If a man uses these 8 phrases in conversation, he is being insincere and “fake nice”

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | September 16, 2024, 5:52 pm

If you’ve ever had a conversation with a man who seems nice but something felt off, you’re not alone. It can be hard to tell if someone is truly being sincere or just putting on a “fake nice” act.

Decoding sincerity from insincerity isn’t always straightforward – it’s not an exact science or a personal judgment.

But the phrases a man uses in conversation can often reveal more than he may intend to. Some phrases might hint that he’s not as genuine as he’s making out to be.

In this article, we’re going to discuss 8 phrases that could indicate a man is being insincere and “fake nice”. Remember, it’s all about understanding the subtleties and knowing what to look out for.

1) “You’re too sensitive”

This is a classic phrase that men who are being insincere or “fake nice” tend to use.

It’s a subtle form of gaslighting where they shift the blame onto you instead of addressing the issue at hand.

For instance, if you express discomfort about something they said or did, they might respond with “You’re just too sensitive.”

This serves two purposes for them.

First, it deflects the attention away from their actions, and second, it makes you second-guess your feelings and reactions.

In reality, your feelings are valid, and expressing them should be welcomed in a healthy conversation.

But by labeling you as “too sensitive”, they are undermining your emotions, making you feel as if you’re overreacting or being irrational.

This phrase is a clever way to dodge responsibility for their words or actions while simultaneously making you feel guilty for bringing up the issue in the first place.

It’s an insincere tactic that may leave you feeling confused and doubting your own perceptions.

By recognizing this phrase for what it is – a manipulative tool – you can better handle such situations and protect your emotional well-being.

2) “I’m not like other guys”

This phrase sounds flattering, right?

It’s as if the man is setting himself apart from the rest, trying to show that he’s unique and different.

But often, it’s a red flag.

“I’m not like other guys” is typically used as a way to charm or win you over.

It’s an attempt to create an image of themselves as the ‘exception’, the one who will treat you better than anyone else.

However, it’s usually a sign of insincerity.

A genuinely nice person doesn’t need to constantly remind you how different they are from others. They let their actions speak for themselves.

But when someone uses this phrase regularly, it’s often because they’re trying to convince you – and perhaps even themselves – of something that might not be true.

Remember, sincerity is demonstrated, not declared. So be cautious if this phrase comes up too often – it could mean that the man is not as genuine as he claims to be.

3) “I hate drama”

Ironically, those who claim to despise drama are often the ones who create it.

This statement is often used by insincere men to position themselves as the calm, rational party and to subtly hint that any conflict or disagreement could be seen as ‘drama’.

In reality, conflict is a natural part of human relationships. It’s how we handle these conflicts that matters.

By declaring a dislike for drama, they’re indirectly discouraging you from voicing any issues or concerns you might have. This can lead to an unbalanced relationship where your feelings and needs are suppressed.

Moreover, research shows that people who are truly averse to drama and conflict tend to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings, rather than making blanket statements like “I hate drama”.

So, when you hear this phrase, it might be a sign that the man is not as straightforward as he’s presenting himself to be.

4) “I’m just being honest”

Honesty is a cornerstone of any genuine relationship. But when this phrase is used as a preface or a follow-up to a hurtful comment, it could be a sign of insincerity.

“I’m just being honest” can sometimes be used as an excuse to say something unkind or critical. It’s as if the claim of honesty somehow justifies the hurt they’re inflicting. Just remember, there’s a difference between honesty and unkindness.

In a truly sincere interaction, honesty comes with empathy and consideration for the other person’s feelings. It’s possible to be truthful without being hurtful.

So if this phrase is used often, especially in conjunction with negative or critical comments, it might be an indication that the man is using ‘honesty’ as a cover for insensitivity or even cruelty.

5) “I don’t remember saying that”

We’ve all had moments where we genuinely can’t recall saying or doing something.

But if you’re hearing this phrase constantly, especially when confronting someone about something they said or did, it could be a sign of insincerity.

“I don’t remember saying that” is a handy escape route.

It creates doubt and confusion, making you question your own memory. After all, we all forget things from time to time, right?

But when this phrase is used systematically, it’s often a manipulative tactic to avoid responsibility for their words or actions.

If you find yourself in this situation, trust your instincts. Your memory is likely not as flawed as they want you to believe.

This kind of evasion can make honest communication difficult and affect your trust in the relationship. Recognizing it for what it is can help you approach future conversations with more confidence and clarity.

6) “No offense, but…”

We’ve likely all heard this phrase at some point. It’s often used as a disclaimer before someone says something that they know could be offensive or hurtful.

For instance, imagine you’re discussing your career aspirations with a man, and he says something like “No offense, but that sounds pretty unrealistic.”

While the phrase “no offense” might seem like they’re trying to soften the blow, it’s often a clear signal that what follows is going to be anything but inoffensive.

Genuine, respectful communication doesn’t require these kinds of disclaimers.

Sincere people express their thoughts and opinions in a way that respects the feelings and perspectives of others, without having to preface their words with “no offense”.

If you hear this phrase frequently, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with someone who’s not as considerate or sincere as they might seem.

7) “You’re overthinking this”

This phrase can feel like a slap in the face, especially when you’re trying to express your feelings or concerns.

It’s a way of dismissing your thoughts and emotions, making you question your own judgment.

Let’s get one thing straight: You have every right to your feelings, and you’re allowed to express them.

If someone tells you that you’re overthinking, they’re essentially trying to invalidate your experience. It’s a tactic used by those who aren’t sincere or respectful in their interactions.

Remember, a genuinely nice person will listen to your concerns and engage in a constructive conversation about them, rather than dismissing them out of hand.

Don’t let anyone make you feel that your thoughts or feelings are insignificant or irrational. You deserve to be heard and understood.

8) “Trust me”

Ironically, one of the most telling phrases an insincere person can use is “trust me”.

Trust is something that’s earned through consistent, respectful actions over time, not something that can be commanded with a phrase.

If a man often insists you trust him without demonstrating trustworthy behavior, it’s a red flag. Genuine trust doesn’t need constant verbal reassurances. It’s built on honesty, transparency, and respect.

So remember, actions speak louder than words. Don’t let charming phrases fool you into ignoring your instincts or settling for less than you deserve.


Understanding the nuances in conversation can be a powerful tool. This article has hopefully given you some insights into the phrases that hint at insincerity.

To truly navigate conversations wisely means to have the confidence not to let anyone undermine your feelings or beliefs. It’s about understanding that genuine communication is built on respect and sincerity, not just pleasing words.

So remember, your feelings and instincts are valid. Trust yourself.