If you notice these 7 patterns of behavior in someone, they’re more manipulative than you realize

Have you ever felt like someone in your life was being just a little bit too crafty? Like they always got their way, no matter the situation?
They might not just be persuasive or lucky. They could be more manipulative than you ever realized.
It’s not always easy to spot, but there are signs.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Manipulative? No way, not my friend.”
But trust me, sometimes those closest to us are the ones we need to watch out for the most.
You see, manipulation isn’t always as obvious as we think. It can be subtle, almost invisible, if you don’t know what to look out for.
So, if you’ve ever questioned, “How can I tell if someone is trying to manipulate me?” buckle up.
I’m about to take you through a few telltale patterns of behavior that could signify a master manipulator in your midst.
Keep reading. This might just change the way you see things—and people —from here on out.
1) They always play the victim
Some people always seem to be the victim. No matter what happens, they’re always on the receiving end of life’s injustices.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Bad things happen to good people all the time.
But if you notice that someone constantly paints themselves as the victim, be cautious. This is because manipulative people often use this technique to gain sympathy and control others’ reactions.
By playing the victim, they can make you feel guilty for not siding with them or for not doing what they want.
So next time someone always seems to be at the mercy of others, take a step back. It might not be circumstance, but manipulation.
2) They never take responsibility
This point brings me back to a memory from my past.
There was this friend I had, let’s call him John. John was charismatic, fun, and always the life of the party.
But there was one thing about John that always struck me as odd. He never took responsibility for anything that went wrong. It was always someone else’s fault.
The time he lost his job? His boss had it in for him. His girlfriend left him? She was just too demanding. He forgot my birthday? Well, I should have reminded him.
See what I’m getting at?
People who are manipulative have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions. Instead, they shift the blame onto others to avoid any negative consequences.
If you’re dealing with someone who never seems to own up to their mistakes, you might be dealing with a manipulator.
3) They know your weaknesses and use them
Manipulative people aren’t just randomly mean; they didn’t wake up one day and decided to make life difficult for others. No, they’re often far more calculated than that.
They study you. They understand you. They know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, and more importantly, what makes you vulnerable.
And they use this information to their advantage.
Maybe they know that you’re desperate to feel loved, so they shower you with affection one moment, only to withhold it the next.
Or they know that you hate conflict, so they create dramatic situations knowing that you’ll do anything to restore peace.
It’s a game to them, and they’re playing to win.
So, if someone seems to know just how to push your buttons in order to get what they want from you, take a good hard look at their intentions. It could be a sign of manipulation.
4) They use guilt to control you
Guilt is a powerful emotion. It can make us do things we wouldn’t normally do, and manipulative people know this all too well.
It’s like this.
They might bring up past mistakes you’ve made in order to make you feel bad, or they might exaggerate how much they’ve helped you in the past to make you feel indebted to them.
The goal is always the same: to make you feel guilty so you’ll be more likely to do what they want.
So if someone constantly makes you feel guilty, especially when it seems like they’re trying to get something from you, be wary.
This could be a sign that they’re attempting to manipulate you.
5) They gaslight you
Gaslighting is a term that originates from a 1938 play called “Gas Light,” where a husband manipulates his wife into believing she’s losing her mind to cover up his criminal activities.
In the real world, gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where someone makes you question your own sanity, perceptions, or memories.
It’s like this.
They might deny things that have definitely happened or contradict themselves without batting an eye. You’re left feeling confused and doubting your own recollections.
So, if you often find yourself questioning your reality around someone, you might just be being gaslit.
And that, my friend, is a major sign of a manipulator in action.
6) They make you feel inadequate
Now, this one’s close to my heart.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, has the right to make you feel inferior or worthless. Yet, manipulators often do just that.
They might belittle your achievements, constantly criticize you, or compare you unfavorably to others.
It can be subtle, a jab here or a sarcastic comment there, but over time it can really undermine your self-esteem.
But remember this.
You’re worth far more than their words or actions could ever define. If someone consistently makes you feel less than, it’s not a reflection of you but of them and their manipulative tendencies.
So stand tall, know your worth, and don’t let anyone use your kindness as a weakness.
7) They’re always testing your boundaries
Manipulators are boundary pushers. They have a knack for seeing just how far they can go before you’ll push back.
They’ll make inappropriate comments, ask for unreasonable favors, or invade your personal space.
It’s their way of gaining control and asserting dominance.
If you notice someone constantly testing your limits, don’t ignore it. It’s a blatant sign of manipulation, and it’s your cue to stand firm and establish your boundaries clearly.
The takeaway
Recognizing these signs is the first step towards liberating yourself from the clutches of manipulation.
It’s not always easy to spot, and it’s even harder to confront. But remember – acknowledging it is already a massive leap forward.
You’re not at fault if you’ve been manipulated. Manipulators are skilled at what they do, and they can ensnare even the most cautious among us.
The key lies in building awareness, establishing boundaries, and trusting your instincts. If something feels off, there’s a good chance it might be.
Every step you take towards reclaiming your power and autonomy is a victory.