9 signs a woman has strong feelings for you but hides them, according to psychology

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | September 4, 2024, 9:56 am

As humans, we’re wired to connect, to feel loved and appreciated. Understanding these emotions, especially when they’re not spelt out, can be a challenge.

This is even trickier when a woman has strong feelings for you but chooses to hide them for whatever reasons she may have.

This could be due to fear of rejection, societal expectations, or even personal insecurities. She might be sending out subtle signals that you’re missing.

Psychology can help decipher these hidden sentiments. As someone who has been both clueless and enlightened, I can tell you that understanding these signs can make all the difference.

So, let’s dive into the tell-tale signs that a woman really likes you but is keeping it under wraps. This article will help you spot those ‘9 signs a woman has strong feelings for you but hides them, according to psychology’.

1. She initiates contact

One subtle sign a woman has strong feelings for you, but is hiding them, is if she reaches out to you first. This may not seem like a big deal, but in the world of human interaction, this is a significant move.

Think about it. She’s making an effort to engage with you, to start conversations, to create opportunities for connection. It’s as if she’s drawn to you and can’t help but break the ice.

She might text you first or ask you about your day. Maybe she’ll share something funny she saw online or initiate plans for a group outing. These are all excuses to talk to you.

Remember, it’s not just about the frequency of contact but also the quality. If her messages seem thoughtful or personal – that’s a clear sign she’s emotionally invested and feels strongly about you.

But because of her own reasons, she might be trying to keep these feelings under wraps.

2. She remembers the little details

It’s easy to remember big things like birthdays or favorite movies. But when a woman remembers the tiny, insignificant details about you, it could be a sign of her hidden feelings.

Maybe you mentioned in passing that you dislike pineapple on pizza, and then weeks later, she orders pizza for a group dinner and ensures there’s no pineapple. Or perhaps you mentioned that you love a particular band, and she casually brings up their latest album in conversation.

This shows that she not only listens to what you say but also values it enough to remember and act upon. It’s an indication that she thinks of you even when you’re not around and cares about your preferences.

This is a psychological concept known as ‘incidental memory,’ which is when we remember information without actively trying to memorize it. It usually happens because we find the information or the person sharing it interesting or important.

So if she remembers the little things about you, it can be a sign that she has strong feelings for you but is not openly expressing them.

3. She teases you

While it may seem like a sign of disinterest or even annoyance, teasing can actually be a sign that a woman has strong feelings for you but is hiding them.

Yes, you heard it right. When a woman teases or playfully makes fun of you, it might be her way of showing affection without being too obvious about it. It’s her way of creating a unique bond, a form of ‘inside joke’ that only the two of you share.

If she’s pointing out your quirks or laughing at your silly mistakes, don’t be put off. Instead, observe if she does this with everyone or just with you. If it’s the latter, there’s a good chance she likes you more than she’s letting on.

Remember, however, that there’s a difference between good-natured teasing and mean-spirited mocking. The former can be an indication of hidden feelings, while the latter is disrespectful and shouldn’t be tolerated.

4. She gets nervous around you

We often think that someone who likes us will be comfortable and relaxed in our presence. But that’s not always the case, especially when strong feelings are involved, and she’s trying to hide them.

If a woman gets visibly nervous around you – maybe she stutters, fumbles with her words, or gets flustered easily – it could mean she really cares about what you think of her. She wants to make a good impression, and the fear of messing up can make her nervous.

This doesn’t mean that she’s not confident or secure. It simply means that your opinion matters to her because she has feelings for you. And the fact that she’s hiding these feelings can make the whole situation even more nerve-wracking for her.

So, next time you notice her being unusually jittery or clumsy around you, it might just be because she likes you more than she’s letting on.

5. She’s there for you in tough times

Life is full of ups and downs. And it’s during the downs, the tough times, when we truly see who cares about us.

If a woman has strong feelings for you, she’ll be there for you even when times are tough. Even if she’s hiding those feelings, she can’t hide her instinct to support and comfort you when you’re going through a rough patch.

