If a man displays these 10 behaviors, he’s covering up his insecurities

Lucas Graham by Lucas Graham | October 28, 2024, 2:30 pm

Insecurities can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to men.

Often, they’ll go to great lengths to hide their insecurities, wrapping them up in layers of behavior that can be tough to unravel.

But once you know what to look for, it’s like having a decoder ring for their actions.

In the following article, we’ll be looking at 10 telltale behaviors that suggest a man might be covering up his insecurities.

And trust me, once you’re able to spot these signs, you’ll understand him on a whole new level.

Get ready as we decipher the secret language of insecurities. 

1) He tends to overcompensate

Insecurity can make a man feel like he’s not enough, and that can manifest into him trying too hard to prove himself.

Overcompensation is when a person goes above and beyond to prove their worth in areas where they feel inadequate.

It’s like they’re trying to shout from the rooftops, “Hey, look at me! I’m not insecure!”

But here’s the irony – this behavior often backfires.

Instead of proving their worth, it only highlights their insecurities more.

For instance, a man who feels insecure about his financial situation might spend lavishly on luxury items he can’t afford.

Or, a man who feels inadequate in his masculinity might display aggressive behaviors to assert dominance.

2) He’s overly competitive

I remember a guy I used to know, let’s call him John.

John was the most competitive person I had ever met.

Every situation was a contest for him, whether it was a friendly game of pool or just a casual conversation.

He always had to be the best, the smartest, the most successful.

At first, I thought John was just really ambitious.

But over time, I realized that his competitiveness wasn’t about ambition.

It was about insecurity.

John needed to win because he was afraid of losing.

Afraid of what it would say about him if he wasn’t the best.

If he lost, it would mean that he wasn’t good enough, and that was something he couldn’t bear.

So he turned everything into a competition to prove his worth.

To prove that he was good enough.

3) He struggles with expressing emotions 

In a society that often equates masculinity with emotional toughness, many men feel compelled to suppress their emotions.

This fear of appearing weak or vulnerable can stem from deep-seated insecurities.

We’re all human, and we all have feelings.

But sometimes, the fear of being judged or rejected for showing these feelings can be overwhelming.

So if a man in your life struggles with expressing his emotions, take a moment to consider what might be going on beneath the surface.

His inability to open up might just be his insecurities holding him back.

4) He dominates conversations

When a man dominates conversations, it could be a sign of hidden insecurities.

This can manifest as constantly interrupting, speaking over others, or monopolizing discussions.

Why does this happen?

Because the man might feel insecure about his place in the group or his value to others.

By dominating the conversation, he’s ensuring that he’s heard and acknowledged.

This behavior is about asserting control and proving worth.

But in reality, it often pushes people away rather than drawing them in.

5) He avoids intimacy

There’s a certain vulnerability that comes with intimacy, and for a man struggling with insecurities, this can be quite intimidating.

He might fear that getting close to someone will expose his insecurities.

He might worry that he’ll be judged, rejected, or seen as less than.

So, he keeps people at arm’s length.

He avoids deep conversations, resists emotional connections, and may even shy away from physical intimacy.

It’s heartbreaking to see someone you care about build walls around themselves out of fear.

But understanding that this behavior is rooted in insecurity can help us approach them with more patience and empathy.

Breaking down these walls takes time.

It requires trust, reassurance, and a lot of gentle coaxing.

But the reward – genuine connection and intimacy – is worth the effort.

6) He’s overly defensive

Defensiveness is a natural response when we feel attacked or criticized.

But when a man is constantly on the defensive, even in situations where there’s no apparent threat, it could be a sign of underlying insecurities.

This defensiveness often stems from a fear of judgment or rejection.

He might be overly sensitive to criticism, taking it as a personal attack rather than constructive feedback.

If you notice a man who seems to react defensively to even the smallest comment or suggestion, it might be his insecurities causing him to put up these walls.

It’s his way of protecting himself from perceived threats, even if they aren’t actually there.

7) He’s aggressive and controlling

Sometimes, insecurities can make a man act aggressively or seek control over others.

This often stems from a deep fear of being perceived as weak or less than.

In his mind, being aggressive or controlling might seem like a way to assert dominance and hide any perceived weaknesses.

But in reality, it’s a clear sign that he’s struggling with personal insecurities.

While understanding and empathy are necessary, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and set boundaries when dealing with aggressive or controlling behavior.

8) He compares himself to others

Comparison is a thief of joy, as the saying goes.

But for some, it’s also a sign of hidden insecurities.

If a man is constantly comparing himself to others – his friends, colleagues, even strangers – it’s likely because he’s dealing with feelings of inadequacy.

He measures his worth based on how he stacks up against others, rather than recognizing his own value.

This constant comparison can be draining and damaging to his self-esteem. But sadly, it’s a cycle many fall into when dealing with insecurities.

9) He constantly needs for validation

A man who is constantly seeking validation might be dealing with hidden insecurities.

This could manifest as constantly seeking approval or reassurance from others, or needing to be the center of attention.

When a man feels insecure about his worth or abilities, he might look for external validation to boost his self-esteem.

It’s like he’s looking for a mirror that reflects back a positive image of himself.

This need for validation can be exhausting, both for him and the people around him.

It’s a sign that he’s struggling with self-acceptance, and is relying on others to make him feel worthy.

10) He masks his true self

The most telling sign of a man covering up his insecurities is when he hides his true self.

Insecurity often stems from a fear of not being accepted or loved for who we truly are.

And so, he puts on a mask, portraying himself as someone he thinks will be more accepted or admired.

But the truth is, everyone has flaws and insecurities.

It’s part of being human. And hiding them doesn’t make them go away, it just pushes them deeper down.

Understanding, not judging

The complexities of human behavior are often rooted in our inner world, reflecting our deepest fears and insecurities.

When it comes to men and their behaviors, it’s important to remember that these signs are not about labeling or judging.

They are about understanding.

Insecurity is part of the human condition.

We’ve all felt it at some point in our lives.

And it’s okay to feel insecure.

It’s okay to feel scared or inadequate. It doesn’t make us weak or less than.

Sometimes, understanding that a man’s seemingly odd behavior could be a cover for his insecurities can help us relate to him better, approach him with empathy, and support him in overcoming these insecurities.

Robert A. Heinlein once said, “We are all fools in love.” Perhaps it’s time we acknowledged that we are also all fools in insecurity.

It’s the thread that binds us together in our shared humanity, reminding us that beneath the surface, we’re all just trying to navigate this thing called life.

As we journey on, let’s remember to extend a hand of understanding towards the man behind the behaviors and see him for who he truly is – a human being, just like us, with his own set of insecurities and fears.