7 habits of people who are exceptionally grounded and down-to-earth

We all know someone who is incredibly down-to-earth.
It’s kind of like having a superpower.
They’re cooler than Antarctica, have unflappable pragmatism, and always speak the truth (even if they risk upsetting others).
Here’s the thing.
There are so many benefits to having a grounded personality. Stuff like dealing with stress and performing when the chips are down.
It also makes us more attractive to others and helps us form lasting relationships.
It’s a win-win.
So, if you’re wondering how to become more down-to-earth, check out these seven habits.
How many do you recognize in yourself (or can you spot any areas of improvement?):
1) They’re self-aware
There are three types of people in this world.
Optimists, pessimists, and realists.
Practicing self-awareness is a key habit of grounded individuals.
In other words, they know themselves and fully understand their strengths and weaknesses. But more than that, they’re truly comfortable with who they are.
They’ll say things like “I don’t have loads of experience with that, but I’ll learn as fast as I can.” or “I’m working on improving my communication skills, do you have any suggestions?”
These statements not only demonstrate self-awareness but also confidence about not having all the answers (and that’s okay).
One thing that makes grounded people capable of being open like this, is that they’re not driven by a need for external validation.
This leads to our second point.
2) They don’t try to impress
We’ve all been there.
Usually at a party, or in a bar.
You get stuck in a conversation with someone who just can’t stop blowing their own trumpet.
They proceed to list all their wonderful achievements, exciting places they’ve visited, and amazing talents they’re blessed with.
And no matter what you’ve done, they’ve already been there, done that, and some.
Chances are this kind of person isn’t down-to-earth! Far from it. In fact, they may be suffering from low self-esteem as they constantly feel the need to impress others for validation.
Conversely, grounded people usually don’t feel the need to impress others. They remain humble and demonstrate bucketloads of humility.
3) They speak their mind (authenticity)
This has to be one of the stand-out traits of down-to-earth people.
They don’t mince their words!
Rather, they can be quite direct. This can be incredibly refreshing (especially in corporate scenarios where there is so much spin and overly positive language).
But it also applies in more personal situations among friends.
If that dress doesn’t suit you, you can rely on them to tell you straight!
And it’s super attractive, because it’s relatable and authentic, and therefore creates trust. You’ll believe them so much more when they say something looks great.
There is some irony here.
The main reason why many of us use a filter is because we’re scared of hurting people or coming across as negative.
But in fact, you’ll get more respect in the long run if you act more transparently (and down-to-earth).
4) They’re value-driven
Grounded people believe in a core set of values and principles and tend to lead their lives around these values.
Things like integrity, respect, fairness, and honesty.
They act as a guiding compass to stay true to themselves, be consistent, and reach their goals.
And you’ve guessed it, they don’t hold back when enforcing their beliefs.
For example, if someone is cheating on their partner, a grounded friend will tell them straight. That it’s wrong, how they’re hurting someone, and that they should decide on what they want and come clean.
Basically, it conflicts with their core principles so they speak up.
5) They live in the moment
As stoics say, you can’t change the past or future. All you can really control is right now, so focus on the moment.
People who are exceptionally grounded and down-to-earth get this.
They’re not overly preoccupied with past mistakes or what the uncertain future holds. Instead, they focus on simply making good decisions in the present and doing their best.
This simplicity can be quite liberating when you get your head around it.
Anxiety is a serious problem.
A recent study found 1 in 5 Americans can’t sleep at night due to worry.
It takes time, but practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you remain present. Give it a go next time you’re lying awake at night, tossing and turning in bed, thinking about how you embarrassed yourself in the office that day!
6) They steer clear of drama
When you think about it, a drama queen is probably about as far from grounded as you can be.
Drama queens proactively seek out something to moan about. Even if it’s a relatively minor event like someone cutting the line or not holding the door for you.
But no matter what life throws at them, a down-to-earth person won’t crumble under pressure or cry from the rooftops announcing how unlucky they’ve been.
Instead, they’ll calmly carry on. Trying to dig themselves out of whatever hole life has put them in.
Even in worst-case scenarios.
Let’s say you lose your job, your kids are having trouble at school, and your grandfather recently passed away.
I get it, it’s easy to feel like a victim and complain. But what good does it do? Instead, just embrace the reality of the situation and look for ways to deal with it.
7) They choose memories over materials
Finally, a big habit of down-to-earth people is loving life experiences more than material possessions.
They understand that the latest iPhone, Gucci bag, or shiny new Honda won’t really make them happy.
This is related to what I mentioned before.
Grounded individuals don’t feel the need to impress others. And because they don’t seek external validation they have less interest in shiny objects.
They’re simply not bothered about keeping up with the Joneses.
They’d much rather spend quality time with friends and family, living in the present and embracing life. Experiencing memorable moments with loved ones.
Hopefully, that leaves you with something to reflect on!