7 traits of people who always come back stronger after failure or rejection

For most of my life, I’ve been both intrigued and inspired by people who have the ability to bounce back stronger after facing failure or rejection.
I’m Lachlan Brown, founder of Hack Spirit and a lifelong psychology enthusiast.
The question that always nagged at me was: How do they do it? What makes these individuals different?
There was a time in my life when I didn’t possess this strength. I was stuck in a cycle of failure without the resilience to recover.
I felt like a ship lost at sea, constantly tossed around by stormy waves of rejection and disappointment.
But then, something changed. I began to observe and learn from those who seemed to have mastered the art of rebounding stronger from adversity.
And what I discovered were 7 common traits these individuals shared.
In this article, I am going to share with you these 7 traits of people who always come back stronger after failure or rejection.
Here’s hoping they inspire and guide you as much as they did me.
Let’s dive right in.
1) Embrace of failure
The first trait I noticed in people who bounce back stronger is their unique perspective on failure.
You see, for them, failure isn’t the end of the road. No, it’s a stepping stone, an integral part of their journey towards success.
They understand that failure is not a reflection of their worth but an opportunity to learn and grow.
Instead of being paralyzed by the fear of failure, they embrace it.
They face it head-on and use it as fuel to propel them forward.
I remember a time when I was terrified of rejection and failure.
But adopting this mindset shift was a game-changer for me. I started seeing failure as feedback, as a learning curve rather than a dead-end.
Next time you face failure or rejection, take a moment to see it as an opportunity rather than a setback.
Ask yourself: What can I learn from this? How can this help me grow?
Changing your perspective on failure can be your first step towards resilience and bouncing back stronger.
2) Persistence
The second trait that these resilient individuals share is persistence.
Being persistent means continuously moving forward, no matter how hard the journey gets.
It’s about staying committed to your goals and not giving up at the first sign of trouble.
I recall a time when I was trying to establish Hack Spirit. The idea of starting my own online platform was daunting and filled with uncertainty.
I faced numerous setbacks and rejections along the way. There were times when I thought about throwing in the towel.
But then I remembered a quote by psychologist Angela Duckworth: “Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.”
This quote resonated with me deeply.
It reminded me that success isn’t an overnight phenomenon; it’s a product of consistent effort and unwavering persistence.
So, I kept going. I pushed through the doubts, the rejections, and the failures.
And today, Hack Spirit is a reality because of that persistence.
If you’re facing a tough time right now, remember that persistence is key.
Stick to your goals, keep striving for them day in and day out, and you’ll come back stronger from any failure or rejection.
3) Optimism
The third trait that stands out in people who come back stronger from failure or rejection is their unwavering optimism.
Now, bear in mind, optimism isn’t about ignoring the reality of the situation.
Rather, it’s about maintaining a positive outlook and believing in the possibility of a better outcome, even in the face of adversity.
I recall when I was dealing with one of the biggest failures in my professional life.
A project I had poured my heart and soul into had fallen through. It felt like a massive punch in the gut.
Yet, I remember choosing to remain optimistic. I decided to look at this failure as a temporary setback, not a permanent roadblock.
I believed that even though things hadn’t worked out this time, they would in the future.
This mindset helped me to keep going and not lose faith during that tough period.
My optimism fueled my resilience and eventually led me to bounce back stronger than before.
Optimism is a choice. Even when things seem bleak, choose to remain positive and believe in the possibility of a better outcome.
It can make all the difference when you’re trying to come back stronger from failure or rejection.
4) Self-compassion
Another trait I’ve noticed in resilient people is their practice of self-compassion.
They understand the importance of being kind to themselves, especially during times of failure or rejection.
In my own journey, learning to practice self-compassion was a big turning point.
I used to be my own worst critic, constantly berating myself for every mistake or setback.
Then I stumbled upon a study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin which demonstrated that individuals who practice self-compassion tend to have lower levels of stress and anxiety.
They found that self-compassion fosters resilience and helps individuals to bounce back faster from failures.
Reading about this research made me realize how crucial self-compassion is for overcoming adversity.
I started giving myself the same kindness and understanding I would give to a friend in a similar situation.
The result? I became more resilient and found it easier to bounce back from failures and rejections.
If you often find yourself being harsh on yourself, try practicing self-compassion.
It might just be the key to helping you come back stronger from adversity.
5) Adaptability
One of the most critical traits of people who bounce back stronger from failure or rejection is their adaptability.
They are flexible and open to change, which allows them to adjust their sails and navigate through the stormy seas of adversity.
I learned this lesson in my own life when I had to switch careers. Initially, I was resistant to the change.
I was comfortable in my old job and the idea of stepping into a new field was intimidating.
However, I realized that clinging to my old ways wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
I needed to adapt to the new circumstances if I wanted to move forward.
So, I took the plunge. I stepped out of my comfort zone, learned new skills, and adapted to my new role.
It was challenging, but the ability to adapt made all the difference.
In times of failure or rejection, being adaptable can help you see new opportunities and possibilities that you might have missed otherwise.
It can empower you to turn setbacks into comebacks.
It’s not the strongest who survive but those most responsive to change.
6) Growth mindset
The sixth trait that defines people who bounce back stronger is the cultivation of a growth mindset.
Psychologist Carol Dweck coined the term “growth mindset” to describe people who believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.
These individuals see failure not as evidence of unintelligence, but as a springboard for growth and stretching existing abilities.
I vividly remember the first time I came across the concept of growth mindset. It was during my early days at Hack Spirit.
I was struggling with multiple tasks, and I found myself stuck in a rut, believing I just wasn’t cut out for this.
Then I read a quote by Dweck: “In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.”
This quote was a game-changer for me. It made me realize that I had been looking at my challenges all wrong.
Instead of viewing them as threats or failures, I started seeing them as opportunities for learning and growth.
If you’re facing failure or rejection, remember to maintain a growth mindset.
See every challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn.
7) Acceptance
The final trait might seem counterintuitive, but it’s crucial: acceptance.
People who bounce back stronger understand the importance of accepting their current situation, no matter how challenging it might be.
They realize that acceptance is not about giving up or conceding defeat, but acknowledging the reality as a necessary step to move forward.
I learned this lesson when I was dealing with a significant setback in my life. My initial reaction was to resist it, to deny what had happened.
But all this did was keep me stuck in a loop of pain and frustration.
It was only when I chose to accept my situation that things started to shift. I realized that acceptance was the first step towards healing and growth.
It allowed me to let go of what I couldn’t change and focus on what I could.
Here’s a practical tip: The next time you face failure or rejection, take a moment to sit with your feelings.
Acknowledge them without judgment.
You might find that this acceptance paves the way for you to come back stronger.
Bouncing back stronger from failure or rejection isn’t always easy, but it is possible.
And the seven traits we’ve discussed here can guide you on your journey.
Remember, it’s all about your perspective. See failure as an opportunity for learning and growth.
Maintain a growth mindset, practice self-compassion, and stay adaptable to change.
And finally, never underestimate the power of acceptance.
As a parting piece of advice, I’d say this: Start small.
Choose one trait from this list and work on it consciously every day. Small steps eventually lead to big changes.
Here’s to coming back stronger from every setback life throws your way. You’ve got this!
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