People who become more conservative as they get older typically display these behaviors, says psychology

Eliza Hartley by Eliza Hartley | January 21, 2025, 8:39 am

There’s a compelling correlation between aging and shifting political views. As people age, they often lean more towards conservatism.

But what exactly changes?

According to psychology, there’s a pattern of behaviors that come into play when people turn more conservative as they age.

In this article, we’ll delve into those specific behaviors that signal a shift towards conservatism in older folks.

Get ready for some fascinating insights as psychology sheds light on this intriguing transformation.

1) Increased respect for traditions

One common trait that psychologists have noticed in people who lean more conservative as they age is an amplified respect for traditions.

Traditions, after all, give us a sense of stability and continuity. They provide a comforting structure in an ever-changing world.

As people grow older, they often find solace in traditions. They value the time-tested wisdom embedded in these practices.

This is not merely a nostalgia for the ‘good old days’, but a genuine appreciation for the virtues and values that have stood the test of time.

This reverence for tradition can be seen in their personal lives, their community involvement, and yes, their political leanings too.

But remember, respect for tradition doesn’t mean resistance to change.

It’s about finding a balance between honoring the past and embracing the future.

If you notice a growing fondness for traditions in your loved ones as they age, don’t be surprised if their political compass also starts leaning more towards conservatism.

2) Seeking stability and security

Another behavior I’ve noticed, both in myself and in others who become more conservative with age, is a greater emphasis on stability and security.

As an example, I remember when I was in my 20s, I was all about taking risks and seeking new adventures.

The thought of settling down or buying a house seemed so boring to me at that time.

But as I got older, my perspective slowly started to change.

The appeal of a secure job, a steady income, and owning a home began to outweigh the thrill of constant change and uncertainty.

It was no longer just about living for the moment but also about planning for the future.

This shift towards stability and security is not just limited to personal life choices. Psychologists suggest it can extend to political views as well.

The conservative ideology often emphasizes economic stability, law and order, and national security which can be appealing to those seeking more certainty in their lives.

When you witness such changes in behavior among aging individuals, it could be a sign that their political views are also moving towards conservatism.

3) Emphasis on personal responsibility

A third behavior often exhibited by those who become more conservative as they age is a heightened emphasis on personal responsibility.

This is a belief that individuals should take responsibility for their own lives and actions.

As we age, we tend to accumulate experiences – some good, some bad.

We learn from our mistakes and successes, and often come to understand that our decisions and actions have consequences.

This comprehension leads to a greater sense of personal responsibility.

In the political realm, conservatives often champion the idea of individual responsibility.

They uphold the belief that people should strive to be self-reliant and not depend too much on government assistance.

If you notice someone taking on more responsibility for their own actions and decisions as they age, it could be an indication that they might also be gravitating towards more conservative viewpoints.

4) Mindfulness and conservatism

A subtle but significant shift I’ve observed in people who become more conservative as they age is an increase in mindfulness.

Mindfulness, in essence, is about being fully present and engaged in the current moment.

As we age, many of us tend to become more reflective and introspective.

We start valuing the present moment more than ever, and this mindfulness often translates into our political views.

In my book, “The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment”, I discuss how mindfulness can influence various aspects of our lives, including our political views.

Conservatives often emphasize the importance of considering the long-term implications of decisions.

This requires a mindful approach to decision-making — being aware of the present situation, but also contemplating its future impact.

If you ever see someone becoming more mindful as they age, don’t be surprised if their political ideology also leans more towards conservatism.

Their newfound mindfulness might be influencing them to consider the long-term consequences of political decisions, a hallmark of conservative thinking.

5) Appreciation for order and structure

There’s a certain comfort in routine. Knowing what to expect, having a plan in place, it can make life feel more manageable.

This increased appreciation for order and structure often emerges as people age.

I’ve noticed this change in myself. Back in the day, spontaneity ruled my life.

The mere thought of a structured routine would have suffocated the younger me. But now, I value the stability and predictability that order brings.

Inclination towards structure can extend to political beliefs as well.

Conservative ideologies often emphasize law and order, structured economic policies, and defined societal roles.

If you see someone growing more appreciative of order and structure as they age, it might also hint at a shift towards more conservative views.

It’s not just about embracing predictability in daily life; it could be about seeking it in the wider societal context too.

6) Increased openness to differing viewpoints

Here’s something a bit counter-intuitive: As people grow older and lean more conservative, they often become more open to differing viewpoints.

This might seem surprising considering conservatism is often portrayed as rigid or unchanging.

But, as we age, we tend to realize that life isn’t black and white.

We accumulate experiences and wisdom that allow us to understand the complexity of issues better.

This doesn’t mean they will necessarily change their conservative views, but rather they become more willing to listen and engage with opposing ideas.

It’s a form of intellectual maturity, understanding that even conflicting viewpoints can offer valuable insights.

Whenever you notice someone becoming more open to discussions and debates as they age, it could be a sign of their shift towards conservatism.

They’re not just becoming more tolerant of different perspectives; they’re embracing the complexity and diversity of thought that makes our society vibrant.

7) Emphasis on family values

Another behavior that often surfaces as individuals become more conservative with age is a deepened emphasis on family values.

Family plays a significant role in our lives. It provides us with love, support, and a sense of belonging.

As we age, our appreciation for these aspects often grows, and we start to place higher importance on nurturing and maintaining these familial bonds.

In the political sphere, conservatism is often associated with the promotion of traditional family values.

This includes concepts like marriage, parenthood, and inter-generational respect.

Therefore, if you see someone placing increasing importance on their family values as they age, it might indicate their political views are shifting towards conservatism.

They aren’t just cherishing their family more; they might be aligning themselves with a political ideology that upholds the same values.

8) Desire for fiscal responsibility

The most crucial behavior that individuals who become more conservative as they age often display is a desire for fiscal responsibility.

As we grow older, financial stability becomes increasingly important.

We start to think about retirement, saving for the future, and leaving a legacy for our loved ones.

This desire for fiscal responsibility often aligns with the conservative emphasis on economic prudence and minimal government spending.

When you see someone becoming more careful with their finances as they age, it could be a sign of a shift towards conservatism.

It’s about ensuring not just their personal financial stability, but also advocating for fiscal responsibility on a national level.

Final thoughts: It could be a natural progression

At the end of the day, our behaviors, preferences, and even political leanings might just be a natural part of our aging process.

As we grow older, our experiences shape our worldview in profound ways.

We learn from our past, contemplate our present, and plan for our future.

This journey of aging might naturally push us towards conservatism.

In my book, “The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment”, I discuss how mindfulness can help us navigate this journey with grace and wisdom.

This practice encourages us to embrace change, explore new perspectives, and appreciate the nuances of life.

Whether it’s the respect for tradition, desire for stability, or emphasis on family values, these behaviors often reflect our evolving understanding of life as we age.

They might indicate a shift towards conservatism, but they’re also signs of personal growth and maturity.

When you notice these changes in yourself or others, remember that it’s not just about politics. It’s about navigating life with wisdom and grace.

It’s about honoring our past while embracing the future. And most importantly, it’s about staying true to ourselves as we journey through life.