Do you feel you are missing out or are jealous of others? 9 ways to feel great in your own skin

We’ve all been there. You see someone’s success or happiness and you can’t help but feel that pang of jealousy, or the nagging sensation that you’re somehow missing out.
But here’s the truth: everyone has their own path, their own journey. And guess what? Yours is just as important.
Feeling great in your own skin is all about embracing who you are, and realizing that you are enough. It’s about rejecting the comparison game and focusing on your own growth and happiness.
In this article, I’ll share 9 actionable steps that can help you let go of these negative feelings and start feeling fantastic about yourself.
Ready to start loving the skin you’re in? Let’s dive in.
1) Embrace your uniqueness
Let’s start with something fundamental – you are unique. There is no one else on this planet quite like you.
So why compare yourself to others? It’s like comparing apples and oranges. They’re both fruit, sure, but they’re fundamentally different. And that’s a good thing!
Instead of focusing on what others have or are doing, concentrate on your own qualities and accomplishments. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they might seem.
Done something awesome? Pat yourself on the back! Have a talent or skill that you love? Nurture it and show it off.
By embracing what makes you unique, you’ll naturally feel better about yourself because you’re focusing on your strengths rather than your perceived weaknesses.
Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. So don’t let it steal yours!
2) Practice self-love and self-care
This is something I’ve personally found to be incredibly effective. There was a time when I was constantly comparing myself to others. It was draining, and it led to a lot of unhappiness.
One day, I decided to shift my focus from others to myself. I started exercising regularly, eating healthier, taking time out for hobbies I enjoy, and generally prioritizing self-care.
And guess what? It worked wonders. Not only did I start feeling better physically, but my mental health improved significantly as well. I started to feel more confident, more content with who I am.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should become self-obsessed or narcissistic. It just means that you should take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.
You’re important, and you deserve to be taken care of. And who better to do that than you? Trust me, once you start treating yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve, you’ll start feeling great in your own skin.
3) Surround yourself with positive influences
Here’s something to consider: according to research from Harvard University, the people you surround yourself with can significantly influence your happiness and general outlook on life.
If you’re constantly around people who are negative or who always seem to be comparing themselves to others, chances are, you’ll start doing the same.
On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who encourage you to be the best version of yourself, you’re more likely to adopt the same mindset.
So take a look at your social circle. Are these people helping you feel good about yourself? If not, it might be time to seek out more positive influences. This can make a world of difference in how you feel about yourself.
4) Challenge negative thoughts
We all have that little voice in our head that sometimes whispers not-so-nice things. It’s a part of being human. But just because the voice is there, doesn’t mean we have to listen to it.
Next time you find yourself thinking something negative about yourself, challenge it. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” or “Would I say this to a friend?”. Often, you’ll find that the answer is no.
By actively challenging negative thought patterns, you can start shifting your mindset to a more positive one.
And the more you do this, the easier it becomes. Over time, you’ll find that those negative thoughts start to lose their power, making room for more positive self-perception.
5) Set personal goals
Setting personal goals can be an excellent way to feel great about yourself. These goals can be related to your career, personal development, hobbies, or even your health.
When you set a goal and work towards it, you’re focusing on your own growth instead of comparing yourself to others. Every step you take towards achieving that goal is a victory and something to be proud of.
Remember, the key is to set realistic goals. Don’t aim for the moon right away. Start small, and as you achieve these smaller goals, you’ll build confidence and can then aim for bigger things.
Achieving personal goals can give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-worth, helping you feel great in your own skin.
6) Learn to forgive yourself
We all make mistakes. It’s a part of life and a part of being human. But sometimes, we hold onto these mistakes, beating ourselves up about them long after they’ve happened.
It’s time to let go. Holding onto past mistakes doesn’t change what’s happened, and it certainly doesn’t help us feel good about ourselves.
Forgiving yourself can be a powerful step towards feeling great in your own skin. It can lift a weight off your shoulders and allow you to move forward with positivity and confidence.
Understand that making mistakes doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or less deserving of happiness. It just means you’re human.
So, breathe deep, let go of past mistakes, forgive yourself, and look ahead to the brighter future you’re creating.
7) Practice gratitude
A few years ago, during a particularly tough time, I started a simple practice that had a profound impact on my life. Every night before going to bed, I would write down three things I was grateful for.
It could be anything – a cozy bed, a good meal, a kind gesture from a stranger. The point was to shift my focus from what was going wrong to what was going right.
This simple act of acknowledging the good in my life helped me appreciate what I had instead of focusing on what others had. It made me realize that there were plenty of reasons to feel great about my own life.
Gratitude has the power to shift your mindset from lack to abundance. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how it can transform your perspective and help you feel great in your own skin.
8) Take time for yourself
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. But it’s important to take a step back and take some time for yourself.
Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, meditating, or just sitting quietly with a cup of tea, taking time for yourself can help you reconnect with who you are. It allows you to check in with yourself and see how you’re really feeling.
By taking this time, you can identify areas where you might be feeling discontent or jealous of others, and work on addressing these feelings.
Remember, it’s not selfish to take time for yourself. It’s necessary for your mental health and wellbeing. And when you’re feeling good mentally, it shows on the outside too.
9) Believe in yourself
This might sound cliché, but it’s perhaps the most important thing you can do to feel great in your own skin. Believe in yourself, in your worth, and in your abilities.
Believing in yourself means that you recognize your own value. It means that you understand that you are enough just as you are, regardless of what anyone else might think or say.
When you truly believe in yourself, it shines through, and people can’t help but notice. It makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. And there’s nothing more attractive than that.
So hold your head high, believe in yourself, and know that you are absolutely amazing just the way you are.
Embrace your journey
As we navigate through life, it’s important to remember that each one of us is on our own unique journey. Each path is filled with its own set of challenges and victories, highs and lows.
What’s vital is how we perceive and respond to these experiences. An interesting fact shared by psychologist Carl Rogers is that “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
This means that the first step towards feeling great in your own skin is accepting yourself for who you are right now, not comparing or wishing for what others have or are.
It’s about celebrating your uniqueness, embracing your strengths and weaknesses, and understanding that you are enough just as you are.
Remember, the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. So take a moment, reflect on your journey so far, and embrace the amazing person you are.
Because at the end of the day, the most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. So make it a good one.