9 behaviors of unsuccessful women who never move forward in life

Eliza Hartley by Eliza Hartley | October 23, 2024, 9:21 pm

Being unsuccessful isn’t always about failure.

Sometimes, it’s about being stuck in the same place, repeating the same behaviors that don’t let us move forward.

Here are some behaviors to watch out for if you feel like you’re an unsuccessful woman who never moves forward in life.

1) Avoiding challenges

One common behavior that can hold women back is the avoidance of challenges.

This habit comes from a place of fear and uncertainty.

Challenges often involve risk and the potential for failure, so it’s natural to feel apprehensive.

You create a comfort zone that may feel safe, but it’s also stagnant.

I’ve fallen into this rut myself in the past.

I would often think about doing something drastic, like a solo trip or moving cities. 

But the thought always overwhelmed me and in the end, I’d back out of the plans I’d make. 

Then someone gave me great advice:

Start small. 

Try a new coffee shop, go to a book club, speak to someone you don’t know.

You don’t have to take drastic measures to step out of your comfort zone, just one small step at a time will suffice. 

2) Procrastinating on important tasks

I’ve caught myself doing this more times than I can count.

Procrastination is a slippery slope.

It starts with delaying one task, and before you know it, you’re falling behind on everything else.

I would constantly push off tasks that I deemed difficult or time-consuming.

The thought of tackling them seemed overwhelming.

So instead, I’d occupy myself with less significant tasks that gave me a false sense of productivity.

But over time, I noticed a pattern.

Despite being ‘busy’, I wasn’t making any real progress.

The important tasks that could truly push me forward were still sitting untouched on my to-do list.

That’s when I realized – procrastination was my comfort zone.

By avoiding challenging tasks, I was avoiding potential failure. But in the process, I was also avoiding growth.

I had to learn to prioritize and tackle those big, scary tasks head-on. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary for moving forward.

3) Failure to set goals

Without a destination in mind, any path can seem like the right one.

This is why goal setting is such a critical part of success.

Did you know that a study by the Harvard Business School found out that the 3% of graduates from their MBA who had written goals ended up earning ten times as much as the other 97% put together, just ten years after graduation?

Why? You may be wondering.

Well, goals give us direction. They provide a clear roadmap to where we want to go and what we want to achieve.

When you don’t set goals, you lack focus and direction. Aimlessly going through life can lead to stagnation.

If you find yourself stuck in the same place, perhaps it’s time to reassess your goals – or set some if you haven’t already.

4) Neglecting self-care

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves.

But self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

You see when we neglect our physical, emotional, and mental well-being, everything else suffers.

Our productivity decreases, our decision-making abilities falter, and our motivation dwindles.

This is a behavior I’ve seen many unsuccessful women fall into. They’re always putting others first or prioritizing work over their own health.

But here’s the thing – you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re constantly running on empty, you’re not going to get far.

5) Playing the blame game

I’ll be straight up about this one:

When you’re always blaming others for your circumstances or failures, you’re not taking responsibility for your own life.

But I get it – blaming others is easy. It shifts the focus away from ourselves and onto someone or something else.

But it also means giving away our power and control.

When you take responsibility for your failures, you gain the opportunity to assess what went wrong, learn from it, and figure out how to do better next time.

So if you find yourself often playing the blame game, it’s time to stop.

Start taking ownership of your life and your actions. It’s a crucial step towards moving forward in life.

6) Comparing oneself to others

 It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and feel like we’re falling behind or not doing enough.

I’ve seen many women fall into this trap, myself included.

They compare their journey to someone else’s and end up feeling inadequate or unsuccessful.

But here’s what I’ve learned:

Each one of us is on our own unique path. We all have different starting points, different challenges, and different paces.

What works for one person might not work for another.

Not to mention, comparison can be a thief of joy.

It can also hold you back from moving forward because you’re too busy looking at what others are doing instead of focusing on your own journey.

Want to know how I combatted this?

I deleted social media, and life has been better for it. 

7) Being afraid of making mistakes

Mistakes can be terrifying. They can make us question our abilities and worth.

But they are also essential for growth.

I remember when I was so afraid of making mistakes that I would avoid trying new things.

As I mentioned above, I’d stick to what I knew, to what was safe.

But this fear kept me stuck in the same place. It prevented me from exploring new opportunities and learning new skills.

It took me a while to understand that making mistakes is not a sign of weakness or incompetence.

It’s a sign of growth.

It shows that you’re pushing your boundaries, trying new things, and learning.

So if you find yourself avoiding new experiences or opportunities because you’re afraid of making mistakes, take a deep breath and take the leap.

You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn and grow from them.

8) Accepting a victim mentality

Having a victim mentality means believing that things happen to you rather than because of you.

This could mean blaming external factors for your failures or constantly feeling sorry for yourself.

This mindset can be crippling.

It can make you feel helpless and hopeless, which can prevent you from taking proactive steps to improve your situation.

If you find yourself constantly feeling like a victim, it’s time to shift your perspective.

Start seeing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles in your path.

9) Not believing in oneself

At the end of the day, the biggest roadblock in our path to success is often ourselves.

If you don’t believe in your abilities, your chances of moving forward are slim.

Believing in yourself means trusting your capabilities and knowing that you can handle whatever life throws at you. 

Without self-belief, every challenge becomes overwhelming.

Every failure feels like the end of the world.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Learn to speak kindly to yourself, to focus on your good qualities, and to trust in your abilities. 

Final thoughts:

The behaviors we’ve discussed are not insurmountable obstacles.

They are opportunities for introspection and growth.

Recognizing these patterns is the first step on a path of self-improvement.

Whether it’s embracing challenges, setting goals, or believing in oneself, the underlying principle remains the same – personal growth.

And remember, this growth is not a destination but a continuous journey.