If someone displays these 9 subtle behaviors, they lack meaning in their life

Jose Martin by Jose Martin | March 27, 2024, 1:03 pm

Living a fulfilled life is quite different from one that lacks meaning.

The key lies in the small, everyday behaviors that people display.

When someone’s life lacks meaning, it’s not always about being dramatic or seeking attention. Most of the time, it comes through in the little things they do—or don’t do.

As Viktor Frankl wisely said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Understanding these signs isn’t about passing judgment; it’s about recognizing when someone might need help or support. If you can pick up on these 9 subtle behaviors, you’re on the right track.

So, get ready to explore this list. It’s a tool to help you identify when someone might be lacking meaning in their life, even if they haven’t explicitly said it.

1) They lack enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is often the driving force behind meaningful actions.

However, when someone lacks purpose in their life, they tend to lose this spark.

Here’s the thing, enthusiasm isn’t just about being loud or energetic.

It’s that light in someone’s eyes when they talk about something they love or the way they lean into a task with all their focus.

When that light goes out or tasks are approached with an air of indifference, it’s often a sign that something is missing.

That the person is lacking meaning in their life.

It’s not a surefire sign, of course.

We all have off days.

But if you notice a consistent lack of enthusiasm in someone’s behavior – be it towards their job, hobbies, or relationships – it might indicate that they’re seeking something more from life.

So keep an eye out for this subtlety.

After all, it may be the first clue that someone is yearning for a greater sense of purpose.

2) They’re always chasing happiness

We’ve all heard the phrase “Happiness is a journey, not a destination”, but it’s easier said than done.

I recall a time in my life when I was constantly running after happiness, believing it was something to be achieved.

A promotion at work, a new car, the next vacation – I was convinced these would finally bring me the joy I was seeking.

But each time I reached one of these ‘milestones’, the happiness was fleeting.

In other words, it was like trying to catch smoke with my bare hands. The more I chased, the more elusive it became.

Honestly speaking, that’s when I realized that my constant pursuit of happiness was actually a sign that my life lacked meaningful purpose.

When you see someone continually chasing after happiness without pausing to enjoy or appreciate the present moment, it may be a sign that they’re missing a sense of meaning in their life.

3) They have difficulty setting goals

In life, having goals is like having a compass. It gives us direction and helps us make decisions that align with our values and aspirations.

However, research from the University of Scranton suggests that approximately 92% of people who set New Year’s resolutions never actually achieve them.

This high failure rate isn’t necessarily due to laziness or lack of willpower. Often, it’s a symptom of a deeper issue – a lack of meaning in life.

When a person’s life lacks purpose, setting goals can feel like an insurmountable task.

Why set a destination when you don’t know where you want to go?

So, if someone consistently struggles to set or achieve goals, it could be an indication that they’re searching for something more meaningful in their life.

Keep an eye out for this, as it’s one of those subtle behaviors that can easily go unnoticed.

4) They’re frequently restless

Restlessness can often be a sign of an underlying struggle.

In the hustle and bustle of life, we all have moments of restlessness.

But when it becomes a constant state, it’s usually a sign of something deeper.

Here’s the thing, when someone lacks meaning in their life, they may experience a sense of unease or dissatisfaction.

They might constantly feel like they’re missing something or that they should be doing something else, even if they can’t pinpoint what that is.

This restlessness can manifest in different ways – from constantly changing jobs or hobbies to always seeking new experiences without truly enjoying them.

In essence, if you notice someone always on the move, never satisfied with the status quo, it could be a hint that they’re in search of a deeper sense of purpose in their life.

5) They struggle with loneliness

Loneliness isn’t just about being physically alone. It’s about feeling disconnected, unheard, or unseen, even in a crowd.

The truth is people who lack meaning in their lives often grapple with this type of emotional loneliness.

They might feel like they’re on a different wavelength from everyone else, or that no one truly understands them.

As a result, this feeling of disconnection can stem from not having a clear sense of self or purpose.

When you don’t know who you are or what you want to stand for, it’s challenging to forge genuine connections with others.

So if you notice someone constantly feeling lonely or misunderstood, pay attention and make them feel heard and seen, you never know how simple actions can make a difference in someone’s life. 

6) They feel stuck in the past

Life is constantly moving and changing but some seem to have halted somewhere in their past.

They find themselves stuck reliving old memories or nursing old wounds.

Have you considered that this fixation on the past can be a sign that someone lacks meaning in their present life?

Consider this: They might be clinging to a time when things felt more purposeful or when they felt more alive.

This constant looking back can prevent them from moving forward and embracing new opportunities.

But that’s not all, it robs them of the joy of the present moment and the excitement of future possibilities.

Dwelling on the past is often a sign that they’re yearning for a deeper sense of meaning in their life.

It’s a subtle behavior, but one that speaks volumes about their emotional state.

7) They’re constantly busy, but unfulfilled

There was a time when my schedule was packed from morning to night. I lived in London then. 

Work, social engagements, volunteer activities – every minute of my day was accounted for.

But despite being constantly busy, I felt a sense of emptiness.

Busyness became a mask I wore to hide the fact that I didn’t know what I wanted from life.

I filled my time with tasks and activities, hoping that they would give my life meaning.

But all they did was leave me feeling tired and unfulfilled.

When someone is always on the go but still feels unsatisfied, it’s often a sign that they’re missing a sense of purpose.

In short, they might be filling their time with activities to distract themselves from the fact that their life lacks meaning.

8) They lack self-care

Self-care is more than just a buzzword. It’s an essential aspect of maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional health.

However, for those who lack meaning in their life, self-care often takes a backseat.

They might not even realize but they neglect their basic needs like eating well, exercising regularly, or getting enough sleep.

Let’s not jump to conclusions though, because this lack of self-care is not always due to laziness or indifference.

Often, it’s a reflection of how they view themselves and their worth.

You see, when someone doesn’t value their own life or well-being, it can be challenging to find the motivation to take care of themselves.

9) They feel disconnected from their passions

Passion is the fuel that drives us. It’s what wakes us up in the morning, eager to face the day.

But when someone lacks meaning in their life, they often feel disconnected from their passions.

Activities or subjects they once loved might no longer bring them joy or excitement.

Take note that this disconnection can cause them to drift through life, feeling lost and unfulfilled.

When someone’s passion fades, it’s not just about losing a hobby or interest.

It’s about losing a part of themselves that brought joy and purpose.

If you notice someone losing interest in things they once loved, it could be a sign that they’re seeking more meaning in their life.

A final note: It’s a journey

Life, in all its multifaceted beauty and complexity, is a journey of self-discovery and meaning-making.

Every individual’s path is unique, and the search for purpose is a deeply personal endeavor.

Remember, these subtle behaviors are not definitive proof of a life devoid of meaning.

In fact, they’re merely signs that might suggest someone is seeking more depth and purpose in their existence.

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

If you notice these signs in someone you know, or even in yourself, it’s not a cause for despair.

Take it how it is: An opportunity – an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and purpose-finding.

In other words, find the ‘why’ that gives life its richness and depth because it;s a journey worth taking.