If someone is a natural at getting people to like them, they’ll demonstrate these 9 behaviors

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | May 28, 2024, 8:13 am

Some people just have a knack for making themselves likable, don’t they?

They can walk into a room and instantly draw everyone in.

This isn’t about manipulation or trickery, it’s about genuine likability.

And believe it or not, it’s not some elusive trait only a select few are born with.

There are actual behaviors that these naturally likable people exhibit.

Curious to know what these behaviors are?

Looking to increase your likability factor?

Well, you’re in the right place!

I’m going to delve into the 9 behaviors that those who are naturally good at getting people to like them demonstrate. 

1) They listen

Ever notice how those with a natural knack for being liked are often the best listeners?

It’s no coincidence.

Being a good listener is a powerful way to create rapport and foster a sense of connection.

When someone feels heard, they feel valued and important, which naturally draws them towards the person making them feel that way.

These likable folks understand that there’s more to listening than simply waiting for their turn to speak.

They give their full attention, show genuine interest, and respond in a way that demonstrates they’ve truly understood.

So, if you want to increase your likability, start by honing your listening skills.

It’s not just about hearing the words; it’s about understanding the emotion behind them.

Make others feel heard, and you’ll be well on your way to winning them over.

2) They show empathy

I’ve always admired people who can put themselves in others’ shoes and understand their feelings.

This is a trait I’ve seen in every naturally likable person I’ve met.

Let me share a little story.

I once had a colleague, Kate.

She had this incredible ability to empathize with others.

Whenever anyone had a problem, personal or professional, they’d go to Kate.

And she never brushed them off or gave generic advice.

She listened, empathized, and offered support in any way she could.

One day, I was having a particularly rough day.

I was feeling overwhelmed with work and had just received some bad news on the personal front.

Kate noticed something was off and approached me.

She didn’t offer solutions or tell me things would get better.

Instead, she simply said, “I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It must be tough.”

That simple act of empathy meant the world to me that day.

It didn’t solve my problems, but it made me feel less alone in dealing with them.

So if you want to be more likable, practice empathy.

Show people that you genuinely care about their feelings and experiences.

Trust me, it makes a huge difference.

3) They’re genuine

People who are naturally likable don’t put on airs or pretend to be someone they’re not.

They’re authentic, real, and unpretentious.

This might be because humans are surprisingly good at detecting insincerity.

Genuine people don’t hide their flaws or pretend to be perfect.

They’re comfortable with who they are and aren’t afraid to show it.

This authenticity instantly makes them more relatable and likable.

4) They’re positive

Have you ever noticed how some people just radiate positivity?

These are the ones who always seem to have a smile on their face, a kind word to say, and an optimistic outlook on life.

Naturally likable people tend to be these positivity magnets.

They manage to find the silver lining even in the most challenging situations and this mindset is infectious.

It’s hard not to feel uplifted around someone who’s exuding such positive vibes.

But it’s not about being unrealistically cheerful all the time.

It’s about having a generally positive demeanor, focusing on solutions rather than problems, and encouraging others to do the same.

5) They respect others

Respect is a cornerstone of likability.

People who are naturally good at getting others to like them understand the importance of treating everyone with respect, regardless of their status or background.

They make a point of acknowledging others’ contributions, appreciating their efforts, and valuing their opinions.

They don’t interrupt when others are speaking, and they don’t belittle or dismiss others’ ideas.

Importantly, they also respect people’s boundaries.

They understand that everyone has their own comfort zones and they don’t try to push these boundaries without consent.

Being respectful makes people feel valued and appreciated, which naturally increases your likability.

So remember, a little respect goes a long way!

6) They’re generous

Generosity is a trait that’s deeply admired and appreciated in our society.

And it’s not just about giving money or material gifts.

It’s about being generous with your time, your knowledge, your support, and your kindness.

People who are naturally good at getting others to like them tend to be these big-hearted individuals.

They’re the ones who are always ready to lend a hand, share a resource, or offer a word of encouragement when someone needs it.

This kind of generosity touches hearts and creates a deep sense of gratitude and affection towards the giver.

It’s an act of love that speaks volumes about who you are as a person.

So next time you have the opportunity to help someone out, take it.

Not only will it make their day better, but it will also increase your likability in their eyes.

After all, few things are as endearing as a generous heart.

7) They’re approachable

I remember a time when I was new to a city and didn’t know anyone. It was intimidating, to say the least.

Then I met Mike.

He had a warm smile, open body language, and an inviting demeanor that instantly made me feel comfortable.

Mike wasn’t just polite; he was genuinely interested in getting to know me.

He asked about my background, my interests, and even my fears about moving to a new place.

His approachability made me feel welcome and less alone in a strange city.

Naturally likable people, like Mike, are approachable.

They’re easy to talk to and make you feel at ease around them.

They use open body language, maintain eye contact, and show genuine interest in the conversation.

8) They value relationships

People who are naturally good at getting others to like them understand the importance of relationships.

They don’t see people as transactions or stepping stones, but as individuals with their own unique stories and experiences.

They invest time and effort into building strong, meaningful connections.

They remember important details about people’s lives, make it a point to check in on them, and are there for them when they need support.

This focus on relationships not only makes them likable but also helps them build a strong network of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who hold them in high regard.

So if you want to be more likable, make your relationships a priority.

Treat each interaction as an opportunity to connect on a deeper level, and watch as your likability soars!

9) They’re themselves

At the end of the day, people who are naturally likable are just that – natural.

They don’t put on a facade or try to be someone they’re not.

They’re comfortable in their own skin, and this authenticity shines through in every interaction.

Being yourself might sound simple, but it’s arguably the most powerful way to be likable.

Authenticity fosters trust, connection, and respect – the building blocks of likability.

So embrace who you are.

Celebrate your quirks, your passions, and your individuality.

Because being true to yourself is the best way to be likable.

It’s all about connection

As we delve into the complexities of human interactions, one thing becomes clear – it’s all about connection.

Whether it’s through empathy, authenticity, or a generous spirit, likable people know how to make others feel seen, heard, and valued.

They understand that at the core of likability is the ability to form genuine connections with others.

So if you’re aiming to be more likable, focus on fostering authentic connections.

Listen more, empathize often, respect always, and be true to yourself.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about being liked – it’s about building meaningful relationships that enrich your life and the lives of those around you.