If someone displays these 8 traits, they’re a really awesome person

Everyone has their own idea of what makes a person awesome.
But, there are certain universal traits that we can all agree on.
Being awesome isn’t about the clothes you wear or the car you drive.
It’s not about how much money you have or how popular you are.
No, being truly awesome comes down to your character.
See, awesome people have traits that make them stand out from the crowd.
They influence and inspire others, not through manipulation but through their genuine actions and words.
In this article, we’ll delve into 8 specific traits that constitute an awesome person.
So, if someone is showing these characteristics, chances are, they’re pretty amazing.
Let’s dig in!
1) They’re genuinely kind
Kindness is one of those traits that is universally appreciated.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what language you speak, or what your cultural norms are – being kind is always a good thing.
And awesome people? They’re kind – without any ulterior motives.
They don’t do kind things because they want something in return.
They don’t do it because it makes them look good.
No, they’re kind because it’s the right thing to do.
Kindness for them isn’t a strategy or a tool to manipulate others.
It’s a way of life. It’s an integral part of who they are.
They show kindness not just to their friends and family, but to strangers as well.
They’re the ones who lend a helping hand when someone is in need, even if it inconveniences them.
2) They practice empathy
Being awesome isn’t just about being fun to hang around with or having cool skills. It’s about how you treat other people.
And one of the biggest indicators of an awesome person is empathy.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and really getting where they’re coming from.
Awesome people don’t just listen to respond, they listen to understand.
They feel with you, not for you. That’s a big difference.
They celebrate your highs and comfort you during your lows.
They make you feel seen, heard, and understood.
3) They are authentic
In a world full of filters and facades, authenticity is a breath of fresh air. And awesome people?
They’re as authentic as they come.
Authenticity is being genuine and true to yourself.
It means embracing your story, strengths, and weaknesses without pretending to be someone else.
Awesome people don’t pretend to be perfect. They embrace their imperfections and aren’t afraid to show vulnerability.
They understand that it’s these very imperfections and vulnerabilities that make them human and relatable.
4) They are genuinely humble
Awesome people don’t boast about their accomplishments.
They let their actions speak for themselves.
They are the kind of people who are comfortable with who they are and don’t feel the need to brag or seek validation.
Let me share an example from my own life. I have a friend, let’s call her Emma.
She’s one of the most accomplished people I know.
She’s a successful entrepreneur, a loving mom, and she even ran a marathon last year!
But you wouldn’t know any of this unless you asked her directly.
She never brags about her achievements or tries to one-up anyone in conversations.
Instead, she listens intently, asks thoughtful questions, and always makes the other person feel important.
That’s the thing about Emma and people like her.
They’re not just awesome because of what they’ve achieved.
They’re awesome because of their humility, their ability to stay down-to-earth despite their success.
5) They spread positivity
There’s something incredible about people who manage to stay positive and spread that positivity to others, especially in challenging times.
They’re like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, bringing light and warmth wherever they go.
These awesome individuals have an infectious energy about them.
They see the silver lining in every cloud and face challenges with a smile.
Their optimism is not naive, but rather a conscious choice to focus on the good rather than dwell on the negative.
They are the ones who lift your spirits when you’re down, who remind you of your strengths when you forget, and who believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself.
Their positivity impacts everyone around them, making them feel better about themselves and the world.
And that, to me, is the hallmark of a truly awesome person.
6) They’re reliable
Reliability might not sound as flashy as some of the other traits, but trust me, it’s invaluable.
Having someone in your life who you can always count on, who keeps their word and follows through on their commitments, is truly a blessing.
A while back, I was working on a project that hit a major roadblock.
It was a stressful time, and I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.
But then there was Sam, my coworker.
Sam wasn’t just reliable; he was my rock during this project.
He stepped up, took on additional responsibilities, and never once let the team down.
His reliability during this challenging period was a beacon of hope and a huge part of why we were eventually able to navigate our way out of the crisis.
7) They practice gratitude
The most awesome people are those who live with an attitude of gratitude.
They’re the ones who appreciate the little things in life, who don’t take their blessings for granted, and who express their thankfulness openly and often.
Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you”. It’s a mindset, a way of looking at the world.
It’s about recognizing the good in every situation and being thankful for it.
When you meet someone who lives with gratitude, you’ll notice a certain lightness about them.
They radiate positivity and joy, and they have a way of making those around them feel appreciated and valued.
These individuals know that practicing gratitude doesn’t just make them feel good in the moment.
It also has long-term benefits for their mental and physical health.
They are thankful for the people in their lives, for their experiences, and even for their challenges, as they know these have shaped them into who they are today.
8) They are resilient
Life is full of ups and downs.
But what sets awesome people apart is their ability to bounce back from setbacks, stronger and more determined than ever before.
This quality is known as resilience.
Resilience isn’t never experiencing difficulty or hardship.
It’s facing those challenges head-on and using them as stepping stones towards growth and self-improvement.
Did you know that the most successful people in the world have often faced numerous failures before they found success?
Take Thomas Edison, for instance. He made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
But instead of giving up, he famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that won’t work.”
So if you meet someone who is resilient, who doesn’t shy away from failure but rather learns from it and grows, you’ve met an awesome person.
Their strength, determination, and ability to overcome adversity is truly something to admire.
Final thoughts: It’s about the journey
The beauty of humanity lies in our diversity.
We’re a tapestry of different personalities, backgrounds, and experiences.
And that’s what makes us unique.
But every now and then, you come across someone who just seems to radiate awesomeness.
They have a certain aura about them that uplifts those around them and leaves a lasting impact.
While the traits we’ve discussed certainly contribute to this, it’s important to keep in mind that being awesome isn’t a destination.
It’s a journey of self-improvement, empathy, and making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Whether you see all, some, or none of these traits in yourself, know that you have the capacity for awesomeness within you.
It’s about recognizing your potential, embracing your authentic self, and striving to be the best you can be.