10 things highly successful people always keep private

Avatar by Lachlan Brown | December 9, 2024, 3:44 pm

There’s a real art to achieving success, and it’s not all about being an open book.

In fact, there are certain things that highly successful people choose to keep private. This isn’t about secrecy or deceit, but rather about understanding what personal information is better left unsaid.

This isn’t to say that they’re hiding something. No, it’s more about maintaining a certain level of professional and personal boundaries.

In this article, we’re going to explore the top 10 things that successful individuals always keep under wraps. These are insights collected from a variety of highly accomplished people across different fields.

Let’s get started. 

1) Personal life details

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about what successful people keep private is their personal life.

This isn’t about hiding skeletons in the closet. It’s about understanding that there’s a line between professional and personal life, and it’s important not to blur it.

Successful people know that sharing too much about their private life can lead to unnecessary speculation and gossip. It can also create a distraction from their professional image and achievements.

There are certainly times when it’s appropriate to share personal stories or experiences, especially if they can inspire or teach others. But, generally speaking, successful people prefer to keep their personal lives away from the limelight.

They understand the value of privacy and the peace that it brings. So, they carefully decide what personal details they share and with whom they share them.

It’s a strategy that serves them well in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and staying focused on their goals.

2) Financial status

In my own journey towards success, I’ve realized that money talk can be a sensitive subject.

I learned the hard way that discussing financial specifics can often lead to unwanted attention and unnecessary comparisons. For example, after sharing details about a significant raise I received, I noticed a change in dynamics with some friends. Unintentionally, it had created a sense of competition and bitterness.

I’ve seen this with others too. Highly successful people tend to keep their financial status close to their chest. They understand that sharing explicit details about their income, investments or net worth can provoke envy and misunderstanding.

It’s not about appearing secretive or evasive. It’s simply a matter of practicing discretion and maintaining a level of financial privacy. This way, relationships are less likely to be strained by money matters and they can stay focused on their financial goals without unnecessary distractions.

3) Future plans

While it’s common to share future aspirations with others, successful people often choose to keep their grander plans private until they’re ready to share them.

Did you know that J.K. Rowling, the author of the famous Harry Potter series, wrote under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith for her novel ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’ before revealing her true identity? She did this because she wanted to publish without hype or expectation.

Much like Rowling, many successful individuals prefer not to disclose their future plans too early. This can help them avoid unnecessary pressure, maintain focus and prevent their ideas from being copied or prematurely judged.

They understand the power of surprise and the value of carefully planned announcements. By keeping their future plans private, they can control when and how their next big move is revealed.

4) Failures and setbacks

Success is often built on a foundation of failures and setbacks, but that doesn’t mean they are topics that successful people broadcast to the world. They understand that showing vulnerability has its place, but so does maintaining a certain level of resilience and strength in public.

Successful people don’t dwell on their failures or allow them to define their narrative. Instead, they learn from these experiences in private and use them as stepping stones to move forward.

They handle their setbacks with grace, knowing that everyone stumbles from time to time. By keeping these struggles private, they can focus on finding solutions rather than managing perceptions.

Keeping failures private isn’t about hiding the truth, it’s about controlling the narrative and focusing on positive progress.

5) Their network

Successful people understand the value of their professional and personal networks. But that doesn’t mean they flaunt every connection they have.

They know that name-dropping or showing off their contacts can come off as bragging or using others for personal gain. Instead, they choose to keep their network private, sharing connections only when it is beneficial or necessary.

They are also mindful of respecting the privacy of others in their network. They understand that each connection is built on trust and confidentiality.

In essence, successful people treat their network as a private asset, using it wisely and respectfully. They know that the relationships they’ve built are part of their success, and they handle them with care.

6) Personal struggles

Every person, no matter how successful, carries their own set of struggles and challenges. But you’ll find that successful individuals often choose to keep these battles to themselves.

This isn’t about putting on a brave face or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about dealing with personal issues privately, so they can focus on their work and goals without becoming a subject of pity or speculation.

They understand that sharing their struggles might offer temporary relief, but it could also invite unwanted attention and advice. Instead, they choose to process their emotions privately or with a trusted inner circle.

We all have our battles, but successful people know that some things are better fought in silence. Their struggles are part of their journey, and they handle them with resilience and dignity.

7) Their daily routine

I’ve learned that having a consistent daily routine is key to my productivity and success. However, I’ve also realized that it’s something best kept to myself.

Detailing every aspect of my day-to-day life, from what I eat for breakfast to when I go to sleep, can invite unwarranted scrutiny and comparison. It can also create unrealistic expectations for others trying to emulate my routine.

Successful people understand that what works for them may not work for everyone else. They also value their privacy and the flexibility to modify their routines as needed without having to explain or justify their changes.

In essence, they view their daily routine as a personal blueprint for success, tailored specifically to their needs and goals. And it’s one they prefer to keep private.

8) Their quiet time

While it may seem like successful people are always “switched on”, they actually value their quiet time immensely.

Many people might assume that successful individuals are constantly in meetings, networking events or public appearances. Interestingly though, they often prioritize alone time to recharge and refocus.

From meditating in the morning to taking a quiet walk in the evening, they have their own ways of finding peace amidst the hustle and bustle. But these precious moments are kept private.

By keeping their quiet time to themselves, they create a sanctuary that enables them to maintain balance and clarity. It’s not what you’d expect, but it’s crucial to their success.

9) Their philanthropy

Many successful people contribute to charities and support causes close to their hearts. But you’ll often find that they don’t publicize every act of kindness or donation they make.

They understand that true philanthropy is about helping others, not boosting their own image. So while they may be involved in various charitable activities, they often choose to do so quietly.

It’s not about being anonymous but rather about ensuring the focus stays on the cause, not on them.

Their philanthropy is a reflection of their values and beliefs, and they prefer to let their actions speak louder than words. By keeping their charitable activities private, they ensure the spotlight remains on those who truly need it.

10) Their source of motivation

At the heart of every successful person is a driving force, a source of motivation that pushes them to achieve their goals. But this powerful motivator is often something they keep private.

The reason? It’s deeply personal. It could be a childhood dream, a promise made to a loved one, or a life-changing event. It’s what gets them up in the morning and keeps them going when things get tough.

By keeping their source of motivation private, they preserve its power and significance. This personal motivator becomes their secret weapon for success, fuelling their determination and resilience.

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