If a man displays these 14 behaviors, he is highly attracted to you

Men are quite easy to read.
When they’re truly smitten, it’s impossible for them to hide it and pretend you don’t matter.
In other words, when a man likes you, you’ll know.
All you have to do is open your eyes, pay very close attention, and look for certain behaviors.
Want to know what behaviors to look for?
Here are 14 of them!
1) He gives you “the look of love”
The eyes—they never lie.
No matter how much a man pretends to not care about you, his eyes will always betray him.
According to psychology, if a man stares at you longer than 8.2 seconds, then he’s definitely VERY interested in you.
But what about timid men?
Well, they’re the ones who:
- Stare at you when they think you’re not looking.
- Look at you then look away when you meet their gaze.
- Can’t hold eye contact.
Still not sure?
Let’s just keep it simple—notice the frequency.
Do you often catch him staring at you?
Then he’s probably so into you!
2) He laughs at your corniest jokes
Guys normally don’t laugh at jokes they don’t find funny.
Why would they?
Unlike most women, men generally don’t feel pressured to be nice to anyone, especially if it’s just a joke.
Does he laugh at your jokes when most people just roll their eyes?
And when he does, does he look at you with eyes that say “HAHA! I can’t believe you’re so cute!”?
Well, he’s probably highly attracted to you that anything you do becomes cute and funny!
3) He remembers the things you tell him
Some time ago, you casually told him your favorite fruit is strawberry.
Actually, you even forgot you told him about it.
When you both line up to buy ice cream, he asks you “So if your favorite fruit is strawberry, is it your favorite ice cream flavor, too?”
Men who are in love have the sharpest memory…but only about the things related to their object of affection.
4) He acts like your hero
He’s no Superman but he tries to be one—at least for you.
He tries to make your life a little bit easier…and you, a little bit happier.
When you’re struggling with your deadlines, he helps you out and says “hey, that’s what friends are for, right?”
When you’re feeling blue, he cracks a joke to cheer you up.
And you have a strong feeling that if you have any kind of emergency, he’d drop everything just to be there for you.
5) He’s got all the time in the world for you
He’s a busy guy, but he doesn’t act like one when he’s around you.
You remind him “But you’re supposed to sleep” or “But you’re supposed to be working!”
He just shrugs and tells you everything’s fine.
It’s as if spending time with you is the most important thing for him…but of course, he won’t tell you that or else you’ll find out he’s so into you.
6) He gets protective of you
He may appear cool—like you’re just a regular friend or colleague—but any sign that you’re in danger or someone is making your life miserable, and he’d show his true colors.
He’d stop pretending to be Mr. Cool and rush to protect you instead.
He’d try to comfort you and deal with the people who are treating you unfairly.
This is an obvious sign he’s highly attracted to you, especially if he doesn’t do this to anyone else!
7) He replies to ALL of your messages
I can’t NOT reply to someone I like. Can you?
It’s just impossible to do!
The same with men who are in love.
And what makes this extra obvious that he’s highly attracted to you is that he would keep the convo going.
He doesn’t just give one-word replies like “yes” or “no”, he asks questions, too…and gives lengthy answers.
And because of this, you always end up having long chat sessions with him.
8) He tries to befriend your friends
He’s not really what people consider “friendly”…but here he is, trying to be chatty and nice with your friends!
Guys do this to score extra points from you.
He probably thinks that if your friends like him, then you might start liking him, too.
But not only that!
It could be his way to get to know you better.
Our friends are a reflection of who we are, after all. And a guy who’s highly attracted to you is always willing to find ways to get to know you better.
9) He always finds ways to be near you
You told him you’re going to your friend’s party. Guess who’s going there too?
You’re supposed to work in pairs Guess who volunteered to be your partner?
Hmmm. Definitely not if it’s been happening more often.
10) He gets uneasy when you talk to other guys
He might be good at hiding his feelings on a normal day (aka when there’s no threat!).
In fact, some days you’re certain that he’s not into you at all.
But then all of that cool, “just friends” facade is thrown out the window when you talk to other men.
He suddenly acts very…strange!
He displays anxious body language like he’s afraid they’d snatch you away from him any second.
Well, that’s his fault for not confessing his feelings for you when he’s obviously highly attracted to you!
11) He highlights the things you have in common
You’re both into the same band?
He’d keep talking about said band like he’s crazy for them.
You both love traveling?
He’d talk to you nonstop about it and even invite you to go backpacking somewhere (smooth!).
Now, it’s normal for people to talk about the things they have in common, but what makes him different is that he tries a little bit too hard.
12) He wants to know if you’re seeing someone
A huge sign that a guy is into you is that he asks you if you’re seeing someone.
He just can’t help it!
He’d try to ask it as casually as possible so you won’t suspect it’s such a big deal for him.
After all, he can’t continue liking you if you’re already in a relationship.
And what makes it super obvious that he’s into you?
It’s when you see that he looks relieved—even happy— when you tell him you’re actually single.
13) He tries to impress you and everyone you know
When a man is in love, he’s a show off.
He acts like a peacock spreading its wings…and sometimes, actually quite a turn off, right?
When you’re with your friends, he might find a way to insert his achievements in your convo.
When you’re at work, he’ll show his many, many, many skills!
I know it’s painful to witness this, but be gentle with the man—he’s just highly attracted to you!
14) He gets awkward when you get too close
You might think that a guy who’s highly attracted to you would feel good when you get physically closer.
Well, unless he’s a sleazebag, a guy who’s seriously into you would get awkward when you are near.
He’d stutter, fumble, sweat.
He’d give out a weird laugh and even say things that could make you go “huh?”
They’ve dreamed of being near you for so long that when it actually happens, they turn to jelly.
Final thoughts
So…what’s his score?
Did he get 14/14?
Then he’s definitely into you!
If you like him too, then it’s safe to make the first move!
But if you’re still unsure if he actually likes you, well then…give it more time.
If he really likes you, he will eventually have the courage to tell you. Remember, nothing good gets away.