If someone displays these 9 behaviors, they have a genuinely good heart

In life, it’s not always easy to identify who truly has a good heart. But, there are some habits and behaviors that genuinely good-hearted people tend to display consistently.
In this piece, we will explore the 9 tell-tale signs that someone has a genuinely good heart. Keep reading if you’re curious about these heartening traits and you may even recognize some in yourself.
1) They show empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others and it’s a core trait of those with genuinely good hearts.
These individuals don’t just sympathize with others, they take it a step further. They’re able to put themselves in others’ shoes, really feeling their joy, pain, or struggle.
This deep understanding drives them to act compassionately, often going out of their way to help or comfort those in need.
Being around someone who shows empathy can make you feel understood and less alone. It’s a sure sign of a kind-hearted person.
But remember, empathy isn’t about fixing problems for others. It’s about being present, listening, and offering understanding and support.
2) They are kind to everyone
I’ll always remember one of my high school friends, let’s call him Jack. He had a heart of gold and was known for his kindness.
It didn’t matter who you were, whether you were the school janitor or the school principal, Jack treated everyone with equal respect and kindness.
I recall one winter day when we were leaving school, we saw an elderly woman struggling to clear her driveway from a heavy snowfall. Without a second thought, Jack jumped in to help her, clearing the snow as we all watched in awe.
It’s this kind of indiscriminate kindness towards everyone that’s a telltale sign of a genuinely good heart. These people don’t discriminate or judge, they just extend their kindness to all because it’s their nature to do so.
3) They forgive easily
The ability to forgive is not just a sign of a good heart, but also an indicator of emotional intelligence. Holding onto grudges and resentment creates a cycle of negative emotions and stress.
Interestingly, studies show that forgiving others can have benefits for your own health too. It can lead to improved heart health, less anxiety, lower levels of stress and depression, and even longer lifespan.
People who are quick to forgive understand this. They value their peace and choose to let go of negative feelings. They don’t brush off the wrong that’s been done to them, they simply choose not to let it define their relationship with the person who wronged them.
4) They’re always there when you need them
People with genuinely good hearts understand the importance of being there for others. They know that sometimes, all you need is someone to lend an ear, offer a shoulder to cry on, or just be present in your time of need.
They’re the ones you can count on to pick up your call at 2 a.m., or to drop everything and rush to your side when you’re in trouble.
It’s not because they feel obligated, but because they genuinely care and can’t stand the thought of someone they care about being in distress. They don’t do it for praise or recognition, but simply because they believe it’s the right thing to do.
5) They practice gratitude
Those with good hearts often have a habit of being appreciative and expressing gratitude. They don’t take things for granted and they recognize the good in their lives.
This could be as simple as thanking a waiter for their service or sending a thank you note to a friend for their support. They understand that showing gratitude is a way of acknowledging the efforts of others.
Also, practicing gratitude doesn’t just make them pleasant to be around, it also contributes to their own happiness and satisfaction in life. They see the beauty in the world around them, and this positive outlook often rubs off on those around them.
6) They value the happiness of others
Something truly special about people with good hearts is their genuine happiness for others. They celebrate your victories, big or small, and they’re there cheering you on every step of the way.
When you’re happy, they’re happy. It’s as if your joy adds to theirs. They don’t envy or harbor jealousy; rather they share in your happiness and see it as a cause for celebration.
This selflessness is a beautiful trait that truly sets them apart. They sincerely want the best for you, and nothing makes their heart fuller than seeing you succeed and be happy. It’s a heartfelt experience that leaves a lasting impression on anyone lucky enough to have such a person in their lives.
7) They are honest, even when it’s hard
I remember a time when I made a mistake at work, and it went unnoticed by everyone except one person. Instead of ignoring it, she came up to me and explained my error in the most gentle and understanding way.
It would have been easy for her to let it slide or to expose it to others, but she chose the harder path. She was honest with me because she cared about my growth and integrity more than an uncomfortable conversation.
People with good hearts value honesty. They believe in its importance and uphold it, even when it’s challenging. They’re willing to have those tough conversations because they understand that honesty fosters trust and growth.
8) They’re generous with their time
Generosity isn’t just about material things, it’s about giving of yourself. People with good hearts are generous with their time.
They’ll volunteer for causes they believe in, help out a neighbor in need, or spend their free time supporting a friend’s project. They understand that time is one of the most valuable things you can give someone.
This generosity stems from an understanding that we are all connected and that helping others is, in essence, helping ourselves. They see the value in service and are often willing to set aside their own needs to assist others.
9) They love unconditionally
The most profound trait of people with genuinely good hearts is their ability to love without conditions. They don’t love based on what they can get in return or how others treat them.
Their love is selfless, pure, and unwavering. They love because they see the inherent worth and beauty in others and choose to embrace it.
This type of love is powerful and transformative. It has the capacity to heal, to comfort, and to inspire.
In essence: It’s about love
At the heart of these behaviors we’ve discussed, there’s a common thread that binds them all – love.
The ability to empathize, to forgive, to be present for others, to express gratitude, to celebrate others’ happiness, to be honest, generous, and to love unconditionally – these are all manifestations of love in its purest form.
Love, in its many forms, is the driving force behind a genuinely good heart. It transcends barriers and touches lives. It’s an emotion so powerful that it can reshape our perspectives and transform our actions.
So as we navigate through life, let’s remember this. Let’s strive to embody these behaviors and spread the love around us. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how much we have or what we’ve achieved. It’s about how much love we’ve poured into the world.
And that is the true mark of a genuinely good heart.