12 phrases manipulative people use to gain your trust
We’ve all encountered them at some point – those individuals who seem to have a knack for bending others to their will.
They’re smooth talkers, persuasive and sometimes alarmingly charming.
But what’s their secret? How do they manage to gain your trust so effortlessly?
Here, we’ll explore 12 phrases often used by manipulative people to win your trust and sway your decisions.
Let’s get started.
1. “I understand where you’re coming from”
Have you ever heard this phrase? It’s a classic!
Manipulative people often use this to make us feel like they’re on our side, that they empathize with our situation.
They want us to believe that they understand our feelings and circumstances better than anyone else.
This phrase is designed to build trust and make us more likely to listen to their advice or follow their lead.
But beware, it’s not always about understanding – sometimes, it’s just a smart strategy to gain control.
2. “You’re the only one who can help me”
This is another manipulative phrase often used to tug at your heartstrings.
By making you feel unique and indispensable, they’re attempting to persuade you into doing something for them.
It’s a clever way of preying on your good nature and desire to help others.
But remember, it’s okay to say no if something doesn’t feel right. Trust your instincts!
3. “I never usually ask for favors”
This phrase is a cunning way to make their request seem like an exception, something they’re compelled to do out of sheer necessity.
By stating that they’re not accustomed to asking for help, they’re trying to appear humble and unassuming.
However, this could just be a ruse to lower your guard, making you more inclined to agree to their request.
Don’t let this facade fool you; it’s okay to question their motives.
4. “I trust you completely”
This phrase is used to make you feel special and trusted.
By expressing their complete trust in you, manipulative people aim to make you feel obligated to reciprocate that trust.
It’s a subtle form of psychological manipulation.
Always remember, trust is earned, not given away freely.
Make sure the level of trust you have for someone is based on their actions, not just their words.
5. “You deserve so much better”
This phrase can be flattering, but it’s often a manipulative tactic.
By telling you that you deserve better, they position themselves as someone who understands your worth when others don’t.
They create an us-against-the-world dynamic, which can make you feel closer to them and more trusting of their intentions.
Always remember to assess people by their consistent actions, not just their comforting words.
6. “I was just thinking about you”
This phrase is a common one, and on the surface, it seems harmless. It’s often used to make you feel special and valued.
Manipulative people use it to give the impression that you’re constantly on their mind, thus creating a deeper connection.
However, it’s important to remember that actions speak louder than words.
The frequency of someone thinking about you doesn’t necessarily equate to their level of respect or care for you.
7. “I would do the same for you”
When manipulative people want something from you, they often use this phrase to make their request seem reasonable and reciprocal.
It plays on your emotions, making you feel as if it’s a mutual exchange.
However, it’s important to remember that true friendship or relationship is not about keeping score, but about mutual respect and understanding.
You should never feel obligated to do something just because someone else says they would do it for you.
8. “I hate to be a burden”
This phrase is often used by manipulative people to make you feel guilty for possibly saying ‘no’ to them.
They frame their request as an inconvenience, hoping your sympathy will override your better judgement.
By making themselves seem vulnerable, they’re trying to sway you into doing what they want.
It’s important to remember that it’s okay to prioritize your needs and comfort over others’ demands.
9. “I’ve never told anyone this before”
This is a clever phrase used to make you feel special and trusted. It creates an illusion of intimacy and exclusivity, making you more likely to confide in them or do their bidding.
But remember, just because someone shares a secret with you doesn’t mean they have your best interests at heart.
Always be cautious about the information you share and the trust you give.
10. “I know this is out of the blue, but…”
This phrase is often used to catch you off guard. By acknowledging that their request is unexpected, they’re hoping you’ll be more likely to agree without much thought.
However, remember that it’s always okay to take time to consider any request, no matter how unexpected it is.
Don’t let surprise pressure you into making hasty decisions.
11. “You’re not like other people”
This phrase is designed to make you feel special and unique.
It’s a way for manipulative people to make you feel like you stand out from the crowd, that there’s something about you that they value above others.
But it’s important to remember that flattery can sometimes be used as a tool for manipulation.
Always evaluate the actions that accompany the words.
12. “I really need you right now”
Lastly, this phrase is a powerful emotional trigger.
By expressing their need for you, manipulative people aim to make you feel important and needed.
It can be hard to resist the urge to help someone who ‘needs’ you, but it’s important to remember your boundaries and make sure your own needs are also being met.
Manipulation can often be subtle and disguised as genuine concern or flattery.
Stay informed, trust your instincts, and don’t let these phrases unduly influence your decisions.
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