside your own experiences and connect with others on a deeper level.
3) You know when to detach emotionally
While empathy and emotional engagement are key, there’s also an important place for emotional detachment in emotional intelligence.
Sounds a bit contradictory, doesn’t it?
But here’s the thing – being emotionally intelligent doesn’t mean you’re constantly absorbed in emotions, yours or others. It also involves knowing when it’s necessary to step back and detach emotionally.
Don’t mistake detachment for indifference or lack of caring. It’s about preserving your emotional health and preventing burnout.
It’s about understanding that sometimes, for your own well-being, you need to create emotional boundaries.
This ability to balance emotional involvement and detachment is a sign of high emotional intelligence.
If you’re able to do this, it shows you understand that managing emotions also includes managing your exposure to them — a pretty savvy emotional skill if you ask me!
4) You’re adaptable to change
Ever noticed how well you adapt to changes?
Life is full of unexpected turns, and being adaptable is a sign of high emotional intelligence.
Adaptability comes from a place of acceptance and resilience. It’s about acknowledging the change, understanding the emotional impact it may have, and then finding ways to move forward.
Rather than resisting change or getting overwhelmed by it, emotionally intelligent people embrace it as part of life’s journey. They understand that change can bring growth and new opportunities.
So, if you’re someone who takes changes in stride and uses them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks, you’re showing the world your emotional intelligence.
5) You possess strong social skills
Emotional intelligence isn’t just about understanding and managing your own emotions. It’s also about how well you interact with others. And this, my friend, is where social skills come into play.
People with high emotional intelligence often have strong social skills. They know how to:
- Communicate effectively
- Build strong relationships
- Navigate social situations with ease
- Manage conflicts in a constructive way
These skills don’t just make you a people person. They show that you understand the complexities of human interactions and emotions.
If you possess these skills, it’s likely that your emotional intelligence is higher than average.
6) You’re not afraid of feedback
Let’s face it, we all have that little voice inside us that cringes at the thought of criticism or negative feedback.
But here’s what I’ve learned from my own journey towards emotional intelligence: feedback, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity for growth.
If you’re someone who can take feedback on board without taking it personally, you’re showing a high level of emotional intelligence.
You know why? It means you’re able to separate your self-worth from the criticism and see it as a chance to improve.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about blindly accepting all feedback. It’s about considering the feedback, evaluating its validity, and deciding what action to take.
That’s not something everyone can do!
7) You reflect on your mistakes
Imagine you’ve just made a big mistake at work. Your initial reaction might be to panic, maybe even to place the blame elsewhere.
But what if, instead, you stopped to reflect on what went wrong?
Asking yourself questions like, “What could I have done differently?” or “How can I avoid this in the future?” shows emotional intelligence.
Mistakes aren’t fun, nobody enjoys making them. But they do provide valuable learning opportunities.
If you’re the type of person who can look past the initial discomfort of a mistake and see it as a chance to learn and grow, then you’re demonstrating emotional intelligence.
By reflecting on and learning from your mistakes, you’re showing that you understand the importance of self-improvement and personal growth.
8) You value authenticity
I remember a time when I was trying to fit into a group and ended up losing touch with my own identity. It was exhausting, and honestly, it didn’t make me any happier.
That’s when I realized the importance of authenticity. And that was a huge step for me in terms of building emotional intelligence.
People with high emotional intelligence value authenticity. They understand the importance of being true to themselves, even if it means standing out from the crowd.
Being authentic means embracing your strengths and weaknesses, expressing your thoughts and feelings honestly, and not pretending to be someone you’re not.
It’s about accepting yourself for who you are and presenting that self to the world. It’s about integrity, honesty, and self-respect.
If you’re someone who values authenticity over fitting in or pleasing others, then your emotional intelligence is likely above average.
It shows that you understand your emotions well enough to stay true to them, no matter the circumstances.
9) You practice self-care
And finally, the most crucial sign of high emotional intelligence is a commitment to self-care.
Now, self-care isn’t just about spa days or indulging in your favorite treats. It’s about recognizing when you need a break and giving yourself permission to take it. It involves understanding your limits and respecting them.
This involves taking time for relaxation, pursuing hobbies that make you happy, and ensuring you’re mentally and emotionally healthy.
If you’re someone who understands the importance of self-care and makes it a priority, then congratulations! It’s a strong indication of high emotional intelligence.
So, where do you go from here?
Now that we’ve explored the signs of high emotional intelligence, it’s essential to remember that this isn’t a definitive checklist. Everyone’s journey with emotional intelligence is unique.
But if you’re looking to nurture your emotional intelligence further, here are a few areas you might want to explore:
- Learning about different emotional responses and what triggers them
- Practicing mindfulness meditation to increase self-awareness
- Seeking out constructive feedback and learning from it
- Engaging in activities that promote empathy and understanding
Remember, emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed and improved over time. So be patient with yourself, keep learning, and keep growing.
And in the end, remember this: your journey with emotional intelligence is not about becoming perfect.
It’s about becoming more self-aware, more understanding, and ultimately, more human.
So take some time to reflect, to learn about yourself and others. You might just surprise yourself with how emotionally intelligent you really are.