Couples in a toxic relationship usually display these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | November 7, 2024, 7:38 am

Navigating a toxic relationship can be like walking through a minefield – you never know when you might trigger an explosion.

Here’s the kicker though: Often, people are neck-deep in these relationships without even realizing it. It’s a scary thought, isn’t it?

The tricky part is that certain behaviors, seemingly normal on the surface, could indicate a toxic relationship underneath. It’s like a silent code that needs decoding.

Now, I’m no relationship guru, but I’ve noticed some common patterns. I’ve rounded up 9 behaviors typically displayed by people in toxic relationships – and they often don’t even know it.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started.

1) Constant walking on eggshells

Ever had that feeling where you’re treading lightly, afraid to set off a potential landmine? You know, that sense of always being on the edge and never really feeling relaxed?

Well, if you’re feeling this way most of the time in your relationship, it could be a red flag. It’s like you’re always wearing those metaphorical ballet shoes, tiptoeing around your partner to avoid sparking off an argument or upsetting them.

This isn’t normal, folks. In a healthy relationship, you should feel free and at ease to express your thoughts and feelings without the fear of an impending explosion.

So if you’re perennially walking on eggshells, it’s time to pause and take a closer look at your relationship. It might be more toxic than you think. But remember – acknowledging the problem is the first step towards seeking help and making things better.

2) A never-ending blame game

Here’s a personal story. I was once in a relationship where it always seemed like I was the one screwing up. You know, the kind of relationship where you’re always the one apologizing, even when you’re not sure what for?

I remember this one time when we had planned a movie night. I got caught up at work and showed up 30 minutes late. Instead of understanding, my partner flew into a rage, blaming me for ruining the night.

It wasn’t just this incident. It was every incident. If something went wrong, it was always my fault.

Looking back, I realize that it was a classic case of being in a toxic relationship. If you’re constantly blamed for everything that goes wrong and made to feel guilty, take a step back. It might be time to reassess your relationship. No one should be made to feel like they are always in the wrong.

3) Communication breakdown

Communication is the backbone of any solid relationship. But when communication crumbles, the relationship usually follows suit.

Did you know that according to research conducted by The Gottman Institute, the number one predictor of divorce is the inability or unwillingness to communicate? That’s right. It’s not infidelity or financial problems, but communication – or lack thereof.

If you’re finding that your conversations are filled with more silence than words, or if every discussion spirals into an argument, it’s a red flag. Healthy relationships thrive on open, honest, and respectful communication. If that’s missing, it might be a sign of toxicity lurking beneath the surface.

4) You feel drained, not energized

Relationships should be a source of support, comfort, and energy. But if you’re constantly feeling drained or emotionally exhausted after spending time with your partner, something’s off.

It’s like you’re on this never-ending emotional rollercoaster, right? One moment you’re up in the clouds, the next you’re plummeting to the ground at breakneck speed.

If being around your partner leaves you feeling more depleted than rejuvenated, it might be a sign that you’re in a toxic relationship. It’s important to remember that a healthy relationship shouldn’t feel like a constant battle for peace and happiness.

5) Your self-esteem is taking a hit

We all have our insecurities, right? But in a relationship, your partner should be your cheerleader, helping you overcome them, not piling onto them.

If you’re constantly feeling belittled, or if your partner always seems to find a way to make digs at your self-esteem, it’s not a good sign. You see, in a healthy relationship, your partner should build you up, not break you down.

So if your self-esteem is on a downward spiral and you’re feeling worse about yourself since being in the relationship, it’s time to take a step back and reconsider. Nobody deserves to be in a relationship that makes them feel less than worthy.

6) You’re losing sight of who you are

Here’s something that’s a bit hard to admit: Sometimes, in the chaos of a toxic relationship, it’s easy to lose sight of who you truly are.

It’s like you’re in this swirling vortex, constantly trying to please your partner or avoid conflict, that you forget about your own needs, desires, and dreams. You begin to morph into this person you think your partner wants you to be, and in the process, you lose touch with your true self.

If you’re feeling like a stranger to yourself and can’t remember the last time you did something for you, it’s a huge red flag. Remember, a loving relationship should never require you to give up your identity or personal growth. It should encourage it.

7) Your friends and family are concerned

I remember when I was in a relationship that had more downs than ups. My friends and family started voicing their concerns, but I brushed them off, thinking they just didn’t understand.

I found myself constantly defending my partner and making excuses for their behavior. But deep down, I knew something wasn’t right.

It’s important to listen when the people who love you express worry about your relationship. They have your best interests at heart and can often see things you might be blind to. If you’re frequently hearing concern from your loved ones, it’s worth taking a step back to evaluate the situation.

8) You’re constantly making excuses for your partner

If you often find yourself making excuses for your partner’s behavior, especially to yourself, it’s a clear sign of trouble brewing.

Maybe they snap at you for little things and you tell yourself they’re just stressed. Or they cancel plans at the last minute and you convince yourself they’re just busy.

Making excuses for your partner’s actions not only enables their behavior but also blinds you to the potential toxicity of the relationship. In a healthy relationship, there’s no need for constant excuses because respect and understanding are given, not justified.

9) You’re not happy

This might seem obvious, but it’s surprising how often we overlook our own happiness in a relationship. If you’re constantly unhappy, anxious, or stressed, it’s a glaring sign of a toxic relationship.

Remember, the ultimate goal of any relationship is happiness. If that’s missing, it’s time to reassess. You deserve to be in a relationship that brings you joy, not one that steals it away.

The ultimate truth: It’s about respect

At the heart of all healthy relationships lies one fundamental element – respect. It’s the foundation upon which love, trust, and understanding are built.

Respect is not just about treating your partner well. It’s about valuing their individuality, understanding their perspective, and acknowledging their feelings. It’s about creating a safe space where both of you can grow and thrive individually and collectively.

In a toxic relationship, this respect is often missing or severely compromised. And when respect is lost, it’s hard to sustain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

So, if you find yourself recognizing these behaviors in your relationship, it’s time for some serious reflection. Remember, everyone deserves to be in a relationship that respects them, values them, and brings joy to their lives.

As poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” Let’s reflect on that as we navigate our relationships.

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