I traded my high heels for hiking boots as I aged, discovering serenity in nature. My 60s taught me the adventure doesn’t end with youth.

Age gracefully, they tell you. But what does that really mean when the world around you screams for eternal youth and unattainable feminine perfection?
For years, I chased after the elusive mirage of beauty, teetering on stilettos that promised allure but delivered only pain.
As the calendar pages turned and time etched reminders of age upon my face, I found myself questioning the very foundation of those standards and resenting the fact that they existed.
I mean, who says you have to be petite and dainty? It’s like the only thing that matters in a woman’s life is her appearance. It started to happen that every time I opened my wardrobe, I felt a sense of loss.
Loss of my youth, loss of my zeal for fashion, loss for myself. Or what I thought was myself.
Is a new path emerging?
It was on one of those days, surrounded by a mountain of discarded high heels, that I heard whispers of the Camino de Santiago.
A friend, who had embarked on the pilgrimage herself, spoke of a journey that called to the soul—a journey through rugged terrain and ancient pathways, where beauty was not measured in inches or ounces but in moments of pure, unadulterated connection with the world around you.
And so, on the same day that I bid farewell to my collection of torture devices, I invested in a sturdy pair of walking shoes. But my reality hadn’t changed much, and doing a big adventure like the Camino was still a distant and unrealistic fantasy.
I’ll be honest, I really wasn’t the most physically active person, it was difficult for me to start exercising. I’ve always been used to long hours at the office and feeling so tired afterward that all I wanted to do was sit to watch programs, or occasionally, read a book.
Programs on TV suddenly felt like a tremendous waste of time. I knew I wasn’t optimizing my time and energy with things that were important to me.
But what was important to me?
It had been such a long time since I’d really sat down to think about it, and my mind felt extremely cloudy when I did.
Things changed when I admitted to myself that I was in need of some guidance. I thought it would be a good idea to have a program to follow. I signed up for a program called Values Exercise with Jeannette Brown.
I have to say, when I started the program I wasn’t really intent on making a transformation — it was more of a leisurely curiosity. I’m so grateful I can say that it turned out to give me so much more than I’d expected.
By the time I finished the program, the cloud of fog in my mind formed into crystallized images and everything was clear. It really helped me clarify my goals and values.
It made my mind razor-sharp, and cutting out the nonsense to replace it with things I genuinely cared about came naturally once that paradigm shift happened.
Self-transformation suddenly seemed to come effortlessly. It was time to start training for the Camino.
Walking the Camino: Nature’s splendor and the joy of connection
I started small, building up my strength one step at a time until the thought of walking 800 kilometers no longer seemed like an insurmountable challenge. Rather, it was starting to feel like a thrilling adventure waiting to unfold.
Of course, from time to time, fear whispered in my ear, urging me to turn back, to cling to the familiar comforts of home.
But I remembered a quote I had once read: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”
I clung to that thought.
And so, with a heart full of anticipation, I booked my flights and set off into the unknown.
Along the Camino, I encountered souls of all ages and walks of life, bound together by a common purpose and an unwavering sense of camaraderie.
The fears that had once gripped me dissolved in the warmth of their smiles and the kindness of their words. It felt like I was part of a moving community with people from all walks of life.
Everyone was so accepting. Nobody seemed to care about my age, how my hair was done, or whether I was wearing makeup.
It’s like everyone there shared the same collective goal of peeling back the superficial layers of life to experience something real. There was nothing but a sense of belonging and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of human connection.
And oh, the beauty that surrounded me!
From the lush Galician forests, where the earth seemed to breathe with every rustle of leaves, to the crystal-clear rivers that danced over smooth stones, nature revealed herself in all her splendor.
In those moments, I felt a sense of peace wash over me as if every step brought me closer to the heart of the universe itself. The old me who used to prance around like a baby giraffe in high heels was dead. And I couldn’t have been more glad about it.
After 800 kilometers of soul-stirring landscapes and soulful encounters, I emerged on the other side, not just a pilgrim, but a believer.
A believer in the true beauty of life underneath society’s mirage. A believer in the value of human connection. A believer in kindness.
Taking the lessons home
I made a solemn pledge to myself to keep walking every day, to seek out new adventures, and to embrace the beauty of aging with open arms. What other choice do we have?
We can fight against it tooth and nail, but we all know who wins in the end, don’t we?
There’s a time to push against the waves, but there’s a time to just swim peacefully with the current. And what sense is there in spending energy trying to keep something that’s bound by the laws of nature to slip away anyway?
I could find new and exciting ways to spend my energy.
No longer shackled by someone else’s standards, I’ve found freedom that knows no bounds.
In the twilight of my sixties, I’ve never felt more alive, more vibrant, more me.
Far from ending, the true adventure of my life feels like it’s only just started. It’s more liberating than I can describe to spend time in the serenity of nature. I’ve happily exchanged my previous metropolitan lifestyle for nature’s alternative.
As I continue to tread this path of self-discovery, I’m filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the journey that has brought me to this moment.
Looking ahead, I see a future filled with possibilities. I dream of passing on the lessons I’ve learned to my children — now all adults. I hope to bond with them amidst the splendor of nature in the same way I’ve bonded with myself, and to embark on new adventures together.
I hope to teach them that true beauty lies not in the superficial trappings of youth, but in the depth of our experiences and the connections we forge along the way.
With every passing day, I find myself carrying less of the weight of the world upon my shoulders.
What a relief!
Stress, once a constant and bitter companion, has given way to a greater sense of peace — a peace that comes from knowing that I’m living more fully.
The paradox of beauty — focusing on what matters
Despite the lies peddled by society, I’ve come to realize that true beauty cannot be bought in a bottle or draped over our bodies in the form of designer clothes.
We’re taught to value things that don’t really matter to us and play someone else’s game.
But what happens when we ditch all that and set our focus on discovering what matters to us?
Big things happen.
I feel forever indebted to the Values Exercise program for teaching me that.
Even though I’ve abandoned wearing fancy clothes, makeup, and high heels, people are telling me I look better, younger, and happier.
And I feel it, too.
Friends and family alike have remarked upon the transformation that has taken place within me. They may not understand the journey that has brought me to this place, but they recognize the radiance that now shines from within.
Exercise, stress reduction, and the joy of living authentically — these are the true secrets to looking and feeling our best.
As I stand on the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I’m filled with excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.
I feel a renewed sense of vitality and purpose, knowing that the best is yet to come.
Age may be just a number, but the wisdom and experiences it brings are priceless.
And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit filled with determination, I step boldly into the future, ready to embrace whatever adventures await.