She might lend an ear when you need to vent, offer words of encouragement when you’re feeling low, or even just sit with you in silence. It’s her way of showing you that she cares deeply about your well-being.

In a world that often encourages us to put on a brave face and hide our vulnerabilities, having someone who’s there for you unconditionally can be incredibly comforting. It’s a sign of genuine affection and care – of feelings that are strong yet hidden.

6. She laughs at your jokes

Let’s be honest, not all of our jokes are winners. We’ve all had those moments where our punchline is met with awkward silence rather than the roaring laughter we anticipated.

If a woman laughs heartily at your jokes – even the ones that aren’t particularly funny – it’s a pretty good sign she has strong feelings for you. She appreciates your sense of humor and enjoys your company – so much so that she’s willing to laugh along even if the joke is a dud.

This doesn’t mean she’s pretending or being fake. It’s simply her way of encouraging you, of showing that she likes your attempts at humor and enjoys your interaction.

So, next time you crack a joke, pay attention to her reaction. If she’s the first one to laugh and the last one to stop, chances are, she likes you more than she’s showing.

7. She shares her favorite things with you

There’s something special about sharing your favorite things with another person. Whether it’s a beloved book, a favorite snack, or a cherished movie, these items hold a special place in our hearts.

If a woman starts sharing her favorite things with you, it’s a fun and light-hearted sign that she might have strong feelings for you. It’s her way of inviting you into her world, of showing you what she cherishes and enjoys.

She might lend you her favorite novel, insisting that you ‘just have to read it.’ Or perhaps she’ll bring you a cupcake from her favorite bakery, excited for you to try it.

These gestures may seem small and insignificant, but they show that she wants to share parts of her life with you – a classic sign of hidden affection. So next time she hands you something saying ‘this is my favorite,’ know that it’s not just about the thing itself, but also about the feelings she’s hiding.

8. She’s brutally honest with you

This might be tough to swallow, but if a woman is brutally honest with you, it could be because she has strong feelings for you.

We’re not talking about mean or disrespectful comments here. We’re talking about constructive criticism, about her pointing out your mistakes, not to put you down, but to help you grow.

She might tell you when your behavior is out of line or when she thinks you’re not living up to your potential. It’s not because she enjoys criticizing you, but because she cares about you and your growth.

This kind of honesty requires courage and a certain level of intimacy. It shows that she’s willing to risk upsetting you because she believes in your potential and cares about your well-being. That’s tough love for you – a sign of hidden yet strong feelings.

9. She makes time for you

At the end of the day, the most telling sign that a woman has strong feelings for you but is hiding them is if she consistently makes time for you.

We’re all busy. We all have commitments, responsibilities, and a million things vying for our attention. But when someone matters to us, we make time for them – no matter how busy we are.

If she’s always willing to fit you into her schedule, if she’s there when you need her, if she chooses to spend her free time with you – these are clear signs of her hidden feelings.

Remember, actions speak louder than words. She might not say it out loud, but by making time for you, she’s showing that you’re important to her. And that’s the most important thing to remember when trying to decipher hidden feelings.

Final thoughts

Being in a situation where you feel a woman has strong feelings for you but is hiding them can be a confusing and sometimes frustrating experience. You may find yourself constantly questioning her actions and second-guessing your interpretations.

However, as prominent psychologist Dr. John Gottman points out, “Understanding must precede advice.” It’s crucial to understand that people hide their feelings for a myriad of reasons – fear of rejection, personal insecurities, or past experiences.

If these signs resonate with you and you believe the woman in your life has strong feelings for you, consider having a candid conversation with her. Open communication is key in any relationship.

Remember, this article isn’t meant to give you definitive answers. Instead, it’s meant to guide you in understanding hidden emotions and navigating complex feelings.

As you reflect on these signs, bear in mind that every individual and every relationship is unique. Use this information as a stepping stone to deeper understanding and connection. Your journey towards love might just be beginning.

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