8 body language gestures that make you appear impressive and confident to new people

Ava Sinclair by Ava Sinclair | October 22, 2024, 3:39 pm

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words,” and that’s exactly what we should keep in mind when making a first impression.

Whether you’re at a networking event or meeting someone for the first time, your body language often communicates more than your words.

Confidence is key, and the good thing is, you can convey it through simple, subtle gestures.

By paying attention to how you carry yourself, you can immediately make others feel at ease while establishing yourself as someone worth noticing.

Let’s explore eight key body language gestures that will make you look impressive and confident to anyone you meet.

1) Establishing eye contact

For me, the most captivating aspect of body language revolves around the use of our eyes.

Eye contact is a powerful tool in conveying confidence and assertiveness.

When you make and maintain eye contact during a conversation, it not only shows that you are actively engaged but also communicates your confidence and sincerity.

But how does it work?

By maintaining a steady gaze while speaking or listening, you’re essentially showing the other person that you’re comfortable in your skin and fully present in the interaction.

This simple gesture can make you appear more credible and trustworthy, thereby leaving a lasting impression on the new people you meet.

However, it’s important to strike a balance here. Constant, unbroken eye contact can come off as aggressive or uncomfortable.

The key lies in holding eye contact for a few seconds at a time, breaking it occasionally to avoid staring, and then reconnecting.

Practicing this technique can help in developing an impressive and confident demeanor that resonates with others.

2) Using open gestures

Open body gestures communicate openness and receptiveness, two qualities that are instantly attractive and impressive to new people.

If you’ve ever noticed, leaders or individuals who command respect often use open gestures. They stand tall, their arms are relaxed and not crossed, and they occupy space without being dominating.

Why does this work?

Well, according to psychologists, open gestures indicate a sense of comfort and confidence in one’s environment. It silently communicates that you’re secure in your position and open to interaction.

A simple open gesture can be as subtle as showing your palms when talking or not crossing your arms defensively. It sends a signal that you’re approachable and not closed off.

While practicing these gestures, it’s also essential to be aware of the other person’s comfort zone. Invading personal space can make others uncomfortable, thereby negating the positive impact of your open posture.

In essence, using open gestures portrays you as confident and welcoming – an impression that certainly leaves a mark.

3) Adopting a powerful stance

While open gestures make you appear approachable, adopting a powerful stance can elevate your confidence level and make you appear more commanding.

Here’s the catch – it’s not about dominating the space around you or trying to appear larger than life.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s about finding a balance between appearing confident and not coming off as aggressive or domineering.

A powerful stance often involves standing or sitting straight, with your shoulders rolled back and your head held high. The idea is to appear attentive, engaged, and comfortable in your own skin.

Remember, power doesn’t equate to aggression. So, while maintaining this stance, ensure your facial expressions remain soft and approachable. A friendly smile can go a long way in making this power stance more effective.

Incorporating this body language gesture into your interactions can boost your confidence and make you appear more impressive to new people.

It’s a subtle yet effective way of commanding respect without appearing too forceful or intimidating.

4) Nodding at the right moments

Ever noticed how comforting it is when someone nods while you’re speaking?

Nodding at the right moments during a conversation shows that you’re actively listening and engaged. It’s a non-verbal way of saying, “I understand”, or “I agree”.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Excessive nodding can come off as insincere or make you seem overly eager to please.

On the other hand, not nodding at all might give off the impression that you’re disinterested or dismissive.

So, how do you find this balance?

Simple — be actually, genuinely attentive and interested!

You’ll find that nodding will happen naturally because you’re truly engaged and invested in the conversation. 

It’s a subtle yet effective way of establishing rapport and building connections.

5) Mirroring other’s body language

Mirroring, or subtly copying another person’s body language, can be an effective way to build rapport and show empathy. It’s a way of silently saying, “I’m in sync with you.”

This doesn’t mean you should mimic every gesture or movement. Instead, it’s about picking up on and reflecting back the general vibe or energy of the other person.

In essence, mirroring can involve:

  • Adopting a similar posture or stance
  • Matching their speech rate or volume
  • Reflecting their facial expressions

Properly done, mirroring can make the other person feel understood and valued, and they’ll have a positive perception of you. 

6) Using gestures while speaking

Let’s admit it – we all have a natural tendency to use our hands while we speak.

And that’s a good thing! Gesturing while speaking can make you appear more dynamic and engaging. It aids in emphasizing your points and expressing your emotions more effectively.

For instance, pointing upwards when talking about a goal or objective, or spreading your arms wide to express inclusivity or acceptance, can reinforce your words and leave a stronger impact.

However, just like every other body language gesture, the key lies in moderation. Overdoing it can distract the listener and take away from your words.

So, while you let your hands do some talking, ensure it’s in harmony with your words and not overshadowing them. This balance can make you appear impressive and confident to new people.

7) Maintaining a relaxed demeanor

Picture this: You’re at a social gathering, and you see someone who appears rigid or tense. How approachable would they seem to you?

In contrast, consider someone who appears relaxed and at ease. They’re more likely to seem impressive, confident, and inviting.

That’s the power of maintaining a relaxed demeanor.

When we’re comfortable and relaxed, it radiates a sense of self-assuredness that others find appealing. It communicates that you’re confident in your skin and unbothered by external factors.

But how can you achieve this?

From my experience, it starts with self-awareness. Recognizing when you’re tensing up or feeling uncomfortable can help you consciously take steps to relax.

This could mean taking a few deep breaths, consciously relaxing your muscles, or simply reminding yourself that it’s okay to be yourself.

8) Smile genuinely

Lastly, the most impactful body language gesture that can make you appear impressive and confident to new people is, quite simply, a genuine smile.

A smile has the power to break barriers and build connections. It signals friendliness, openness, and positivity.

More importantly, a genuine smile can make you appear more confident and comfortable in your own skin. It shows that you’re enjoying the interaction and are open to building a connection.

However, the key word here is ‘genuine’. A forced or fake smile can be easily spotted and can do more harm than good.

So, don’t be afraid to let your happiness show. A genuine smile can leave a lasting impression, making you appear both impressive and confident.