If a man displays these 7 subtle behaviors, he considers you his soulmate in life

Eliza Hartley by Eliza Hartley | October 24, 2024, 9:36 am

There’s a huge gap between a man simply liking you and considering you his soulmate.

This difference comes down to subtle behaviors. A man who thinks of you as his soulmate will act in certain ways that might not be immediately obvious.

Spotting these behaviors can help you understand if he sees you as the one, that special person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

And believe me, knowing these signs can save you a lot of guessing.

So here are 7 subtle behaviors, if a man displays them, he’s silently telling you, “You’re my soulmate.”

Let’s dive in and uncover these hints.

1) He includes you in his future plans

One of the most tell-tale signs a man sees you as his soulmate is when he includes you in his future plans.

This isn’t just about planning a weekend getaway or deciding where to have dinner next week. This goes way beyond that.

We’re talking about the long-term stuff, like discussing where he wants to settle down or casually mentioning that he’d love to grow old with you.

When a man starts weaving you into his future, it shows that he not only sees a future with you but wants you to be a part of it. It’s one of the most subtle yet powerful indicators that he considers you his soulmate.

Actions speak louder than words, so keep an eye on whether he follows through on these plans. It’s the truest confirmation of his feelings.

2) He genuinely listens when you speak

Genuine listening is more than just hearing the words you speak. It’s about showing interest, understanding, and responding in a way that shows he truly cares about what you’re saying.

Let me share a personal example. I remember when my husband and I were still dating, I was going through a tough time at work. I was stressed, and overwhelmed, and I’d talk his ear off about it. But he never once seemed bored or distracted.

Instead, he’d listen attentively, offer his perspective when asked, and most importantly, remembered the details. Even weeks later, he’d ask about a specific project or how my annoying co-worker was doing.

That’s when I knew he wasn’t just humoring me. He genuinely cared about what was happening in my life. And that’s one of the many reasons I knew he was my soulmate.

3) He respects your personal space

Every healthy relationship requires a balance between togetherness and individuality.

It’s easy to want to spend every waking moment with someone when you’re in love, but there’s a lot to be said about respecting personal space.

Did you know that according to psychologists, maintaining personal space in a relationship is crucial for fostering individual growth and satisfaction within the relationship itself?

If a man truly views you as his soulmate, he will understand and respect your need for time alone, or time spent with others. He won’t feel the need to be constantly joined at the hip or become possessive when you want space.

Instead, he’ll give you room to breathe, grow, and be yourself.

He understands that a true soulmate relationship isn’t about owning each other, but about being partners who respect each other’s independence.

4) He cares about your happiness

In a soulmate relationship, your happiness is not just important to him, it’s paramount. A man who sees you as his soulmate will go out of his way to ensure your happiness.

This doesn’t mean he’ll always agree with you or that he’ll let you have your way all the time. What it does mean is that he’ll make sacrifices and consider your feelings before making decisions.

Whether it’s surprising you with your favorite dessert after a long day or simply being there to offer a shoulder to lean on when things get tough, his actions will revolve around making sure you’re happy.

Because ultimately, seeing you happy makes him happy too. 

5) He supports your dreams and aspirations

When I was younger, I had this dream of becoming a successful writer. It was a dream that seemed far-fetched to many, but not to him.

Despite the uncertainties and the challenges that came with it, he was my biggest cheerleader. He believed in me, even when I found it hard to believe in myself. He was there, supporting me, pushing me to keep going, to keep writing.

He’d stay up late with me during those long nights of writing and editing, providing me with endless cups of coffee and words of encouragement. He didn’t just support my dream, he became a part of it.

That kind of unwavering support is rare.

When a man supports your dreams and aspirations like they’re his own, that’s when you know he’s not just another person in your life. He is your soulmate.

6) He communicates with you openly and honestly

One of the cornerstones of a strong relationship is open and honest communication.

If a man views you as his soulmate, he won’t shy away from expressing his thoughts and feelings with you.

Whether it’s something that’s bothering him or something that made him happy, he’ll share it with you. Even when it comes to difficult conversations, he won’t avoid them. Instead, he’ll approach them head-on because he values the health of your relationship over temporary discomfort.

Having open lines of communication is crucial in understanding each other better and growing together as a couple.

7) He loves you for who you truly are

In today’s world, where image and perfection are often glorified, finding someone who loves and accepts you just the way you are is truly special.

If a man loves you for who you truly are, flaws and all, then he sees you as his soulmate. He doesn’t want to change you. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect. He simply loves and cherishes you, just the way you are.

Because at the end of the day, soulmates aren’t about finding the perfect person. They’re about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

The crux of it all: It’s about genuine connection

The subtleties of human behavior and relationships are fascinating, often revealing profound truths about our nature and desires.

Such is the case with these seven behaviors, manifestations of a man considering you as his soulmate.

These aren’t just arbitrary signs; they’re expressions of a deep, genuine connection. A connection that transcends the physical, entering the realm of emotional and spiritual bonding.

So, if you’re fortunate enough to recognize these behaviors in someone, take a moment to appreciate the connection you share.

Because this isn’t just about finding your soulmate, it’s about understanding and accepting love in its most profound form.