10 signs you have a high quality man in your life (and you should never let him go)

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | November 2, 2024, 4:18 pm

There’s a clear distinction between a good man and a high-quality man.

A good man is someone who behaves well, treats you kindly and respects you. But a high-quality man? He’s different. He goes beyond the standard expectations, he’s the one who adds something extra to your life, who makes you feel cherished and valued.

Recognizing a high-quality man isn’t always easy. It’s not about his looks or bank balance. It’s about those consistent actions, subtle signs that show he’s genuinely invested in you and your happiness.

In this article, we’ll peek into those signs that reveal you have a high-quality man in your life.

Here are 10 signals that say you’ve got a keeper (and you should never let him go).

1) He listens

In a world where everyone wants to be heard, finding someone who genuinely listens is like finding a needle in a haystack.

A high-quality man values your words. He doesn’t just hear you; he listens. He pays attention to your needs, your interests, and most importantly, your feelings. He’s not just waiting for his turn to speak; he’s genuinely interested in understanding you better.

Listening is more than just being silent when the other person talks. It’s about empathy, understanding, and validating the other person’s perspective. And that’s precisely what a high-quality man does.

When he listens to you, he isn’t just gathering information; he’s showing you that he values your thoughts and respects your opinions.

In essence, when you have a man who listens, you have someone special. This is one of the key signs that you should never let him go.

2) He supports your dreams

I’ve always been a dreamer. Whether it was starting my own business or traveling the world, I had grand visions for my future. But not every man I’ve dated has been supportive of those dreams.

But then there’s Jake. Jake is different. Instead of rolling his eyes or dismissing my ideas as impractical, he encourages me. When I shared my dream of starting a bakery, he didn’t laugh it off or tell me to get a “real job”. Instead, he started researching business plans and looking for potential shop locations with me.

He doesn’t just give lip service to supporting my dreams either; he takes concrete actions to help me achieve them. He’s my biggest cheerleader, always there to lift me up when things get tough.

Having such a supportive partner in my life has made all the difference. I feel empowered, knowing that he believes in me and my dreams, as wild as they may sometimes be.

If you have a man like Jake in your life who supports your dreams and helps you chase them, never let him go. That’s a sign of a truly high-quality man.

3) He’s emotionally intelligent

Emotional intelligence is a trait that separates the men from the boys. It’s the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, as well as empathize with the emotions of others.

A high-quality man possesses a high degree of emotional intelligence. He’s in touch with his feelings and can express them in a healthy way. More importantly, he can understand your emotions and respond to them appropriately.

Emotional intelligence is so important that according to research conducted by TalentSmart, it’s the strongest predictor of performance, accounting for a full 58% of success in all types of jobs.

So, if your man can handle his emotions and yours too, hold onto him tight. His emotional intelligence not only makes him a high-quality man, but it also sets him up for success in all aspects of life.

4) He respects your individuality

In a thriving relationship, respecting each other’s individuality is crucial. A high-quality man recognizes this.

He understands that you are your own person with unique interests, passions and goals. He doesn’t try to mold you into someone you’re not, nor does he feel threatened by your independence.

Instead, he celebrates your individuality. He encourages you to pursue your interests, to have your own friends, and to carve out time for yourself.

A man who respects your individuality is a man who respects you as a whole. If you’ve found a man like this, it’s a sure sign that you’ve got a high-quality partner by your side.

5) He communicates effectively

Communication is the backbone of any relationship. It’s how we express our feelings, our thoughts, our wants, and our needs. Without effective communication, misunderstandings happen and issues go unresolved.

A high-quality man understands this. He doesn’t shy away from having difficult conversations nor does he bottle up his emotions. Instead, he expresses his feelings openly and honestly, even when it’s uncomfortable.

He also encourages you to express your thoughts and feelings. And when you do, he listens attentively, seeking to understand rather than simply to respond.

If your man communicates effectively, respects your voice and values your perspective, it’s a strong sign that he’s a keeper.

6) He shows you love in the little things

Love isn’t just about grand gestures and dramatic declarations. More often than not, it’s the little things that truly matter.

A high-quality man understands this. He shows his love in small, everyday actions. It might be a sweet text message in the middle of a busy day, making you breakfast on a Sunday morning, or simply holding your hand while watching a movie.

These gestures may seem insignificant, but they’re his way of saying ‘I love you’ without actually saying it. They show that he cares about your happiness and well-being.

If you’re with a man who makes you feel loved in the simplest, most heartfelt ways, cherish him. It’s a sure sign that he’s a high-quality man.

7) He’s patient with your flaws

I’ve never been good at time management. I tend to run late, lose track of time, and sometimes forget important dates. It’s a flaw I’ve been working on, but progress is slow.

In my past relationships, this has caused friction. Exes have gotten frustrated, even angry with me. But with Alex, it’s different.

He understands that it’s a part of who I am and instead of getting upset, he helps me get better. He gently reminds me of upcoming events and encourages me to set alarms for important tasks. He’s patient with me, even when my tardiness affects him.

His patience doesn’t mean he lets me off the hook easily. Instead, it means he provides the support I need to improve myself without making me feel inadequate or unloved.

A man who is patient with your flaws, who loves you despite them and helps you overcome them is truly a high-quality man. If you’ve found such a man in your life, don’t let him go.

8) He challenges you

It might seem strange, but a man who challenges you is showing his love in a unique way.

A high-quality man doesn’t always agree with you or let you have your way. Instead, he challenges your thoughts and opinions, sparking healthy debates and intellectual conversations.

He does this not to belittle you, but to make you think, to help you grow. He believes in your potential and pushes you to be the best version of yourself.

It’s not always comfortable, but it’s definitely beneficial. If your man challenges you in a supportive and respectful way, it’s a clear sign that he’s a high-quality man.

9) He values your relationship

A high-quality man knows the importance of a healthy, fulfilling relationship. He doesn’t take it for granted or treat it lightly.

Instead, he invests time and energy into nurturing it. He’s there when you need him, he makes compromises, and he works diligently to resolve conflicts. He’s not afraid of commitment and he takes his responsibilities seriously.

He does all this because he values what you have together. He sees your relationship as something precious, something worth protecting and fighting for.

If you have a man who treats your relationship with such importance, it’s an unmistakable sign that he’s a high-quality man.

10) He makes you feel loved

At the end of the day, the most significant sign of a high-quality man is how he makes you feel.

He makes you feel loved, cherished, and valued. He makes you feel secure and safe. He makes you feel like the most important person in his world.

His actions, his words, his entire demeanor radiates love and respect towards you. And it’s not just about saying ‘I love you’, it’s about proving it in every little thing he does.

If you have a man who makes you feel loved every single day, hold onto him. He’s not just a good man; he’s a high-quality man.


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