9 signs you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose

Graeme Richards by Graeme Richards | March 7, 2024, 7:23 pm

There’s a fine line between feeling lost and being on the verge of rediscovering your purpose.

It’s all about perspective. Feeling lost can sometimes mean you’re on the brink of a significant breakthrough. It’s like you’re on the cusp of something big, something life-changing.

Recognizing the signs that you’re on this path can be enlightening, and I’m here to guide you through that process.

In this article, “9 signs you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose”, I’ll be sharing some key pointers to help you identify when you’re inching closer to that ‘aha’ moment.

Grab a cup of coffee, sit tight, and let’s dive into this transformative journey together.

1) Unsettled feelings

Life’s tumultuous journey often throws curveballs, leaving us feeling unsettled.

This feeling is not always negative. In fact, it can be a sign that you’re on the verge of a significant breakthrough.

Feeling unsettled can be a signal from your subconscious mind that there’s something more for you out there, a higher purpose you’re yet to discover.

When these feelings surface, it’s easy to mistake them for anxiety or stress. But take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Could these feelings be indicators of a shift in your life? Could they be signs that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose?

Remember, transformations are rarely comfortable. They are often preceded by periods of discomfort and uncertainty. So, embrace these unsettled feelings; they might just be leading you towards your purpose.

2) An underlying restlessness

It’s a funny thing, restlessness. It can creep up on you, nudging you day and night, without any obvious reason.

I’ve been there. In the midst of my successful corporate career, I often found myself feeling restless. I had a good job, a good life, but something just didn’t feel right.

I remember sitting at my desk one day, looking out of the window and wondering why I was feeling this way. I had achieved everything I was supposed to want, so why did I still have this nagging feeling inside?

As it turns out, that restlessness was my soul’s way of telling me that I wasn’t living my true purpose. It was the spark that set me off on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

So, if you’re feeling an underlying restlessness, pay attention to it. It might be trying to tell you something important about your life’s path.

3) Intense curiosity

Curiosity has been at the heart of many of the world’s greatest discoveries and inventions. It’s what led Newton to understand gravity, Marie Curie to discover radium, and it’s what drives scientists today in their quest for knowledge.

In a similar vein, an intense curiosity about a particular subject or theme in your life could be a sign that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose.

This curiosity could manifest as an unquenchable thirst for knowledge on a particular topic, an unusual interest in a previously overlooked area, or a deep-seated desire to explore something new.

When your mind keeps pushing you towards something out of sheer curiosity, it’s worth exploring. Your purpose could be waiting for you at the end of that curiosity trail.

4) A shift in priorities

When you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose, you might notice a shift in your priorities. What once seemed important may no longer hold the same value, and vice versa.

You may find yourself spending less time on materialistic pursuits and more on personal growth, relationships, or even altruistic activities.

This shift may initially seem disconcerting. You might even question your sanity. But it’s a natural part of the process.

As you peel back the layers of societal conditioning and expectations, your true values start to surface. These shifts in priorities are often indicators that you’re moving closer to finding your purpose.

So, don’t shy away from these changes. Embrace them and allow them to guide you towards your true self.

5) A sense of dissatisfaction

It’s a common misconception that dissatisfaction is always a sign of ingratitude or negativity. But sometimes, it’s simply a sign that you’re ready for growth.

Feeling dissatisfied with your current situation, whether it’s your job, relationship, or even your lifestyle, can be a clear indicator that something needs to change.

In my experience, dissatisfaction is often the catalyst for self-discovery. It acts as a wake-up call, nudging us out of our comfort zones and pushing us to seek more fulfilling alternatives.

So, if you’re feeling dissatisfied, don’t dismiss it. It could be your inner guide telling you that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose. Listen to it and let it guide you towards a more fulfilling path.

6) A longing for meaning

Have you ever looked up at the stars on a clear night and wondered, “What’s it all about?” This longing for meaning, this yearning for something more, is a universal human experience.

This longing is not about wanting more in the material sense. It’s not about wanting a bigger house or a better car. It’s about wanting to feel that your life matters, that you’re contributing to something greater than yourself.

When this longing becomes a persistent thought, it’s often a sign that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose.

It’s your heart’s way of telling you that you’re meant for more, that your life has a unique purpose. So when you feel this yearning, don’t ignore it. Embrace it, explore it, and let it guide you towards your true purpose.

7) A pull towards creativity

There was a time in my life when I felt trapped in a cycle of mundane routines. Every day felt the same and I was yearning for something more.

One day, I found myself drawn to an old paint set that had been gathering dust in my closet. I hadn’t touched it in years, but on that day, it called to me.

I started painting and soon found myself lost in a world of colors and textures. It was liberating, therapeutic, and unexpectedly revealing. My paintings were a reflection of my inner thoughts, feelings, and desires that I hadn’t been able to express before.

That pull towards creativity was the beginning of my journey towards rediscovering my purpose. It was my soul’s way of communicating with me, guiding me towards my true path.

So if you feel a sudden urge to express yourself creatively, don’t ignore it. It could be your soul’s way of guiding you towards your purpose.

8) Increased self-awareness

Self-awareness is an integral part of rediscovering your purpose. It’s about understanding your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values.

When you start to become more self-aware, you begin to understand what truly drives you. You start to recognize patterns in your thoughts and behaviors that align with your true self.

Increased self-awareness can also help you identify the things in your life that no longer serve your purpose. This can be a liberating experience, as it allows you to let go of unnecessary baggage and make room for growth.

So if you’ve noticed an increase in self-awareness recently, it could be a sign that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose. Embrace this newfound clarity and allow it to guide you on your journey of self-discovery.

9) The call to action

The most crucial sign that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose is the undeniable call to action. It’s that moment when you feel compelled to make a change, to take the leap, to start the journey.

This call can be loud and clear, or it can be a quiet whisper. It can come in the form of a life-changing event, or it can be a subtle realization during a moment of stillness.

Regardless of how it arrives, when you feel that call, you’ll know. It’s a feeling of readiness, a sense of urgency, a pull towards something greater.

Listen to that call. Trust it. Follow it. It’s your inner compass pointing you towards your purpose.

Final Reflection: Purpose is personal

The journey to rediscovering your purpose is as unique as your fingerprint. It’s deeply personal and intrinsically tied to who you are as an individual.

There’s a profound quote by Mark Twain that resonates deeply with this topic, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

Recognizing the signs that you’re on the brink of rediscovering your purpose is the first step towards understanding your ‘why’.

These signs – the emotional shifts, the pull towards creativity, the longing for meaning – all these are part of your unique journey towards self-discovery.

But remember this: your purpose isn’t something out there waiting to be found. It’s within you, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.

As you journey through life, pay attention to these signs. They are your soul’s whispers, guiding you towards a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

Listen to them. Trust them. And when the time is right, have the courage to act on them.

Your purpose awaits.