Genuine people who have nothing to hide often display these 7 subtle behaviors (according to psychology)

There’s more to a person than meets the eye.
Now more than ever, this statement rings true. Every single day, we encounter people we don’t know from Adam.
If you’ve lived long enough, you may have even met someone who wasn’t what they showed themselves to be.
It’s hard to judge someone based on what they do outwardly, but here are 7 subtle behaviors of genuine people who have nothing to hide, according to psychology.
1) They stand by their opinions
They live life the way THEY want, never bending to other people’s expectations (unless possibly, they agree with it too).
A genuine person follows their own path in life, doing things that feel right to them. They don’t trouble themselves with trying to “fit in” or live by somebody else’s opinion of what they should be like or how they should live.
In turn, they are able to make more meaningful bonds with others.
2) They don’t judge others
A genuine individual is non-judgmental.
When others know you are open-minded, they are more likely to approach them and engage and connect with them on a substantial level.
Especially in the workplace, being open-minded leads to approachability, and ultimately, access to other people’s new ideas and points of view.
Take note, being non-judgmental does not necessarily mean that they get on board with whatever other people are doing or that they are easily swayed by others.
It means that they just don’t have preconceived notions that prevent them from understanding the other. They withhold judgment long enough to get to know where other people are coming from.
3) They mean what they say (and do what they said they’d do)
“Palabra de honor” is a Spanish term that literally means “word of honor.”
One of the hallmarks of a genuine person is that they say what they mean and mean what they say. They also do what they say they are going to do.
Put simply, they honor, or keep their word.
When someone keeps their promises, they become reliable, a trait that means they can be trusted to do what needs to be done.
This is best exemplified by something former US president John F. Kennedy said: “I would rather be accused of breaking precedents–-than breaking promises.”
Reliability is indicative of integrity, which involves honesty and steadfast morals. In turn, having integrity means one does the right thing even when no one is watching.
Keeping one’s word also has the power to build trust.
Take politicians, for instance. We’re so skeptical of their claims of “If elected, I will…”, as these so often turn out to be empty promises.
But when a unicorn of a politician appears–and they actually follow through with their vows to the public–it shows that we can trust them.
Being reliable is also so key in professional relationships, across all types of industries. A person who breaks their word risks their reputation, and when that goes, well…suffice it to say it’s not good.
4) They stay humble
Genuine characters are not motivated by material wealth nor are they spurred on by a need for external validation.
They also don’t feel the need to brag about their achievements, regardless of how much they have accomplished.
We all know somebody who can’t seem to stop talking about themselves: what they’ve done, where they’ve been, how far they’ve come.
But genuine people do just the opposite. They let their work speak for itself–whether or not others see it.
5) They truly listen
One of the biggest turn-offs when speaking to somebody is when they are distracted.
This could happen for valid reasons, such as receiving bad news or not feeling 100% physically.
But most of the time, people get distracted because they’re on their phones. I admit I’ve been guilty of that a few times (and I’m sure you have, too).
A genuine person, however, truly listens to whoever they are in conversation with. They make eye contact and focus on the other. They show they are actually interested in what’s being said.
This is one of the ways by which genuine people are able to form bonds even with just regular chats. They don’t need to have heart-to-hearts all night long in order to make a connection.
6) They stay true to who they are
Another thing about genuine people is that they do not feel the need to make other people like them.
They are individuals that are completely comfortable in their own skin.
While it’s a totally normal feeling to want to get people to like you, an authentic person understands that they can’t please everybody.
There will be people that like them, and there will be people that won’t, and that’s okay.
As a consequence, they are not as concerned with what other people will think of them than they are about doing what they believe it’s right.
They are ready to take unpopular stances on controversial issues, if that’s what resonates with them.
Genuine people also don’t showboat. When they speak, they speak confidently and clearly, leading others to become interested and pay attention.
7) They show respect to everyone
Another thing about genuine individuals is that they show respect to everyone.
It doesn’t matter who they are. A genuine person respects people from all walks of life, regardless of what station they hold.
It’s easy to show respect to people “greater” than them, such as their boss or a high-profile client.
What really speaks to one’s character is how they treat the other half: it could be their colleagues or blue-collar workers like servers and janitors.
The reason for this respect is simple: they don’t believe that they’re better than anyone. Instead, they’ll see themselves the same as everyone else.
The bottom line
Genuine people are those who live their lives authentically.
They don’t mold themselves to cater to anyone’s expectations and they don’t base their worth on other people’s thoughts about them. Not only do they believe in doing the right thing, they actually go through with it.
While this list outlines behaviors of genuine people, keep in mind that there are many other ways genuine people act.
It’s up to you to take the time to get to know someone, because that’s the only real way to know if someone is authentic.