If a man values your happiness, he’ll never intentionally do these 7 things

It’s not enough for a man to love you.
Yes, I said it.
For a romantic relationship with a man to truly work out, he has to consistently care for you and respect your well-being.
This means he needs to mindfully avoid certain behaviors that can compromise your feelings and dignity.
In this article, I’ll take you through some things a man will never intentionally do if he values your happiness.
If the man in your life seems to dodge these behaviors actively, then, well, you probably have a good one.
Let’s get to it!
1) He won’t plan without considering your schedule or preferences
When any respectable man decides to be a part of a relationship, he knows that certain compromises will need to be made.
Generally, he will stop acting unilaterally or selfishly, always considering his other half.
He realizes and owns the fact that he is part of a team now, a unit; and to thrive in this set-up, he needs to constantly keep his partner in mind.
So if he truly values you, he won’t assume or impose plans without first clearing them with you, to confirm if they align with your availability, interests, and energy level.
By checking with you before making definitive plans, he’s conveying respect and consideration for your time and preferences; a simple act of kindness that will always go a long way in a relationship.
I remember early on in my current relationship, my girlfriend told me she was tired and wanted to relax after an exhausting week at the office.
Despite this, I made the foolish decision to invite a few of my rowdiest friends over for beers and to watch the NBA.
I didn’t warn her first about having friends over at our shared apartment, I just did what I wanted, thinking things would work themselves out.
As you can imagine, this did not go down particularly well with her.
In her eyes, by making plans without first consulting her, I acted dismissively of her and her emotions at the time–which ultimately meant I disrespected her.
Needless to say, I have since stopped inviting friends over for prolonged durations without first getting the green light from her.
And vice versa.
2) He won’t neglect to apologize when he’s wrong
If a man values your happiness above all else, he won’t allow his pride to unnecessarily get in the way of making things work smoothly.
You see, many men get too proud to admit mistakes and apologize when they’re in the wrong.
They don’t lengthen or drag out arguments by refusing to own up to their shortcomings.
Sure, they’ll stand up for themselves where necessary, but at the same time, they have a high awareness of what accountability, mutual trust, and respect mean; and how important these things are for the fate of a relationship.
3) He won’t dismiss your achievements or belittle your ambitions
When you decide to open up and be vulnerable with him, say by talking about your dreams and ambitions in life, he takes you seriously.
He won’t give you half his attention, as he scrolls through TikTok reels, offering unenthused responses.
He knows what you’re communicating is meaningful to you.
Rather than dismissing your achievements or doubting and mocking your aspirations in life, he will be actively encouraging.
He is proud to be with you and his actions will always reflect that.
Remember, behind every great woman, a lot of the time there is a great man, celebrating and supporting her along the way.
4) He won’t compare you to others in a negative light
When you’re in a relationship and your partner compares you to other people, particularly peers, this can be a real low blow.
Negatively comparing your partner to others is a particularly painful and frustrating practice; and frankly, I think that it should be off-limits in a relationship.
Why? Because more often than not, it is malicious in intent, whether conscious or not.
They’re essentially saying you aren’t good enough, that you don’t measure up, that you’ve been left behind by people that fit your demographic, which ultimately means you’re inferior.
A man who values your happiness above all else will usually have enough emotional intelligence to realize that unfavorable comparisons are almost always harmful and disrespectful.
Rather than slyly belittle you by comparing you, if he has concerns, he’ll communicate them gently with kindness and respect always top of mind.
5) He won’t ignore or trivialize your concerns about the relationship
As you might have gathered by now, a man who values your happiness is no fan of belittling and trivializing.
Should you have a concern about the relationship or his behavior, he will take this admission seriously and constructively rather than getting angry and defensive.
He will always value you and the things you have to impart, respecting them as valid, instead of instinctively dismissing them as an overreaction, as many men tend to unconsciously do.
6) He won’t publicly criticize or embarrass you
At the root of man’s valuing of your happiness is respect.
He respects you and your dignity as a person.
He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re beneath him, unworthy of human dignity.
Many disenchanted people in a relationship, both men and women, will often resort to toxic tactics to make their partners feel small.
They’ll seek out ways to hurt you, which can mean criticizing and embarrassing you publicly; knowing that this can amplify the inflicted pain.
If a man values your happiness, and he has a bone to pick with you, he will never do so when there are others in your vicinity.
He respects you too much and thus will opt for a far private setting before voicing concerns.
7) He won’t refuse to grow or work on himself
When both partners stop growing, this means stagnancy… and sadly, sometimes the beginning of the end of the relationship.
Something that can drag out for years, if no concrete actions are taken.
When men get too stuck in their ways, this can often be detrimental to their partner.
In a relationship, change, adaptability, and growth are always good things.
Hence, a man who values your happiness will also value personal growth, fully aware that it is an integral part of the relationship.
He wants to grow and improve for not just himself but for you and the relationship too.
If this sounds familiar, rest assured, you have a good man in your life.