If someone uses these 10 phrases, they’re probably a closet narcissist

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | July 7, 2024, 4:02 pm

Ever run into someone who seems normal but secretly thinks they’re the bee’s knees? Yep, we’re talking about closet narcissists.

Unlike your run-of-the-mill narcissists who flaunt their self-obsession, these folks are slick. They hide their love for themselves so well, you might not notice until you’re in too deep.

But fear not! We’ve done some detective work and put together a list of 10 phrases closet narcissists often use.

Ready to crack the code? Buckle up and let’s dive into the world of hidden narcissism. You might just unmask someone you know!

1) “I don’t make mistakes”

Ever heard someone say, “I don’t make mistakes”? If yes, then raise your guard.

This phrase is a classic sign of a closet narcissist. They believe they are perfect and incapable of making errors. It’s not that they never mess up; it’s just that they never admit it.

After all, admitting a mistake would shatter their illusion of perfection, wouldn’t it?

2) “No one does it better than me”

This phrase is a dead giveaway.

Closet narcissists truly believe they’re the best at everything they do. It’s not just confidence; it’s an over-inflated sense of superiority.

They believe they’re the ultimate authority and everyone else is just not up to par. If you hear this phrase often, consider it a red flag!

3) “I knew that would happen”

Sounds familiar?

This was something my old friend used to say all the time. It’s like they had this magical crystal ball that predicted everything.

In reality, it was just their way of seeming superior and smarter than everyone else. They always had to be right, even about things that were unpredictable.

4) “I’m not being selfish, I’m just taking care of myself”

This is a phrase that often disguises a closet narcissist’s self-centeredness as self-care.

People who score high on narcissism are more likely to perceive their own behavior as self-care rather than selfishness.

This allows them to justify putting their own needs and desires above others’.

5) “You’re too sensitive”

This phrase is often used by closet narcissists to undermine your feelings and experiences.

Instead of validating your emotions, they label you as overly sensitive, making you second-guess your reactions.

This is not just dismissive, but it’s also a way for them to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Remember, your feelings are valid and anyone who makes you feel otherwise might just be a closet narcissist!

6) “I’m just brutally honest”

That’s how my ex-colleague used to justify his hurtful words.

The way he saw it, he was doing everyone a favor by cutting through the sugarcoating.

But in reality, he was using honesty as an excuse to belittle others and boost his own ego.

Pay attention, there’s a fine line between being honest and being cruel.

7) “I deserve better”

Well, who doesn’t? But when this phrase is constantly on repeat, it’s time to take notice.

Closet narcissists aren’t just seeking better; they believe they’re entitled to it. They think the world owes them, whether it’s a better job, a better partner, or a better life. And they’re not afraid to step over others to get what they want.

It’s a raw and brutal reality of their narcissism. So, if someone is constantly playing the ‘deserving’ card, it might be time to reassess their character.

8) “People are just jealous of me”

Do you know someone who believes, “People are just jealous of me”?

Well, narcissists often perceive jealousy from others even when it’s not there.

They think their greatness is so apparent that others can’t help but be envious. This delusion feeds their ego and reinforces their self-perceived superiority.

9) “I don’t need anyone”

That’s what my old neighbor used to say.

She prided herself on her independence to the point of dismissing the value of relationships and connections.

Over time, I realized it was her way of protecting her ego, her way of saying that she was superior and self-sufficient.

Beware of such people who dismiss the importance of others in their life, they might be closet narcissists trying to mask their need for admiration and importance.

10) “I’m always the victim”

It’s a tough phrase to hear, isn’t it?

People who constantly see themselves as victims are often trying to evade responsibility for their actions.

It’s a raw and honest look at how closet narcissists manipulate situations. They twist narratives to paint themselves as the innocent party, often leaving a trail of confused and hurt people in their wake.