If you expect these 9 things in a man, you have unrealistically high standards

We all have our checklist for finding Prince Charming, am I right? But here’s the scoop: There’s a thin line between having standards and setting the bar impossibly high.
Navigating this line can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack, especially in the quest for Mr. Right. We all dream of someone who checks off every box, but what happens when our list starts resembling the fine print of a legal contract?
Being selective is one thing, but expecting a man to juggle a laundry list of requirements might just leave you swiping left forever.
In this article, we’re going to get real about the 9 expectations that might signal your standards have gone a tad overboard. Time for some introspection, ladies. Let’s dig in and decode the dating matrix!
1) Perfection personified
We’ve all heard of the perfect man – the one who is handsome, successful, sensitive, kind, and has a sparkling personality to round it all off. But here’s the reality check: perfection is a myth.
Expecting a man to embody perfection at all times is not just unrealistic, it’s also unfair. Everyone has flaws; it’s what makes us human. Demanding flawlessness in a partner puts undue pressure on them and sets you both up for disappointment.
Aim for a good man, not a perfect one. Remember, it’s about finding someone who is perfect for you, not perfect in general. And that involves accepting their flaws and imperfections.
2) Mind reader
I remember there was a time when I expected my partner to always know what I was thinking and feeling, without me having to explain. I justified this by saying, “If he truly loves me, he should know what’s on my mind”.
Here’s a reality check: Expecting a man to be a mind reader is not only unrealistic, it’s also unfair. Communication is key in any relationship and expecting him to always know what’s going on in your head without you expressing it is setting him up for failure.
I’ve learnt the hard way that this expectation leads to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. Now, I focus on clear and open communication, rather than expecting my partner to magically decipher my thoughts and feelings.
3) The epitome of romance
Hollywood and romantic novels have painted a picture of men as knights in shining armor, always ready to sweep us off our feet with grand romantic gestures.
However, studies show that men and women often express love in different ways.
While women may gravitate towards grand declarations of love and unexpected romantic gestures, numerous men convey their affection through acts of service: whether it’s tackling household repairs, lending a hand with chores, or merely being a reliable presence when needed.
Anticipating perpetual over-the-top romantic gestures might lead to disregarding the quieter, yet equally meaningful, demonstrations of your partner’s affection.
4) The ultimate provider
There’s a traditional belief that men should be the main breadwinners of the family. While it’s not wrong to want a man who’s financially stable, expecting him to solely shoulder all financial responsibilities is an unrealistic expectation in today’s world.
Financial stability is a shared responsibility in modern relationships. Both partners contribute to the household, whether it’s through income, homemaking, caring for children, or a combination of these.
Expecting a man to be the ultimate provider puts undue pressure on him and disregards your role in achieving financial stability. Here’s the thing: Shared responsibility fosters mutual respect and empowers each other to thrive independently.
5) Always agrees with you
It’s easy to think that the perfect relationship is one where your man agrees with everything you say. But let’s face it, that’s not a relationship, that’s a mirror.
A healthy relationship thrives on differences of opinion, which lead to stimulating conversations and personal growth. Expecting your man to always agree with you can stifle his individuality and turn the relationship into a monologue rather than a dialogue.
If you’re expecting your man to always be on the same page as you, it might be time to reevaluate. Don’t forget that it’s through our differences that we learn and grow together.
6) Forever young
We all age – it’s an inevitable part of life. Yet, there’s an unrealistic expectation that a man should forever remain as youthful and energetic as he was when you first met him.
But changes – in energy levels, interests, and even physical appearance – are part of the journey. It’s how we grow and evolve as individuals and as couples.
Expecting him to perpetually embody the youthful version you first fell for is not just impractical—it disregards the beauty of evolving together, embracing life’s changes, and relishing the depth that time and shared experiences bring to your relationship.
7) No personal space
I used to think that spending every waking moment together was the sign of a strong relationship. I wanted my partner to share everything with me and vice versa.
But over time, I realized that even in a relationship, personal space is crucial. Everyone needs time to themselves, to pursue their own interests, or simply to unwind.
Demanding a man to share space with you 24/7 not only breeds suffocation but also brews resentment. Give space! Respect his autonomy as you’d crave your own. It’s the golden rule of relationships: honor boundaries to foster harmony and keep the flame burning bright.
8) Man of constant cheer
Expecting a man to always be in high spirits, regardless of what’s happening in his life, is an unrealistic expectation.
Just like you, he has ups and downs, good days and bad days. He’s human, after all. Expecting him to constantly be the life of the party disregards his feelings and experiences.
A real relationship involves being there for each other, through the highs and lows. You need to give him space to express his feelings, just as you would want him to do for you.
9) Never makes a mistake
Mistakes are a part of life. They’re how we learn and grow. Expecting perfection from a man denies his humanity—it’s like asking a bird never to stumble mid-flight.
Just like you, he’s bound to mess up sometimes. Embracing those flaws and quirks is key to building empathy and understanding. After all, without that solid foundation of trust, the whole relationship can feel a bit shaky, don’t you think?
Keep in mind that it’s through mistakes that individuals evolve, deepening connections through shared vulnerability and forgiveness.
The beauty of realism
In the pursuit of love, it’s vital to strike a balance between holding standards and harboring unrealistic expectations.
While it’s natural to desire certain qualities in a partner, setting expectations too high can lead to perpetual disappointment and missed opportunities for meaningful connections.
By reevaluating these 9 expectations, you pave the way for more authentic and fulfilling relationships, where acceptance and appreciation thrive in the space between expectation and reality. Remember, love is found in the imperfect, the unexpected, and the beautifully human.
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