If someone displays these 9 traits, they’re really intelligent

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | July 15, 2024, 9:32 pm

Intelligence. It’s not just about acing your exams or being a whizz at crossword puzzles.

Real intelligence manifests in various ways, some of which might surprise you.

The truly intelligent folks have certain traits that set them apart.

I’m going to share with you these key traits I’ve noticed in all the super smart people I know.

So, keep reading to find out what these 9 traits are, and see if you recognize them in yourself or those around you.

1) Curious and open-minded

Intelligence isn’t just about knowing a lot of facts.

In my experience, the truly intelligent people are always curious. They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a deep-seated drive to understand the world around them.

This often manifests as an openness to new ideas and experiences. They’re not afraid to question their own beliefs, or to consider perspectives that differ from their own.

Intelligent people know that the key to growth is learning, and they’re constantly seeking out opportunities to do just that.

This trait of curiosity and open-mindedness is a hallmark of intelligence. It reflects an understanding that there’s always more to learn, more to discover, and more ways to grow.

2) They’re adaptable

Another trait I’ve noticed in intelligent people is adaptability.

They seem to have this knack for adjusting to new situations and challenges with ease. It’s almost like they’re wired to thrive in change, while others might struggle or resist.

I remember a friend of mine, Mike. Now, Mike was the kind of person who could be dropped into any situation and find a way to not just survive, but prosper.

When he was laid off from his job in finance, he didn’t wallow in self-pity. Instead, he took it as an opportunity to pursue a passion project he’d been thinking about for years.

Within months, he’d launched his own successful online business, something completely different from his previous career.

Mike’s ability to pivot and adapt to a challenging situation was not just impressive, it was a clear sign of his intelligence.

3) They value alone time

Intelligent people often value their alone time. This isn’t to say they’re antisocial, but they understand the importance of solitude for deep thinking, reflection, and personal growth.

In fact, there’s a strong link between intelligence and a preference for solitary activities.

This might be because intelligent people are better able to entertain themselves with their thoughts, and use solitude as an opportunity to explore new ideas or solve complex problems.

So, if you see someone who seems to enjoy their own company, and uses their alone time productively, it’s likely they possess a high degree of intelligence.

4) They’re highly observant

The truly intelligent people I’ve met have always been incredibly observant. They notice things that others might overlook.

They catch the subtle nuances in a conversation, or pick up on the small details in their surroundings.

This keen observation often enables them to understand situations more deeply and respond more effectively.

For instance, they might notice that a colleague is feeling down, even if they’re trying to hide it.

Or, they might spot a potential problem in a project before anyone else, just because they were paying closer attention.

Being highly observant is a sign of intelligence because it involves being present and attentive, and making connections that others might miss. It’s a trait that serves well in both personal and professional life.

5) They ask thoughtful questions

Have you ever noticed how intelligent people ask really good questions?

They’re not just interested in surface-level information. They probe deeper, asking thoughtful and insightful questions that often lead to a better understanding of the topic at hand.

This is because intelligent people aren’t just content with what they know, they’re always seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding.

And they know that one of the best ways to do this is by asking the right questions.

It’s not just about gathering information, but also about challenging assumptions and sparking meaningful discussions.

6) They show empathy

Intelligence isn’t just about intellectual capacity. It’s also about emotional intelligence, and a key part of that is empathy.

The ability to understand and share the feelings of others is a trait I’ve consistently noticed in intelligent people.

They can put themselves in someone else’s shoes, see things from their perspective, and respond with compassion and kindness.

Empathy allows them to build deeper connections with others, navigate social situations more effectively, and contribute positively to their communities.

In a world that can often feel divided, the capacity for empathy is a truly valuable trait.

It’s a sign not just of intelligence, but of a deep-seated understanding of our shared human experience.

7) They embrace failure

Failure. It’s a word that many of us dread. But the most intelligent people I know don’t fear failure, they embrace it.

I remember when I was starting my first business. I was terrified of making mistakes, of failing. But then I met a mentor who had a completely different perspective on failure.

He explained that every failure was an opportunity to learn something new, to grow, and to become better. He told me about his own failures, how they had shaped him and helped him succeed in the long run.

This perspective completely changed the way I approached my business and my life. I’ve since learned to see failure not as a setback, but as a stepping stone towards success.

8) They’re self-disciplined

Intelligence isn’t just about how much you know or how quickly you can solve a problem.

It’s also about your ability to control your behavior and direct your actions towards achieving your goals.

In my observations, highly intelligent people often have a high degree of self-discipline.

They set goals for themselves, and they have the determination and perseverance to stick with them, even when things get tough.

They understand that success isn’t just about intelligence or talent, but also about hard work and persistence.

They’re willing to put in the effort and make the sacrifices necessary to achieve their goals.

9) They’re lifelong learners

Perhaps the most significant trait of truly intelligent people is their commitment to lifelong learning.

They understand that there’s always more to learn, more to understand, and more ways to grow.

They don’t see learning as something that ends with school or college, but as a continuous process that spans their entire life.

This commitment to lifelong learning is what keeps them curious, open-minded, and constantly evolving.

It’s what fuels their drive for knowledge and their passion for understanding the world.

So remember, the next time you meet someone who is always eager to learn something new, you’re likely in the presence of a highly intelligent individual.

Final thoughts: Intelligence is multifaceted

When we speak about intelligence, it’s important to remember that it’s a complex, multifaceted trait.

It’s not just about IQ scores or academic achievements. It encompasses a wide range of abilities and characteristics, from curiosity and open-mindedness to empathy and adaptability.

Intelligence is about asking the right questions rather than knowing all the answers. It’s about learning from failure, not just celebrating success. It’s about being observant, embracing solitude, and being a lifelong learner.

Each one of us might display these traits in different ways, and that’s perfectly fine. After all, intelligence is not a one-size-fits-all concept.