7 hidden signs that someone is lying to you, according to psychology

Mia Zhang by Mia Zhang | March 27, 2024, 1:45 pm

My mom once shared a piece of wisdom with me. She said, “Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.”

Intriguing, right?

You see, despite our best efforts to mask our true feelings, our subconscious often betrays us in subtle ways.

Let’s dive into the 7 hidden signs that someone could be lying to you, according to psychology—because it’s always good to be in the know.

1) Inconsistent body language

Ever notice how people tend to fidget when they’re nervous?

Well, when someone is lying, they often exhibit inconsistent body language. This could be anything from shifting positions, avoiding eye contact, or touching their face frequently.

In psychology, this is seen as a form of non-verbal leakage—a person’s attempt to control their anxiety about being caught in a lie. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Now, it’s important not to jump to conclusions. Remember, these signs are subtle and can be easily misinterpreted.

2) Their story keeps changing

This one hits close to home. Let me share a quick story.

A while back, a friend of mine was supposed to meet me for lunch. He didn’t show up. When I asked him about it later, he said he got caught up with work.

But here’s the kicker.

The next time I saw him, he mentioned he had spent that entire day at a family gathering.

See what I mean?

When people lie, they often forget the false narrative they’ve spun and end up contradicting themselves. It’s a classic sign that something’s not adding up.

Again, this isn’t foolproof evidence of deceit. But it’s certainly something to keep an eye on if you’re sensing something’s off.

3) They become overly defensive

Ever had a conversation that took a sudden left turn? Let me tell you about one of mine.

I once had a roommate who was notorious for using my things without asking. One day, I noticed my favorite mug was chipped. When I asked her about it, she immediately went on the defensive.

Instead of answering my question, she launched into a tirade about how I always blamed her for everything. She made it seem like I was the one in the wrong for even bringing it up.

Sound familiar?

This is a common tactic used by people who are trying to hide something. They deflect and redirect the conversation to avoid answering the question. It’s like a smokescreen, designed to throw you off track.

4) Their responses seem scripted

When someone is lying, they often rehearse their story to ensure it sounds believable. This can result in responses that feel overly detailed, scripted, or just a little too perfect.

It’s as if they’re reading from a written script rather than speaking from personal experience.

Of course, some people are naturally more articulate and organized in their thoughts. But if their responses feel oddly polished or lack the usual spontaneity of normal conversation, you might want to take it as a potential sign of deceit.

5) They provide too much information

When caught off guard, people who are lying might feel the need to over-explain or provide more information than necessary.

In psychology, this is known as “the lady doth protest too much” syndrome. It originates from a line in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where Queen Gertrude insists so much on her innocence that it becomes suspicious.

If you notice someone going into unnecessary detail or elaborating excessively on simple points, it might be a sign they’re trying to convince you (and maybe even themselves) of their truthfulness.

Here’s a thing, context is crucial. Some people are naturally verbose. But if it’s out of character or coupled with other signs on this list, it might be worth paying closer attention to.

6) They avoid using contractions

This one took me by surprise when I first learned about it.

I remember when I was younger, I had this friend who’d often avoid using contractions when he was trying to convince me of something. Instead of saying “I can’t,” he would say, “I cannot.” It always struck me as a bit odd.

Years later, I learned that this can be a sign of deception.

Psychologists suggest that people who are lying may avoid contractions to emphasize their truthfulness. It’s as though by taking the time to separate the words, they believe they’re making their lie more believable.

7) They change their speaking patterns

This is perhaps one of the most important things to note. People who are not being truthful often change their speaking patterns.

They might start talking faster, or slower. Their tone might change, becoming more high-pitched or lower. They might start stuttering, especially if they don’t usually have a stutter.

These changes in speech patterns can be a subconscious reaction to the stress of lying. It’s like the body’s way of signaling something’s not quite right.

Taking it all in

Remember, these are not foolproof indicators of deception. They’re simply tools you can use to sharpen your perception and discernment.

The goal isn’t to become paranoid or suspicious of everyone you interact with. It’s about becoming more observant and empathetic, understanding that people often have reasons for their behavior.

It’s also a reminder not to take everything at face value.

The world isn’t always black and white, and humans are complex creatures with an array of motives, fears, and insecurities.

Most importantly, trust your gut. Your intuition is a powerful tool, honed by years of interactions and experiences.

Next time you’re in a conversation that just doesn’t feel right, pause and reflect. Consider these signs and listen to what your intuition is telling you.

Because in the end, understanding others begins with understanding ourselves.