If a man uses these 10 phrases in a conversation, he isn’t a very genuine or sincere person

Ever talked to a guy and found yourself questioning if he’s really being truthful? There are certain things a man might say that could give you a hint about his sincerity.
In this article, we’re not about playing detective or catching someone in a lie. It’s more about understanding who they really are beneath the surface.
So whether you’re in the dating scene or just meeting new people, here are 10 phrases to keep an ear out for.
Now, we all have our off days and say things without thinking. But if these phrases keep cropping up, it might be a sign that the guy isn’t being completely real with you.
1) “Trust me”
We’ve all heard this one before. It’s a phrase often used when someone wants to convince you of something. In itself, “trust me” isn’t a bad phrase. However, when a man frequently uses it, especially in situations where trust should be assumed, it can be a red flag.
Why? Well, genuine people often let their actions speak louder than their words. If a man is sincere, he’ll show you he’s trustworthy through his behavior, not just by saying “trust me”. On the other hand, if he keeps insisting you trust him without giving you reasons to do so, it might be an indication that he isn’t as genuine as he portrays himself to be.
Remember, trust is earned, not given freely just because someone asks for it.
2) “I never lie”
Here’s another phrase that might raise eyebrows. Saying “I never lie” is a strong statement, and quite frankly, it’s hard to believe. After all, we’re all human and everyone has told a lie at some point in their life, whether big or small.
So, when a man declares that he never lies, it can seem like he’s trying too hard to convince you of his honesty. This could mean he’s covering up something or not being entirely truthful.
A genuinely honest person doesn’t need to constantly remind others about their honesty. They simply demonstrate it through their actions and the way they live their lives.
2) “I’m not like other guys”
Now, this is one I’ve personally come across a few times. It’s a phrase that’s meant to make someone stand out from the crowd, to present themselves as unique, different, or even superior.
I remember once being told “I’m not like other guys” by someone I had just started dating. At first, it seemed flattering, like I’d found someone truly special. But as time went on, I realized that his actions didn’t match his words. He was just like those “other guys” he so often criticized.
The truth is, when a man is genuinely different, he won’t need to constantly tell you – you’ll see it in his actions. Genuine people don’t need to compare themselves with others to prove their worth.
So next time you hear “I’m not like other guys”, take a step back and observe if his actions are consistent with his words. Because the proof of the pudding is in the eating, right?
3) “I hate drama”
This phrase might seem harmless at first glance. After all, who likes drama? However, when someone constantly declares their aversion to drama, it could be a hint that they might actually be the ones stirring it up.
Here’s an interesting tidbit: according to psychology, people who often claim to hate drama are more likely to be involved in conflict. Researchers found that those who say they dislike drama tend to have higher levels of aggression and experience more conflicts.
Genuine people usually don’t need to broadcast their distaste for drama. Instead, they focus on resolving conflicts and maintaining harmonious relationships. So if a man frequently uses this phrase, it might be worth digging a little deeper.
4) “It’s just a joke”
We all love a good laugh, but when humor is constantly used at the expense of others, it can be more hurtful than funny. This becomes concerning when a man uses the phrase “it’s just a joke” to brush off his disrespectful or hurtful comments.
It might seem like he’s just trying to lighten the mood, but when this phrase is repetitively used, it can be a way to mask insincerity or even cruelty. This could mean that he’s not considering your feelings or those of others.
Genuine people understand that humor should not be used as an excuse to belittle or hurt someone else. They are mindful of their words and are quick to apologize if they unintentionally offend someone.
Everyone deserves respect and kindness. If a man frequently uses “it’s just a joke” as an excuse for his disrespectful language, it might be time to reconsider his genuineness.
5) “You’re overreacting”
This is a phrase I’ve encountered a couple of times, and it never feels good. When someone tells you “you’re overreacting”, it can make you second guess your feelings and feel invalidated.
I recall a time when a friend used this phrase on me after he cancelled our plans at the last minute. I was understandably upset, but when I expressed my disappointment, he responded with “you’re overreacting”. It made me feel like my feelings weren’t valid or important.
A genuine person respects others’ feelings and perspectives, even if they don’t fully understand them. They’re open to discussing issues and won’t dismiss your emotions as an ‘overreaction’. So if a guy often uses this phrase, it might be a sign that he’s not being fully respectful or sincere.
6) “I don’t care what people think”
This phrase can be tricky. On one hand, it’s great to be independent and not let others dictate your actions. But on the other hand, when someone constantly asserts that they “don’t care what people think”, it can suggest a lack of empathy or consideration for others’ feelings.
Real talk? We all care about what people think to some extent. It’s part of being human and living in a society. It’s how we grow and learn from our mistakes.
A genuinely sincere person values other people’s opinions, even if they don’t always agree with them. They have a balanced approach – they don’t live their life solely based on others’ views, but they also don’t disregard them entirely.
So if a guy throws around the “I don’t care what people think” phrase too often, it might be a sign that he’s not as considerate or genuine as he appears.
7) “I’m always right”
This one’s a big red flag. When a man frequently insists that he’s “always right”, it suggests a lack of humility and an inability to acknowledge his mistakes.
Here’s something interesting: according to research, people who believe they’re always right are actually more likely to make mistakes. They’re less likely to double-check their work or consider other perspectives, which can lead to errors.
In contrast, genuine people understand that they’re not perfect. They’re open to learning, willing to admit when they’re wrong, and aren’t afraid to apologize when necessary. They value growth and learning over being ‘right’ all the time.
So, if a man often insists that he’s “always right”, it might be a sign that he’s not as genuine or sincere as he’d like you to believe.
8) “I don’t need anyone”
This phrase hits close to home for me. A few years back, I knew a guy who often claimed he “didn’t need anyone”. It seemed like a statement of independence, but over time, it felt more like a shield to hide behind.
In my experience, this phrase often masks an unwillingness to be vulnerable or to form deep, meaningful connections with others. It’s a self-protective mechanism, but it can also be an indicator of insincerity.
Even the most independent among us need others in some way or another. We’re social creatures, after all. Genuine people acknowledge this and aren’t afraid to display their vulnerability or ask for help when needed.
If you keep hearing “I don’t need anyone” from a guy, it might be worth examining if he’s being truly sincere with you and with himself.
9) “I’m the victim here”
When someone constantly portrays themselves as the victim, it’s a sign that something’s off. Sure, we all face hardships and have bad days, but when a man consistently blames others or circumstances for his problems, it can indicate a lack of accountability.
Genuine people own up to their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. They don’t play the victim card to garner sympathy or shirk responsibility. If you’re dealing with a guy who’s always claiming to be the victim, it might be time to question his sincerity.
10) “I don’t remember saying that”
This phrase can be a real eyebrow-raiser. When used consistently, it could signal that a man is trying to dodge responsibility for his words or actions. It’s easy to forget things occasionally, but when “I don’t remember saying that” becomes a frequent refrain, it may suggest that he is not being entirely truthful.
A genuine man stands by his words and admits when they’re wrong. They don’t conveniently ‘forget’ things they’ve said or done that could put them in a bad light.
Final thoughts
As we wrap up this list, remember that these phrases are red flags if they’re used frequently and without good reason. We all say things we don’t mean sometimes.
But if these phrases are recurring in your conversations with a man, it might be worth taking a closer look at his sincerity and genuineness.