7 boundaries strong women always keep in a relationship, even when they’re deeply in love

Pearl Nash by Pearl Nash | September 4, 2024, 12:58 pm

Strong women are a force in this world. 

They know their worth and consistently act like it, never limiting themselves to stereotypes or established gender roles. 

In the context of a relationship, strong women are a manipulator’s worst nightmare, as they aren’t the easiest demographic to take advantage of. 

They have too much self-respect and confidence to let others trample over them and make them feel small. 

Even when they’re in love, they don’t often allow feelings and emotions to get in the way of their dignity. 

So if this all sounds appealing, and perhaps you’d like to develop your inner strength a bit more, read on. 

To start, I’ll walk you through the boundaries strong women always keep in a relationship–even when in love. 

Let’s get to it! 

1) Emotional boundaries 

In the past, I was in a heavily co-dependent relationship… and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. 

I was emotionally attached, a feeling I simply couldn’t shake off. 

I felt bad being around my partner, but at the same time, I needed to be around him. 

Essentially, I was addicted, in a similar way one might be hooked on drugs or booze. 

It was incredibly frustrating to be in that deep, and I was frequently disappointed with myself for giving in. 

Live and learn. 

Strong women are emotionally self-sufficient. 

Though they can be sweet, loving, and supportive, they also make it a point to prioritize their emotional independence.

They actively avoid making their husbands, boyfriends, wives, etc. their sole source of happiness and emotional fulfillment in life–an easy trap to fall into.  

They have an inherent knowledge that, should things go awry, they’ll be okay–because that’s how they’ve conditioned themselves. 

2) Personal space and time boundaries 

To gain genuine emotional independence takes work. The strong woman is deeply attuned to this. 

You see, some women (and men) tend to lose their sense of self during a relationship, allowing it to define them and their personalities. 

Not the strong woman though. 

She consistently values her autonomy, understanding that doing so is essential for growth and maintaining identity. 

Hence, she’ll regularly prioritize things like nights out, lunches with her friends, pursuing hobbies or solo trips to faraway, oft exotic locations. 

The concept of ‘alone time’ is a big deal to strong women, sometimes to the discomfort of their less secure partners. 

Remember, a bit of solitude and time to yourself outside the relationship is healthy and should always be encouraged, no matter what anyone says. 

3) Communication boundaries 

Because of their maturity, being with a strong woman is incredibly refreshing. 

When it comes to communication, they don’t resort to insults or temper tantrums to get what they want. 

They will never use force or aggression to make their partners behave a certain way. 

Instead, they’ll insist on open, honest, and respectful communication.

They’ll sit you down and air out their concerns clearly and articulately, effectively setting boundaries against passive-aggressive behavior, screaming, sulking, or any other common form of disrespect. 

A strong woman tends to lead by example–something that extends to her communication style. 

4) Career and ambition boundaries 

It may be 2024, but believe it or not, some men still maintain the toxic mentality that women shouldn’t work; and that their role in life should be limited to domestic work, like tending to the kids or household chores. 

The latter isn’t often in line with the strong women’s goals in life. 

They tend to be driven go-getters who are constantly moving forward in life. 

Sometimes, men can be intimidated or put off by strong women, as they refuse to bow down and give in to archaic gender norms. 

And I say more power to them. 

Career and personal ambitions are important, regardless of gender; and if your partner doesn’t support and understand that, then perhaps you should promptly start walking towards the nearest exit.  

5) Financial boundaries 

It’s no secret that certain women out there seek wealthy partners; women who value a comfortable, material life over real love. 

This mindset is at odds with how the strong woman operates.

Strong women will make it a point to be financially free, never having to depend on anyone to care for them. 

Sure, they might not mind being treated by their partner to the occasional dinner or night on the town, but generally in their relationships, they make it known that financial responsibilities and benefits are to be shared fairly. 

They work hard for their money, fully expecting their partners to do the same. Fair enough.

6) Decision making boundaries 

If you prefer to make shared decisions unilaterally, don’t expect a strong woman to put up with that habit for long. 

Strong women understand that when they decide to enter a relationship, they’re pursuing a union, an equal partnership. 

When the dynamic gets too one-sided, this doesn’t sit well with them, as it shouldn’t. 

Hence, when it comes to most decisions, particularly big ones, they will often insist on being equal partners in that process–a practice that ultimately makes both members feel valued and considered. 

7) Respect for beliefs boundaries 

I have a close relative who changes her personal and political beliefs to suit whoever she’s dating. 

When she was with her first husband, a proud liberal, she too transformed into an outspoken progressive, proudly advocating for LGBTQ rights, free health care, gun control, and so on. 

But months later, when she broke up with her beau and fell for another guy, one who was a hardcore conservative, her views changed almost overnight, much to the delight of her new man. 

She started warming up to the idea of Donald Trump in the White House and suddenly developed a disdain for the “woke” left.  

Well, regardless of where you fall in the political spectrum, I think we can both agree that my relative is not the strongest-minded of women, allowing her fundamental views to change so abruptly. 

The thing about strong women is that they maintain a boundary around their core values, expecting their partner to respect them–even in cases of disagreement. 

So if a strong woman starts dating someone with differing beliefs to hers, while she might not consider that a dealbreaker, she won’t just cave to appease the situation. 

In case you haven’t noticed, mutual respect goes a long way for the strong woman–a sentiment that will always reflect in her boundaries.