If a woman uses these 9 phrases, she is truly confident and self-assured

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | May 7, 2024, 11:32 am

Confidence. We all want it, and we all admire it, especially in women. But how can you tell if a woman is truly confident and self-assured?

You guessed it… it’s all in the language.

Sometimes, it may feel like true confidence is as elusive as a unicorn. Like you’re somehow falling short or just not quite “there” yet.

If this sounds familiar, don’t fret – you’re not alone.

Many of us struggle to recognize our own strength and worth. It’s easy to overlook the signs of our own confidence, especially when they’re right in front of us.

But today, we’re going to change that.

We’re going to look at 9 specific phrases that confident women use regularly.

These phrases are more than just words – they’re a reflection of a strong, self-assured mindset.

And while my aim isn’t to push you into mimicking these phrases, I do want to help you recognize the signs of true confidence.

Maybe you use these phrases already.

…let’s find out.

1) “I don’t know.”

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait a minute… isn’t admitting ignorance a sign of lack of confidence?”

But here’s the thing – it’s not.

True confidence is about knowing your worth and abilities. It isn’t about pretending to be perfect or knowing everything.

For instance, think about a time when you were in a meeting, and someone asked you a question you didn’t know the answer to. Did you bluff your way through it or did you admit that you didn’t know?

Personally, I’ve been in this situation more times than I can count. And let me tell you, admitting “I don’t know” was not only liberating but also empowering.

It showed me that it’s okay not to know everything and that asking for help or clarification is a strength, not a weakness.

2) “No.”

A truly confident woman knows that she doesn’t have to agree to everything to be liked or respected. She understands her boundaries and isn’t afraid to uphold them.

I remember when I first started my career, I would say “Yes” to everything – working late hours, taking on extra tasks, even attending events I had no interest in. I thought this was the way to prove my worth and dedication.

But over time, I realised that this was leading to burnout and resentment. So, I started saying “No.” It was difficult at first, but with each “No,” I felt more in control and confident in my decisions.

And guess what? The world didn’t end! In fact, people started respecting my time and boundaries more.

3) “I’m proud of myself.”

This is a powerful declaration of self-recognition and respect. It’s not about being arrogant or egotistical, but about acknowledging your own achievements and growth.

Did you know that research has shown that self-affirmations can boost our problem-solving abilities under stress? Yup, when we are kind to ourselves and acknowledge our achievements, we’re more likely to handle stressful situations better.

So, the next time you accomplish something, big or small, don’t shy away from saying, “I’m proud of myself.” 

After all, if you don’t cheer for yourself, who will?

4) “I trust my judgement.”

When a woman says, “I trust my judgement,” she’s expressing a deep belief in her own abilities, intuition, and experiences. 

She’s acknowledging that while she might not be right all the time, she trusts herself to make the best decisions she can with the knowledge and resources she has.

It’s not easy to trust ourselves, especially when we’ve made mistakes or faced failures in the past. But remember, every experience, every misstep, and every triumph has led you to where you are today.

And you know what? You’re doing just fine.

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

5) “I choose to.”

Choice is a powerful thing. When a woman says, “I choose to,” she’s taking ownership of her actions and decisions. She’s not doing something because she has to, but because she wants to.

I recall a time when I was faced with a tough decision at work. I had two paths in front of me – one was the comfortable, known path, and the other was an uncertain, risky one.

After some soul-searching, I found myself saying, “I choose to take the risky path.” It wasn’t easy, and there were many hurdles along the way. 

But by choosing it, I was in control. I wasn’t being pushed or forced into it – it was my choice.

And that gave me a sense of confidence and self-assuredness that no comfortable path ever could. 

Every choice you make is an opportunity to assert your confidence. Choose wisely.

6) “I deserve.”

When a woman says, “I deserve,” she’s acknowledging her worth and refusing to settle for less.

She doesn’t see herself as entitled but recognizes that her efforts, skills, and experiences have value.

Think of the last time you negotiated a salary or asked for a promotion. 

Did you believe that you deserved it? Did you communicate it confidently? 

These moments are a testament to your confidence and self-assuredness.

7) “I can handle this.”

Life throws curveballs at us all the time. And sometimes, it can feel overwhelming.

But when a woman says, “I can handle this,” she’s expressing her resilience, strength, and determination. It’s not about dismissing the difficulty of the situation but about having faith in her ability to navigate through it.

In fact, resilience has been linked to greater well-being and lower rates of depression. So next time you’re faced with a challenge, remind yourself, “I can handle this.”

8) “It’s okay to fail.”

Failure is a part of life. But it’s how we react to failure that defines us.

When a woman says, “It’s okay to fail,” she’s not only demonstrating her confidence but also her growth mindset. She understands that failure is not an endpoint but a stepping stone towards success.

I’ll share this – I’ve failed plenty of times in my life. 

But with each failure, I learned something new and grew as an individual. 

So remember, it’s okay to fail.

9) “I am enough.”

Last but not least, when a woman says, “I am enough,” she is embracing herself fully – flaws and all.

This is a powerful affirmation of self-love and acceptance. It means she knows she doesn’t have to strive for perfection to be worthy of respect, love, and success.

In truth, we are all works in progress. And that’s perfectly okay. You are enough just as you are.

In conclusion

These phrases are not just words but reflections of a woman’s confidence and self-assuredness. They show her strength, resilience, and belief in herself. 

So if you find yourself using these phrases, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re more confident and self-assured than you think!

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