9 classic signs of a narcissistic person, according to psychology
Spotting a narcissistic personality isn’t always an easy task.
There’s much more to it than just someone who loves talking about themselves.
Narcissism is a personality disorder that involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for excessive attention and admiration.
But how can you tell if someone truly fits the bill?
Can you recognize the key signs?
We’ve compiled a list of nine classic signs of a selfish person.
Let’s jump right in and start deciphering these telltale signs.
1) They have a grandiose sense of self-importance
Narcissism, by definition, is an inflated sense of self-importance.
But it goes beyond just a healthy level of self-esteem or confidence.
Narcissists typically believe they’re superior to others and often exaggerate their abilities or achievements.
They expect to be recognized as unique without any basis for such accolades.
Simply put, they think they’re the best thing since sliced bread – and they want everyone else to recognize it, too.
It’s important not to label someone as a narcissist based on just one characteristic.
The combination of these signs often points toward a selfish personality.
2) They constantly need admiration and validation
I’ve personally encountered this sign.
I once had a friend who constantly sought validation and admiration from everyone around her.
She would often steer conversations towards herself, showing off her latest accomplishments or purchases.
She would become visibly upset if she didn’t receive the praise she sought.
She constantly needed her ego fed with compliments and admiration.
It wasn’t just about sharing life updates or success stories; it was an apparent craving for constant affirmation of her value and importance.
This constant craving for affirmation is a classic sign of narcissism.
The need for continuous admiration validates an inflated sense of self and helps to maintain self-perceived superior status.
While we all love a bit of praise from time to time, it’s the intensity and constant need for it that separates a narcissist from others.
3) They take advantage of others to reach their own goals
Narcissists are known for their manipulative ways.
Their exaggerated self-importance often drives them to exploit others to achieve their ends.
For them, people are tools that can be used to further their aspirations.
This means they’re willing to bend or break the rules to get what they want.
They have little regard for how their actions might affect others as long as their needs are met.
It’s a classic sign that often goes hand in hand with narcissism.
4) They are often envious of others
Narcissists may seem confident and superior, but beneath that facade, they often harbor intense envy for others.
Whether it’s someone else’s success, possessions, or even relationships, narcissists can find it hard to celebrate others.
Instead, they view these things as threats to their superiority.
To cope with this perceived threat, they often resort to belittling the accomplishments of others or exaggerating their own to reestablish their sense of dominance.
Feeling occasional envy is a normal human emotion.
However, the persistent and pervasive envy seen in narcissists is a clear indication of their disorder.
5) They lack empathy for others
Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a quality that narcissists often lack.
They struggle to put themselves in someone else’s shoes or show genuine care and concern for others’ feelings.
This lack of empathy allows them to manipulate or exploit others without guilt or remorse.
It’s a vital cue of a narcissistic personality, making it harder for them to form deep, meaningful relationships.
6) They have a sense of entitlement
Narcissists often carry an exaggerated sense of entitlement.
They believe they deserve more than others and expect preferential treatment.
Imagine being in a coffee shop queue.
Most of us understand the simple concept of waiting our turn.
But a narcissist feels entitled to skip the line because they believe their needs are more important than everyone else’s.
Navigating relationships with narcissists can be challenging.
However, understanding these signs can equip you with the knowledge to protect your emotional well-being.
7) They frequently belittle or demean others
Have you ever been in a situation where someone constantly demeans or belittles others to make themselves look better?
I have, and it’s a draining experience.
I remember being in a group where people would constantly make fun of others, make sarcastic remarks, or subtly put others down.
They seemed always to try to assert their superiority or make others feel inferior.
It’s a trait that can cause significant emotional distress to those around them.
8) They’re obsessed with fantasies about success, power, or beauty
Narcissists often fantasize about having unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
They daydream about their future and see themselves at the top, often disregarding the hard work or time it takes.
These fantasies serve as a coping mechanism for their deep-seated insecurities.
By envisioning themselves in these grandiose situations, they bolster their self-esteem and reinforce their belief in superiority.
This obsession with fantasy can lead to disappointment when reality doesn’t meet these high expectations.
It’s a classic indication of narcissism and an important one to look out for.
9) They are hypersensitive to criticism
Criticism, even if it’s constructive, often doesn’t sit well with narcissists.
They’re hypersensitive to it and may react with rage, defiance, or belittling the person delivering the criticism.
They view criticism as directly attacking their superiority and react defensively to protect their inflated self-image.
This extreme sensitivity to criticism often leads to relationship conflict, creating an environment where others walk on eggshells around them.
Understanding this signal is essential in dealing with a narcissist.
It indicates their inability to accept they might be less than perfect.
Final thoughts: It’s about understanding, not labeling
As we delve into the complexities of human behavior, it’s crucial to remember that understanding is the cornerstone of empathy.
Narcissism, as a personality disorder, is often deeply ingrained and can stem from a myriad of factors, including genetics, environment, and early childhood experiences.
It’s not a choice someone makes but rather a way their brain is wired.
Ultimately, recognizing these signs isn’t about labeling or judging others.
It’s about understanding their perspectives and behaviors, setting appropriate boundaries for our well-being-, and encouraging professional help when necessary.