2015 Scholarship Winner
Global English Editing would like to congratulate Keri Strand for winning the 2015 A Better America Scholarship Program. She has been awarded $1000 to help her achieve her goal of making young Americans at school healthier.
This is her entry.
How I intend to change America
As an Exercise Physiology and Nutrition major, I plan on using my degree to promote wellness in the school system. America is facing an obesity epidemic and I intend to make a difference by tackling childhood obesity.
I am a mother of three children as well as being a student. I have been appalled at the poor quality and lack of funding of physical education in the schools as well as the lack of nutritious school lunches. I plan on advocating for healthier lunches and getting fast food and junk food companies out of the schools. It will also be a priority to make sure that physical education and “stay active” programs have proper funding. Educating teachers as well as students about health is extremely important to me because if the teachers are on board, they will be more willing to weave nutrition and fitness into the curriculum.
America should be using its resources to improve health and tackle obesity in the schools because it is best to prevent obesity as children rather than as adults once problems and habits have already taken hold. The basis for lifelong health begins during childhood and if I can help just one child, I will be happy.