You don’t owe anyone an explanation for these things

Isabella Chase by Isabella Chase | January 20, 2025, 12:21 pm

There’s a vast difference between living for yourself and living for the approval of others.

This difference boils down to personal freedom. Living for approval often means constantly explaining your choices, which can feel like you’re under the scrutiny of a microscope.

Living for yourself, however, means understanding that there are certain things in life you simply don’t have to justify to anyone.

In this article, I’ll be talking about those very things, the ones that are no one’s business but yours. Let’s dive into “You don’t owe anyone an explanation for these things”.

1) Your personal beliefs

Let’s start with a basic one.

Personal beliefs can be as diverse as the people who hold them. They’re rooted in our upbringing, experiences, and personal reflections.

These beliefs form the very core of who we are, guiding us in our decisions and actions. And they are personal for a reason – they belong to us.

It’s common to encounter people who question, dispute, or downright dismiss your beliefs. The pressure to justify them can be overwhelming.

But here’s the thing – you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your personal beliefs.

Your beliefs are your own and you have the right to hold them without having to justify them to anyone.

Remember, it’s not about getting everyone to agree with you, it’s about staying true to yourself.

2) Your career choices

Allow me to share a personal experience.

Years ago, I made the decision to switch from a stable corporate job to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. To some, it seemed like an illogical, risky move.

I was met with a barrage of questions – “Why would you leave a well-paying job? What if you don’t succeed as a writer? Have you thought this through?”

The pressure to explain myself was immense. But then I realized – it was my career, my passion, and my life.

I didn’t owe anyone an explanation for my career choices. I knew what I wanted and what made me happy, and that was all that mattered.

Your career choices should be based on what you want from your life, not what others expect of you. You don’t need to justify why you chose one path over another. It’s your journey, and you’re the one who has to walk it.

3) Your lifestyle choices

Did you know that in the animal kingdom, there are species that lead solitary lives and others that thrive in social groups?

Similarly, humans have different lifestyle preferences. Some of us are night owls, others are early birds. Some prefer the hustle and bustle of city life, while others love the tranquillity of the countryside.

Your lifestyle choices are influenced by your personality, values, and interests. They are a reflection of who you are as an individual.

Whether you’re a vegan, a fitness enthusiast, a digital nomad or a homebody – it’s your life, your choice. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for the lifestyle choices you make.

As long as your choices aren’t harming others or breaking any laws, feel free to live your life the way you see fit. Remember, variety is the spice of life!

4) Your relationship status

In a society obsessed with romantic relationships, being single or not conforming to conventional relationship norms can invite a lot of unsolicited advice and probing questions.

Whether you’re single by choice, in a long-distance relationship, or in a non-traditional partnership – it’s your business.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationship status or the dynamics of your personal relationships.

Remember, everyone’s journey to finding love and companionship is unique. It’s about finding what works for you, not seeking validation from others. Your heart, your rules.

5) Your mental health

We’re living in a time where mental health is finally getting the attention it deserves, but we’ve still got a long way to go.

It’s okay to have days when you’re not okay. It’s okay to seek help, to take care of yourself, to prioritize your mental well-being.

You might come across people who don’t understand what you’re going through or who might trivialize your feelings. But remember, your mental health is not up for debate.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your mental health or how you choose to cope with it. It’s a part of you, something deeply personal and intimate.

It’s okay to keep it to yourself or share it with trusted people in your life on your terms. You are valid, and so are your feelings.

6) Your past mistakes

We’ve all been there – a moment of poor judgement, a rushed decision, a situation handled poorly.

For me, it was a failed business venture early in my career. I took a risk that didn’t pan out the way I’d hoped. It was a tough blow, and the whispers of failure didn’t make it any easier.

But here’s the thing – we all make mistakes. They’re an integral part of our growth, teaching us valuable lessons that success often can’t.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your past mistakes. They’re a part of your journey, your growing pains, your path to becoming who you are today.

Don’t let anyone use your past to belittle you or make you feel less. Own your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. You are not defined by your past, but by how you shape your future.

7) Your future plans

Whether it’s a gap year, starting a business, retiring early, or not having kids – your future plans are exactly that, yours.

They might not fit into the conventional timeline or expectations society often sets, but that doesn’t make them any less valid.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your future plans. They are a reflection of your dreams, goals, and the life you envision for yourself.

Don’t let the fear of judgement or misunderstanding deter you from pursuing what you truly want. After all, it’s your future. Make it one you’ll be happy to live.

8) Your self-worth

The most crucial thing to remember is this: Your worth is not up for debate.

It’s not determined by societal norms, other people’s opinions, or even your own past mistakes. Your worth is inherent.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your self-worth. It’s not something to be justified, validated, or proven.

Remember, you are enough just as you are. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Final thoughts: It’s about personal freedom

At the core of this discussion is a fundamental principle of personal freedom.

The freedom to live your life as you see fit, to make choices that align with your values and desires, and to do so without having to constantly validate or explain yourself to others.

One of the most profound quotes by the French philosopher Voltaire says, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

This embodies the essence of personal freedom. Your choices, beliefs, and actions might not always align with those around you, but they are yours – a reflection of your unique journey and experiences.

Remember, the only person you truly owe an explanation to is yourself. Be true to you, own your choices and never lose sight of your worth.

In life, there will always be questions, but it’s up to you which ones you choose to answer.