If a man wants to feel more masculine as he gets older, say goodbye to these 7 habits

Avatar by Justin Brown | November 29, 2024, 1:31 pm

Aging often brings wisdom and experience, but it can also challenge our self-perception. For many men, feeling masculine is intertwined with their identity, and as they grow older, maintaining this sense of masculinity becomes increasingly important.

However, certain habits — often ones we’ve carried from our younger years — can hinder this journey. They can subtly erode our confidence, undermine our authenticity, and prevent us from fully embracing the richness of life in our older years.

If you’re a man seeking to feel more masculine as you age, it’s time to reassess these habits. It’s time to say goodbye to patterns that no longer serve you and embrace those that enhance your self-perception, your relationships, and your overall well-being. Here are seven habits you may want to reconsider.

1) Chasing youth

A common trap many men fall into as they age is trying to hold onto their youth. It’s a natural response to the inevitable changes that come with aging — the graying hair, the wrinkles, the shifts in physical and mental stamina.

Chasing eternal youth might seem like the ticket, but it often leads to behaviors that chip away at our true sense of masculinity. Think overdoing it at the gym until you’re sidelined with injuries, or diving headfirst into reckless stunts just to feel “young” again.

But here’s the real deal: masculinity isn’t about freezing time. It’s about owning your wisdom, bouncing back from life’s curveballs, and staying true to yourself no matter what age throws your way. Embrace every wrinkle, cultivate habits that keep you thriving, and focus on leveling up as a human being. That’s the real recipe for real masculinity and a life well-lived.

2) Over-reliance on external validation

As we navigate through life, it’s easy to become reliant on external validation. We tend to gauge our worth based on how others perceive us, whether it’s through accolades, compliments, or social media likes.

However, this habit can be detrimental to our sense of masculinity. It fosters a dependency on others for our self-esteem and can leave us feeling insecure and unfulfilled.

As someone who has grappled with this myself, I can attest that true empowerment comes from within. It’s about recognizing our inherent worth and not allowing it to be dictated by external factors.

One of the most liberating decisions you can make as you age is to shift your focus from seeking validation to cultivating self-respect. Practice self-compassion, celebrate your achievements, and embrace your unique journey.

3) Living a life of pretense

It’s easy to put on a facade, pretending to be someone we’re not in order to fit in or to meet societal expectations. This habit, however, can take a toll on our authenticity, self-esteem, and ultimately, our sense of masculinity.

Constantly feeling the need to mask our true selves not only creates a disconnect from who we truly are but also inhibits our potential for genuine relationships and personal growth. As we age, it’s important to shed these pretenses and embrace our authentic selves.

I delve further into this topic in one of my videos where I explore why it’s important to give up on the idea of constantly being a “good person.” This belief can lead to internal criticism, judgment of others, and makes us easily manipulated, whereas letting go of this ideal fosters a more authentic, fulfilling life.

YouTube video

Letting go of pretense is about embracing who you are at your core and living your truth. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and owning your journey.

If you find value in the discussions like the one above and would like to explore living life with more purpose and freedom, consider joining over 20,000 others who have subscribed to my YouTube channel. Click here to subscribe and start your journey towards authenticity today.

4) Ignoring the need for personal growth

Listen up: If you’re aiming to amp up your masculinity as the years roll by, you have to stop brushing off the importance of personal growth. See, masculinity isn’t about stagnating or clinging to the past—it’s about evolving into the best version of yourself at every stage of life.

Take a look at this: Imagine you’re in your 40s, feeling like you’ve got it all figured out. But deep down, there’s this nagging feeling that you could be doing more, being more. Ignoring that call for personal growth means you’re missing out on opportunities to level up, to become even more resilient, more authentic, more badass.

Thus, don’t stop reinventing yourself. Whether it’s picking up a new skill, challenging your beliefs, or facing your fears head-on, each step forward adds layers to your masculinity, making you stronger, wiser, and more unstoppable than ever.

5) Neglecting authentic relationships

In today’s hyper-speed, digital jungle, it’s easy to drown in the shallow end of surface-level connections. Sure, we might rack up hundreds of friends on social media, but ask yourself this: how many of them really get you? How many can you count on when life throws you a curveball or hands you a victory?

Let’s get real. Authentic relationships aren’t about the number of likes or retweets. They’re the bonds that push us forward, catch us when we stumble, and light up our lives in ways emojis can’t express. As we add more candles to the birthday cake, prioritizing these genuine connections becomes non-negotiable. 

In one of my videos on my YouTube channel, I discuss my experiences with being single and lonely in a big city. I reflect on the importance of slowing down and focusing more on ourselves and what makes us tick as a foundation for building authentic relationships.

YouTube video

So, if you’re seeking to feel more masculine as you age, take a good look at your relationships. Are they serving your growth and well-being? Are they helping you become the man you aspire to be? If not, it might be time to reassess and refocus on cultivating deeper, more meaningful connections.

6) Avoiding vulnerability

Vulnerability often gets a bad rap, especially for guys. We’re fed this idea that masculinity means being a brick wall—tough, unshakeable, and always flying solo.

But here’s the truth: living life with that mindset is no different than trying to flex in a straightjacket. It holds us back from real connections, self-discovery, and leveling up as humans.

Vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness—far from it. It takes guts to bare your soul, to embrace the messy parts of life with open arms. It’s a way of saying, “Hey world, this is me—take it or leave it.”

And guess what? Embracing vulnerability isn’t just liberating; it’s downright empowering. It deepens our bonds with others, helps us figure out who we really are, and sets us free to live our truth. 

7) Holding onto past failures

Many of us have a tendency to hold onto past failures, allowing them to define us and limit our potential. We replay these events in our minds, dwelling on our mistakes and regrets. This habit can be particularly detrimental to our sense of manliness as we age.

The truth is, everyone fails. It’s a part of life. More importantly, it’s a part of growth. Each failure provides us with valuable feedback, helping us to learn, adapt, and evolve.  

Let this be your wake-up call champs: stop letting failure define you and start seeing it for what it really is—a good teacher. It’s not a reflection of our worth or capability but rather an opportunity for learning and improvement.

Embracing the journey of aging with authenticity

Aging is a natural part of life, and with it comes wisdom, experience, and opportunities for growth. As we navigate this journey, it’s important to reassess our habits and attitudes, particularly those that may hinder our sense of masculinity.

The process of letting go of habits that no longer serve us and embracing those that enhance our well-being can be a transformative one. It’s about more than just feeling more masculine – it’s about living a life of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment.

As you continue on your journey of aging with authenticity, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I share more insights on living a life with more freedom and purpose. Click here to join me on this journey.

So here’s a question to ponder: What does authentic masculinity mean to you as you age? How can you cultivate habits that enhance your sense of masculinity and overall well-being?