If you really want to find the right person, let go of these 8 self-sabotaging behaviors

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | December 16, 2024, 4:41 am

Finding the right person often feels like navigating through a maze. But what if I told you, sometimes, it’s our own habits that keep us lost?

You see, self-sabotaging behaviors can act like blinders, preventing us from spotting the right person even when they’re standing right in front of us.

So how about we clear the fog?

In this article, “If you really want to find the right person, let go of these 8 self-sabotaging behaviors”, I’m going to help you identify and drop some of these harmful habits. Because once you do, trust me, finding the right person will become a whole lot easier. So, are you ready for this journey of self-improvement?

1) Overthinking everything

In the quest for love, our biggest enemy can often be our own mind.

Meet overthinking, the potent self-sabotaging behavior that can turn a simple text message into an anxiety-inducing puzzle.

You see, when it comes to finding the right person, overthinking can create problems where none exist. It pushes us to read too much into situations, to second-guess ourselves and others, leading to confusion and misunderstandings.

Ever spent hours analyzing a date’s words or actions? Or found yourself stuck in a loop of ‘what ifs’ about a potential partner? That’s overthinking in action.

Relinquishing overthinking can feel daunting, but it’s a critical step towards finding the right person. After all, love is often found in simplicity and authenticity, not in an overanalyzed text message.

Remember, it’s okay to take things at face value sometimes. Not everything is a coded message waiting to be deciphered. Let the mind games go, and you might just find the clarity you’ve been seeking in your love life.

2) Holding onto past relationships

Let me share a little story with you. Once upon a time, I found myself stuck in a cycle of failed relationships. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to move forward and find the right person.

And then it hit me. I was carrying a heavy load of past relationships, and that baggage was preventing me from truly opening up to new possibilities.

I was comparing every new person with my past partners, replaying old hurts, and anticipating the same disappointments. It was like trying to drive forward while constantly looking in the rearview mirror.

The moment I decided to let go of my past relationships, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was like shedding a heavy backpack that I’d been lugging around for too long.

Only then was I able to see potential partners for who they truly were, not through the filter of my past experiences. And guess what? That’s when I found the right person.

So if you’re trapped in a similar cycle, it might be time to let go of those past relationships. It’s not easy, but it’s a crucial step towards finding the person who’s truly right for you.

3) Neglecting self-care

You might be surprised to know that the health of our relationships is often directly tied to how well we take care of ourselves. It’s a concept rooted in psychology, but it makes sense, doesn’t it?

When we neglect self-care, we’re not at our best. We may become irritable, less patient, and less understanding. These aren’t exactly the traits that attract the right person into our lives.

But when we prioritize self-care – be it physical, emotional, or mental – we radiate positivity and confidence. We’re happier, more patient, more empathetic. And those qualities? They’re highly attractive.

So if you’ve been skimping on self-care in your search for the right person, it’s time to switch gears. Start nurturing yourself and watch how it positively impacts your relationships.

4) Fear of vulnerability

Oh, the fear of vulnerability. It’s a common self-sabotaging behavior that keeps us from truly connecting with others.

Why? Because opening up to someone means showing our true, authentic selves – the good, the bad, and everything in between. And that can be scary.

But here’s the thing: vulnerability is where the magic happens. It’s where deep connections are made.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we invite others to do the same. We create a safe space for authenticity, understanding, and trust – all vital ingredients for a strong relationship.

So if you’ve been holding back from being vulnerable, it’s time to let go of that fear. Remember, finding the right person means finding someone who appreciates you for who you truly are, imperfections and all.

5) Setting unrealistic expectations

We all have a picture in our minds of what the right person should be like. Sometimes, it’s a picture painted by society, by movies, or even by our past experiences.

This image can sometimes turn into a checklist of unrealistic expectations. And when we hold onto these too tightly, we might overlook someone wonderful simply because they don’t tick all the boxes.

It’s important to understand that nobody’s perfect – not you, not me, not anyone. We’re all beautifully flawed in our own unique ways.

Finding the right person doesn’t mean finding a flawless person. It means finding someone whose strengths balance your weaknesses and vice versa. Someone who accepts you for who you are and whose company makes you feel at home.

So let’s loosen the grip on those unrealistic expectations. Let’s embrace the beauty of imperfection and give love a chance to surprise us.

6) Rushing the process

I’ll admit, there were times when I was so eager to find the right person that I tried to rush the process.

I’d meet someone new and immediately start planning our future together, overlooking red flags and ignoring my own gut instincts. It was like trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

But love isn’t something that can be rushed or forced. True, lasting connections take time to build. They require patience, understanding, and most importantly, they need to grow at their own pace.

So if you’re feeling impatient in your search for the right person, take a deep breath. Slow down. Let things unfold naturally. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.

7) Ignoring your own values

Values are like our inner compass, guiding us in the direction that aligns with who we truly are. But sometimes, in our pursuit of love, we might find ourselves compromising on these values.

Perhaps it’s because we’re trying to fit into someone else’s world. Or maybe we’re trying to make someone fit into ours. Either way, when we ignore our own values, we’re not being true to ourselves.

Finding the right person doesn’t mean compromising on what’s important to you. It means finding someone who respects and aligns with your values.

So if you’ve been setting your values aside, it’s time to pick them back up. They’re a part of who you are, and the right person will appreciate you for that.

8) Doubting your self-worth

This is, perhaps, the most damaging self-sabotaging behavior of them all. Doubting your own worth can lead to settling for less than you deserve or pushing away those who truly value you.

Your self-worth is not defined by your relationship status or by how others perceive you. It’s intrinsic. It’s unchanging. And it’s high time you recognized it.

Finding the right person starts with recognizing your own worth and knowing that you deserve love and respect. Once you believe in your own worth, you set the standard for how others should treat you.

Remember, you are worthy of love, just as you are. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise, least of all yourself.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey

The journey to finding the right person is exactly that, a journey. It’s not a race or a competition. It’s a voyage of self-discovery, growth, and understanding.

On this journey, it’s crucial to remember that the most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. If you’re not at peace with who you are, it becomes challenging to find someone who complements you.

The eight self-sabotaging behaviors we’ve explored are not uncommon. We all grapple with them at one point or another. But the first step towards change is recognizing them and then consciously working towards letting them go.

Remember, our behaviors and habits are not set in stone. They’re flexible and moldable. With effort and patience, we can change them to better serve us and our quest for love.

So as you reflect on these insights, don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re human, and it’s okay to stumble and fall. What matters is that you pick yourself up, learn from your missteps, and continue moving forward.

Finding the right person could be just around the corner or a few miles down the road. But no matter how long it takes or how tough it gets, always remember to stay true to yourself. Because at the end of the day, that’s who the right person is going to fall in love with – the real, authentic you.