If you check your phone as soon as you wake up each morning, you probably display these 8 traits

Avatar by Lachlan Brown | November 14, 2024, 1:51 pm

Let’s be real, if you’re like me, the first thing you do when you wake up is to reach for your phone. Maybe it’s a habit, maybe it’s FOMO, or maybe you’re just a tech junkie.

But have you ever wondered what this seemingly innocent habit says about you?

Well, I’ve done some digging and turns out, hitting that phone first thing in the morning might reveal more about your personality than you think.

So, just for fun, let’s dive into these 8 traits that early morning phone-checkers like us might share. Trust me, you won’t need to scroll Instagram for this one.

1) Early riser

We all know that person who springs out of bed at the crack of dawn, ready to seize the day.

It turns out that if you’re reaching for your phone as soon as your eyes flutter open, you might be one of these early birds too.

People check their phones immediately after waking up are typically early risers. This doesn’t necessarily dictate productivity or success, but it does indicate a desire to get a head start on the day.

This trait isn’t necessarily good or bad, but it’s worth knowing how your morning habits might be indicative of your broader lifestyle.

2) Connected

I’ve always been the kind of person who values connection and communication. If you’re like me, reaching for the phone first thing in the morning might be a sign that you’re wired the same way.

I remember one morning, I woke up to a pile of messages from a friend who lives in another time zone. She’d had a rough day and needed someone to talk to.

I was glad I’d checked my phone and was able to provide some comfort.

This drive to stay connected can be a double-edged sword though. It can mean you’re great at maintaining relationships, but it can also mean you struggle to set boundaries.

Finding that balance is key, but knowing that you lean towards connection can be a valuable insight into your character.

3) Instant gratification

Diving into the digital world first thing in the morning might indicate a tendency towards seeking instant gratification.

This is closely linked to our brain’s dopamine system – the neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure.

When you check your phone and see a new like, comment, or message, your brain releases dopamine. This creates a loop that makes you want to repeat the action.

Essentially, every time you get a notification, you’re training your brain to crave more.

And here’s something you need to know – Over time, this constant need for quick rewards can make it harder to focus on tasks that require patience and sustained attention, ultimately impacting your productivity and mental well-being.

4) Lack of mindfulness

One of the core teachings in Buddhism is mindfulness – the ability to be fully present and engaged with our current experience.

Now, if you’re reaching for your phone the moment you wake up, it might suggest a struggle with practicing mindfulness.

In my book, “Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego”, I delve into how our modern technology habits can often pull us away from being fully present in our lives.

Waking up and immediately submerging yourself in the digital world might be pulling you away from a moment of peace and calm that could set the tone for your entire day.

By understanding this concept, it could open the door to exploring new ways of starting your day.

Maybe tomorrow, instead of reaching for your phone, you might consider taking a few deep breaths and setting an intention for your day. A little mindfulness can go a long way.

5) Fear of missing out

FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, is real.

I’ll be honest, there have been times when I’ve woken up in the middle of the night, unable to resist the urge to check my phone. I’d worry about a missed message or an important email that couldn’t wait until morning.

If you’re reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, it might be because you too, are afraid of being left out of the loop.

This can stem from a desire to always be up-to-date and involved, but research shows that FOMO can increase stress and anxiety.

Know that it’s okay to disconnect sometimes. The world won’t stop turning if you decide to start your day with a cup of tea instead of a scroll through your notifications.

6) Procrastinator

Now this one might seem a bit counter-intuitive. You would think that checking your phone first thing in the morning means you’re on top of things, right?

Not always.

If your first instinct is to reach for your phone, it could be a sign of procrastination.

Instead of getting up and dealing with the day’s tasks, you might find yourself scrolling through social media or reading emails – effectively delaying the start of your day.

This is because procrastination is due to self-regulation failure; we tend to prioritize quick distractions that feel easy or satisfying over tasks that require more effort or focus.

Reaching for your phone becomes an instant escape, pushing off responsibilities for just a bit longer and setting a passive tone for the rest of the day.

7) High energy

If you’re the type who’s checking your phone before you’ve even kicked off the covers, chances are, you’re a high-energy person. You’re eager to get started, to connect, to find out what’s new and what’s next.

Your phone is a portal to the world, and you’re ready to dive in headfirst. This zest for life and thirst for knowledge is a great trait, it shows curiosity and enthusiasm.

But remember, it’s also crucial to keep this energy in check.

It’s important to balance your eagerness with moments of calm and relaxation. After all, even the highest energy individuals need time to recharge their batteries.

8) Sensitive to stress

Checking your phone first thing in the morning could indicate a higher sensitivity to stress.

Research shows that the constant flow of information, updates and notifications can stimulate a stress response, making you feel like you always have to be “on”. 

This heightened state can impact your overall well-being, including messing up your sleep patterns, and thus, it should not be overlooked.

Paying attention to how your habits affect your stress levels is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

At the end of the day: It’s all about balance

If you find yourself resonating with any of these traits, consider small changes to reclaim your mornings.

In my book, “Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego”, I delve into the importance of maintaining balance in our lives. Our digital habits play a big role in this.

Try giving yourself a few moments of screen-free time to ease into the day, or set a specific time for checking your notifications.

Making mindful adjustments can help you start your day with more intention, setting a balanced and positive tone for whatever lies ahead.

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