9 brutal truths about life that will help you get your act together

Graeme Richards by Graeme Richards | March 15, 2024, 4:06 pm

Let’s be real, life can be tough. It’s full of hard truths that we often shy away from acknowledging.

However, it’s only when we confront these brutal truths head on, that we can truly start to get our act together.

In the following article, I’m going to share with you 9 such truths about life. They may seem harsh, but I promise you, they are the key to sorting out your life.

So buckle up, as I guide you through some cold hard facts about life that will ultimately help you become a better version of yourself. Trust me, it’s going to be a game changer.

1) Life isn’t fair

This is one of the most brutal truths that life throws at us. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the reality.

Sometimes, despite all your hard work and dedication, things don’t go your way. You may see others getting ahead without putting in half the effort you do. It can be frustrating and disheartening.

But guess what? That’s just how life works. It’s not always fair and it doesn’t owe you anything.

The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can stop feeling bitter about the injustices of life and start focusing on how to make the best of what you’ve got.

Remember, everyone has their own journey and their own struggles. It’s not about comparing your life to others, but about making the most out of your own circumstances.

2) You’re responsible for your own happiness

Here’s another brutal truth – no one else is responsible for your happiness. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.

A few years back, I was stuck in a job that made me utterly miserable. I kept blaming my boss, my colleagues, even the long commute for my unhappiness. But one day, I had a eureka moment. I realized that I was responsible for my own happiness.

Instead of blaming others, I decided to take charge. I quit that job and pursued a career in something I actually cared about. It was scary and challenging, but it was also the best decision I ever made for myself.

Now, I’m not saying go quit your job right this instant. The point is that you have the power to change your circumstances and find your own happiness. You just need to muster up the courage to make those changes. It’s tough, but it’s completely worth it.

3) Change is inevitable

Life is constantly changing, whether we like it or not. It’s as certain as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

This is actually a principle that’s deeply rooted in nature. Consider the seasons – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. They bring about change in temperature, in daylight hours, in the types of plants that grow. Nothing stays the same.

Similarly, your life will go through different seasons. Circumstances will change. People will change. You will change.

The key is to embrace these changes rather than resist them. Use them as opportunities to grow and learn. After all, a tree doesn’t resist shedding its leaves in autumn, it lets go to make way for new growth. You should do the same.

4) Failure is a part of life

Nobody likes to fail. It hurts. It’s embarrassing. But here’s the brutal truth – failure is a part of life.

Everyone, no matter how successful they may seem, has experienced failure at some point. It’s how you react to these failures that truly matters.

Instead of letting failure knock you down, use it as a stepping stone to learn and improve. Take it as feedback and use it to better yourself.

Remember, every master was once a beginner who failed multiple times before they got things right. So, don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.

5) You can’t please everyone

This is a hard one for a lot of us. We’re wired to seek approval and acceptance from others. But here’s the truth – you can’t please everyone.

No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone who doesn’t agree with you, or who criticizes your actions. And that’s okay.

Your worth isn’t determined by how many people like you. It’s determined by how you feel about yourself.

So instead of trying to fit into someone else’s mold, focus on being true to yourself. Those who appreciate the real you are the ones whose opinions truly matter.

6) Time heals

Heartbreak, loss, disappointment – these are all painful experiences. In the moment, it feels like the hurt will never end. But here’s a comforting truth – time heals.

As days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, the intensity of the pain lessens. You may not forget what happened – and you don’t have to – but the hurt gets easier to handle.

So if you’re going through a tough time, remind yourself that it won’t always feel this way. Take one day at a time, allow yourself to grieve, and trust in the healing power of time.

Remember, even the darkest night will pass and the sun will rise again.

7) Regret is worse than failure

We’ve all had moments where we were afraid to take a leap of faith because of the fear of failure. I’ve been there myself.

There was a time when I had the opportunity to start my own business. But I was scared. What if I failed? What if I lost all my savings? So, I decided to play it safe and let the opportunity pass.

Fast forward to today, and that decision still haunts me. Not because I failed, but because I didn’t even try. The thought of ‘what could have been’ is far more agonizing than any failure could have been.

So, don’t let the fear of failure stop you from pursuing your dreams. It’s better to try and fail than to live with the regret of not trying at all.

8) You don’t have control over everything

No matter how much we plan or how hard we try, there are certain things in life we just can’t control. The weather, the traffic, other people’s actions – these are all beyond our control.

Trying to control everything only leads to stress and disappointment. Instead, focus on what you can control – your actions, your reactions, your attitude.

When you stop trying to control everything and start focusing on what you can influence, you’ll find that life becomes a lot less stressful and much more manageable.

9) It’s never too late to change

This might be the most important truth of them all – it’s never too late to change.

You’re not stuck in your current circumstances. You’re not defined by your past mistakes. You have the power to make a change at any point in your life.

Whether it’s a career change, pursuing a new hobby, or breaking a bad habit, it’s never too late to start. Every day is a new opportunity to become the person you want to be. So seize it.

Final thoughts: Embrace the truths

These brutal truths about life might be difficult to accept, but they’re a part of our existence.

From the inevitability of change to the reality that you can’t please everyone, these truths can seem harsh. But they’re not meant to discourage you. Instead, they serve as reminders of the realities we often ignore.

The Greek philosopher, Socrates, once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” By acknowledging these truths, we are examining our life more deeply.

So as you move forward, remember these truths. They’re not meant to bring you down, but to awaken you to the realities of life. Embrace them and use them as stepping stones towards self-improvement and growth.

Because in the end, it’s not about merely surviving in this world – it’s about thriving and making the most out of our journey called life.