8 boundaries you should always keep in a relationship, even if you’re deeply in love

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | December 10, 2024, 11:09 am

Falling head over heels in love is an incredible feeling, isn’t it? But, it’s crucial to remember that every healthy relationship requires boundaries.

Why, you ask? Well, boundaries are all about maintaining respect and understanding between you and your partner. They’re not about restricting each other, but rather creating a safe space for love to flourish.

As Tina Fey, the founder of the Love Connection blog and a relationship guru, I’ve seen how crucial boundaries can be in a relationship. And trust me when I say, they’re even more important when you’re deeply in love.

In this article, I’ll share with you 8 boundaries that you should always uphold in a relationship, regardless of how much you’re in love.

These aren’t just rules, but guidelines to deepen your connection and navigate your journey of love with respect and dignity.

1) Personal space

You know the feeling. You’re in love, and all you want is to be around your partner every moment of the day. But have you ever stopped to think about the importance of personal space?

Personal space is crucial in a relationship, even when you’re deeply in love. It’s about maintaining your individuality and independence while still being part of a couple.

Allowing each other the freedom to pursue individual hobbies, spend time with friends, or just have some alone time is healthy. It’s not about being distant, but about respecting each other’s need for personal space.

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean giving up on who you are as an individual. And giving your partner room to breathe can actually strengthen your bond.

Trust me, I’ve seen it happen countless times on my Love Connection blog. Make sure to establish this boundary early on and reinforce it throughout your relationship.

2) Open communication

Open communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. It’s the bridge that connects two hearts, and let me tell you, it’s a bridge that requires constant maintenance.

In my experience, many couples in love often forget the importance of open and honest communication. They assume their partner knows what they’re thinking or feeling. But remember, your partner isn’t a mind reader.

Setting a boundary for open communication means creating a safe space where both of you can express your feelings, concerns, and expectations without fear of judgment or rejection.

One of my favorite quotes is by George Bernard Shaw: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the need for clear and explicit communication in a relationship.

Ensure that you and your partner are on the same page. Talk openly, listen actively, and treat each other’s feelings with respect. You’ll be amazed at how much closer it brings you together.

3) Financial independence

Let’s talk about money, honey. In my journey as a relationship expert, I’ve noticed that finances can be a touchy subject for many couples. But it’s a conversation you cannot afford to skip.

Maintaining financial independence is an important boundary in a relationship, even when you’re madly in love. It’s not about keeping secrets or mistrusting your partner, but about respecting each other’s financial autonomy.

Discussing financial boundaries can include things like separate bank accounts, individual spending limits, and mutual agreement on major purchases.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve deeper into how maintaining financial independence can prevent co-dependency and strengthen your bond.

Take the time to discuss finances openly with your partner and establish solid financial boundaries. It might be awkward at first, but it will set the stage for a healthier relationship in the long run.

4) Accepting disagreements

Here’s something you might find counterintuitive – it’s okay to disagree in a relationship. In fact, it’s healthy.

Many couples in love fear disagreements, thinking they’re a sign of incompatibility. But trust me, this is far from the truth. Disagreements are simply a part of sharing your life with another individual who has their own set of beliefs and opinions.

Setting a boundary for accepting disagreements doesn’t mean you’re inviting conflict. Rather, it’s about understanding that it’s okay to have different views and that these differences don’t have to lead to arguments.

As a relationship expert, I can tell you that the key is not to avoid disagreements but to handle them respectfully. Remember, it’s not about who’s right, but about understanding each other better.

Don’t fear disagreements. Instead, see them as opportunities for growth and deeper understanding in your relationship.

5) Quality time together

Quality time together – sounds obvious, right? But you’d be surprised how many couples overlook this in the hustle and bustle of life.

Setting a boundary for quality time means consciously carving out moments from your busy schedules just to be with each other. It’s not about the quantity but the quality of time spent together that truly counts.

In my own relationship, I’ve found that having a dedicated ‘us time’ has greatly strengthened our bond. It could be a simple date night, a shared hobby, or just a quiet evening at home. What matters is being present and engaged with each other.

Love is nurtured through shared experiences and moments. So, make sure to set aside quality time to connect, communicate, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

6) Emotional boundaries

This is going to get a bit raw, but it’s important – emotional boundaries. They’re not always comfortable to discuss, but they’re absolutely vital for a healthy relationship.

Emotional boundaries are about respecting each other’s feelings and emotional needs. It’s about understanding that your partner can’t be your only source of happiness or support. You both are individual beings with individual emotional needs.

Setting emotional boundaries means recognizing when you’re feeling emotionally drained and communicating those feelings with your partner. It’s also about understanding that it’s okay to seek emotional support outside of your relationship, perhaps from friends, family, or a professional.

It’s not selfish to prioritize your emotional health. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

7) Respect for pasts

We all have a past, with its fair share of joys and regrets. Respecting each other’s past is an essential boundary in a relationship.

This means understanding that your partner’s past experiences, relationships, and decisions have shaped them into the person you love today. It’s not about dredging up old memories or holding past mistakes against each other.

In my own journey of love, I’ve learned that respecting my partner’s past has allowed us to focus on building our future together. As the famous author Steve Maraboli once said, “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”

Honor each other’s pasts. It will encourage open communication, foster trust, and pave the way for a brighter future together.

8) Sexual boundaries

Let’s get real here. Sexual boundaries are a fundamental part of any romantic relationship, and they’re often the hardest to discuss. But ignoring them can lead to discomfort, resentment, or worse.

Sexual boundaries encompass everything from consent to sexual preferences and comfort levels. It’s about discovering what makes both you and your partner feel comfortable, safe, and satisfied in your intimate moments.

Having an open, honest, and respectful conversation about your sexual needs and boundaries can feel awkward and vulnerable. But it’s this raw honesty that can greatly strengthen your bond and deepen your intimate connection.

Don’t shy away from establishing clear sexual boundaries. They are an integral part of your relationship’s foundation of mutual respect and understanding.


Setting clear boundaries in your relationship isn’t about creating barriers, but rather about fostering respect, understanding, and deeper connection. Remember, love isn’t just about falling for each other; it’s also about growing together and respecting each other’s individuality.

For more insights on maintaining a healthy relationship and overcoming codependency, do check out my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s packed with practical advice and strategies to help you navigate the complex world of love and relationships.

Remember, love is a beautiful journey. Set your boundaries, respect each other’s space, and enjoy the ride!

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