People with deep integrity usually follow these 8 principles of good living

Integrity is a quality that sets you apart. It’s about sticking to your principles, even when no one’s watching.
People with deep integrity have a clear moral compass and they live by certain principles that guide their actions.
They don’t just say what sounds good, they practice what they preach. And there are some key principles that they usually follow.
In this piece, we’ll explore these principles that make up the heart of a life lived with deep integrity.
Dive in to discover the 8 principles of good living that those with true integrity tend to follow.
1) Honesty is the best policy
Honesty is more than just telling the truth. People with deep integrity understand that honesty extends to all aspects of life, including being true to themselves.
They believe in authenticity and transparency. They don’t fabricate stories or exaggerate facts just to impress others or get ahead.
In fact, they are often the ones who will admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. They don’t shy away from difficult conversations or truths, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.
They live by the principle that honesty is indeed the best policy. It’s not just about being truthful to others, but also about being honest with one’s self.
Because, at the end of the day, they know that integrity is not something you show off to others, it’s something you demonstrate through your actions when no one else is watching.
2) Consistency is key
One principle that has always resonated with me, and that I’ve observed in people with deep integrity, is the importance of consistency.
Consistency in words and actions is crucial. These individuals don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. They maintain their principles regardless of the situation or audience.
I remember an instance from my own life. I had a boss who was the epitome of integrity. She promised to support our team’s professional development and she consistently delivered on that pledge – offering us opportunities for training, mentoring and growth, regardless of how busy she was.
Her consistency wasn’t flashy or outwardly impressive. But it made a profound impact on our team’s morale and trust in her leadership.
In the end, consistency isn’t just about what we say or promise, it’s about following through with those promises over time. People with deep integrity understand this and live by it every day.
3) Respect for all
People with deep integrity have a profound respect for all individuals, regardless of their status or background. They treat everyone with kindness and dignity, understanding that everyone has their own story and journey.
This principle is deeply rooted in the concept of ‘ubuntu’, an African philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all humans. The term translates to “I am because we are”, highlighting the idea that our actions and attitudes towards others reflect on us as individuals.
People with integrity live this principle daily. They give respect not to gain anything in return, but because they understand the inherent value in every individual. They recognize that showing respect is a reflection of their own character, not just a response to the other person’s actions or status.
4) Embrace humility
Those with deep integrity often embrace humility. They understand that they don’t have all the answers and are open to learning from others.
For these individuals, pride doesn’t get in the way of acknowledging their weaknesses or mistakes. They are not afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I was wrong”.
They recognize that true growth and understanding come from being open and receptive, rather than acting superior or pretending to know it all.
Humility allows them to continuously learn, grow, and improve. It’s not about diminishing their self-worth, but about valuing the worth and contributions of others as well.
5) Compassion is paramount
In the midst of this fast-paced, competitive world, individuals with deep integrity never lose sight of the importance of compassion. They understand that each person they encounter is facing their own battles and challenges.
They lead with empathy and kindness, always willing to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. They believe in the power of small acts of kindness and how these can create ripples of positive change.
But their compassion isn’t just reserved for others. They also extend it to themselves, understanding that everyone stumbles and makes mistakes. They know that being gentle with oneself is crucial for maintaining resilience and integrity in the face of adversity.
Compassion shapes their interactions and decisions. And through their actions, they remind us all of the profound impact that empathy and kindness can have on our world.
6) The courage to stand up
Having integrity often means having the courage to stand up for what you believe in, even when it’s not popular or convenient.
There was a time when I witnessed an unfair situation at work. It would have been easier to stay silent, to blend in with the crowd. But that niggling voice of integrity wouldn’t let me.
I took a deep breath, gathered my thoughts, and voiced my concerns. It was uncomfortable and risky, but it was the right thing to do.
People with deep integrity understand this. They know that sometimes, standing up for what is right is more important than fitting in or avoiding conflict. They show us that courage isn’t about being fearless, but about taking action despite our fears.
7) Accountability matters
People with deep integrity hold themselves accountable for their actions. They don’t blame others for their mistakes or take credit for other people’s work.
They understand that accountability is about owning up to your actions, both good and bad. It’s about learning from your mistakes, making amends when necessary, and striving to do better next time.
They see every mistake or failure not as a setback, but as an opportunity for growth and improvement. They know that taking responsibility for their actions is the first step towards change and progress.
Accountability, for them, is not just a responsibility, but a commitment to themselves and to those around them.
8) Authenticity shines through
The cornerstone of deep integrity is authenticity. People with integrity don’t pretend to be someone they’re not or try to fit into a mold that society has created.
They understand the value of being true to themselves. They embrace their strengths, acknowledge their weaknesses, and strive to be the best version of themselves.
They reject the idea of wearing masks to please others or conform to societal expectations. They believe in expressing their genuine thoughts and feelings, even when it’s uncomfortable or challenging.
For them, authenticity isn’t just about being real with others, but also about being real with themselves. They know that only by embracing their true self can they live a life of deep integrity.
Reflection: Living with integrity
Integrity is not just an abstract concept or a lofty ideal. It’s a way of life, a conscious choice that shapes our actions, decisions and interactions.
People with deep integrity choose to live by principles that uphold honesty, respect, humility, compassion, courage, accountability, and authenticity. They understand that integrity is not about being perfect but about being true; true to themselves, true to others, and true to their values.
These principles are not exclusive or unattainable. They are within reach for each one of us. Living with integrity is about making the choice every day to embody these values, even when it’s hard, even when no one is watching.
So as we go about our lives, let us strive for integrity. Let us remember that every action we take, every word we speak, and every decision we make is a reflection of who we are.
In the words of C.S. Lewis, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” Let’s strive to live a life of deep integrity, not for recognition or reward, but because it’s the right thing to do. It’s the most authentic way to live.